
Men in Black!

It was already past nine o'clock p.m when Lolita made it back home with her human baggage strapped to her back on her motorcycle.

Thankfully, the whole town was indoors, as everyone was yet to recover from a bear attack on some residents which occurred the previous night.

As a result, everyone went indoors immediately after the sunset.

It was this same reason that Lolita met many town folks along her way to the Hardwood forest.

Smallville as the name sounds may seem like a small town, however, it is not so.

It is a town of about fifty-thousand residents.

The town may not be as busy or fancy as the big towns, but it is not so lacking in the things all the big towns could boast of.

There are a number of hospitals, schools from all levels to tertiary, banks, various recreational centers, a police station, and many more.

The incident that got the residents all worked up, occurred the previous day, when a wounded bear rushed into the town, vandalized properties, and injured two police officers who took it upon themselves to help the residents to safety.

It took the timely intervention of an unknown archer who shot the bear with a tranquilizer to knock it out. Calm was restored, but fear still exists in the hearts of everyone.

Luckily for Lolita, the incident saved her from a lot of explaining if she had happened to be spotted by her neighbors.

Lolita alighted from her motorcycle and carried Gavin to her room, while he was still strapped to her back.

Laying him on the bed, Lolita removed the improvised bandage and cleaned his whole body with warm water, and then proceeded to dress his wounds.

Afterwards, Lolita stitched every wound with so much precision that Gavin kept wondering where this she-wolf came from.

She couldn't be a doctor, as she looked no less than seventeen. What was she doing in the woods at that time anyway?

After everything was done, Lolita used a proper bandage this time around and gave him more drugs for the poison.

She gave Gavin drugs that no one could recognize, as they were all the creations that she normally uses for the wounded wolves of Hardwood forest.

"Alright, stranger! I know you can hear me...So I've pretty much-taken care of your poison, but when you get back..." She then listed a few herbs for him to brew so that the after-effects of the poison could be cleansed from his system.

Afterwards, Lolita waited patiently for Gavin's help to arrive after feeding him a cup of water, albeit with so much difficulty.

As she sat down to take a breather, Lolita felt so thankful that her grandmother was currently sleeping in her room downstairs.

There would be no need for any long explanations because she didn't even know the details herself, nor did she bother to know.

After all, curiosity killed the cat.

Regaining a bit of strength, Gavin trailed his weak vision at the petite figure before him.

She is undoubtedly the most beautiful she-wolf he had ever seen thus far.

Her dark waterlike hair flows freely beyond her shoulders, with beautiful green eyes and a pointed nose that adorns her beautiful face.

The most noticeable feature that Gavin had to use a lot of self-control to avert his eyes, happens to be her beautiful pink lips.

He started thinking about certain things that no sick person should ever dream of.

Everything about her looks so natural, no thick make-up, no lipstick, absolutely nothing artificial.

The lolly before him was such a beauty that Gavin felt he needed to make her his, as soon as possible.

He was suddenly possessive of the savior whose name he doesn't even know yet.

There was complete silence in the room, but the two individuals were lost in a trail of their own thoughts.

Suddenly, Lolita felt a burning gaze on her and lifted her head from her phone to hold the gaze of the injured young man she had just saved.

She felt relief wash over her whole body the moment her eyes met his deep blue eyes.

With a beautiful smile adorning her pretty face, Lolita says "glad you came around! I'm Lolly by the way"

Gavin stared at her for a brief moment before saying "Gavin!...Thank you"

Lolita stood to one side and said "My pleasure Gavin...I guess your escort is almost here!"

She said so because she could hear people approaching from afar, and so could Gavin.

Before they could knock on the door, Lolita opened it to meet a group of men dressed in all black, with some weird masks covering their faces.

She looked them up and down when the leader suddenly stepped forward and spoke politely, "Hello! I'm Wesley! We are friends of Gavin's.

Gavin mind-linked Wesley before his arrival, and he was sure his boss was lying somewhere in the room.

However, the only thing separating them is a harmless petite she-wolf who looks extremely weak, but he knows better than to defy the Alpha by forcing his way in.

Lolita gave Wesley a once over before stepping aside with a nod while saying, "the rest of you may want to wait out here."

She wouldn't want the room packed with too many black-clothed men who could end up scaring her grandmother shitless.

Wesley walked in with Ortiz, and Lolita closed the door behind them.

"Come with me," says Lolita, as she leads the way to her room.

When Wesley and Ortiz saw their Alpha wrapped in bandages all over his body, they halted their steps and turned to look at Lolita at the same time.

Then, with a deep bow, the two said "thank you, miss! The Dark-Dawn pack will forever remember your kindness"

"What...Dark-Dawn...pack?" Lolita looked between the two and Gavin with questioning eyes, but no one spoke afterwards.

Wesley and Ortiz took in a deep gulp as they realized they just spoke out of turn.

Both looked worriedly at Alpha Gavin and were confused about what met their eyes. "Is Alpha Gavin really smiling?"

Maybe they saw wrong!
