
The Misfits and Troublemakers of the Girls’ Dimensional Group(DROPPED)

I was just your average unemployed young man in the harsh, unfair world we live in, also known as ‘society’. I never thought of myself as special. After all, I wasn’t special. I had two eyes, a nose and a mouth like an average human, I slaved for money like a brainless zombie like an average human, and I don’t understand the first thing about women like an average human. The last one’s especially important, since something that doesn’t happen to an average human happened to me. ((Congratulations! You have been invited to the [Girls’ Dimensional Group]! Accept?)) Can I refuse? ((No.)) Then why even ask? ((Idk, ask the Author.)) ???

Azerial_0 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
34 Chs


"You have no control over your magic, not to mention the lack of Ethernano. And with actual Devils in the room, although they are different from the Demons in Fairy Tail, you might hurt them by accident."

Kuroneko nodded disappointedly while Irene-chan chuckled.

"Since we're staying here for three days, I might as well help you train. There isn't too much difference between Dragon Slayers and Devil Slayers anyway."

Right, Irene-chan is the Sage Dragon Slayer. Though she primarily uses Enchantment magic as she dislikes using anything related to dragons, making her recall her past, she is after all one of the founders of Dragon Slayer Magic, who had seen humans learn magic from Dragons to slay Dragons with her own two eyes.

"Then, what about the next one?"

Kuroneko opened the second gift box too, but it seems her luck had run out.

"3,000 Points? Well, that's good, I guess?"

None of us really knew the value of points, so it was quite hard to judge.

"Well, guess I'll go next."

Irene-chan swiped the screen of her smartphone and accepted her rewards, 2,000 Points and 2 gift boxes.

"The first gift box…"

As the reward appeared on the screen, Irene-chan blinked.

"5,000 Points? Well, that's a bummer."

Shaking her head, she opened the next one.

"'Thou shalt not die'? That's a unique name…"

My eyes flashed as I recalled what the ability was.

It seems Kuroneko recalled it too, as she spoke right after.

"It's a pretty good ability, although it has some restrictions. But these restrictions are also quite easy to bypass."

Irene-chan curiously opened the description.

[Thou Shalt Not Die allows the user to heal all kinds of physical external injuries or any kind for themselves and others with the one condition that they must have near fatal injuries. Therefore, in order for their ability to be used, the target must be injured enough to be half-dead.]

"Uh…well, that's a unique power, I suppose."

"Half dead…so that means if I want to heal someone, I first need to beat them, half to death? I can work with that."

Irene-chan grins, making Kuroneko shudder. Right, she will be training with Irene-chan, and Devil Slayers have to train their bodies too.

Don't die, Kuroneko.

"I'll go next then."

Tsunade-chan opened her rewards next, but what appeared…

((Congratulations! You have obtained [3,000 Points].))

((Congratulations! You have obtained [4,000 Points].))



The girls looked at her speechlessly, and even I couldn't help but be amazed at how horrifyingly low her luck was. Although her sum of 7,000 Points was quite a lot, especially combined with the 2,000 Point reward, making her balance reach 9,000 Points, it was obvious Points were the least valued reward that could come out of the gift box, after all.


And it looks like Tsunade-chan didn't expect such a result either, making her excited smile freeze.

"Uh…well, guess I'll go next?"

Mikoto-chan smiled awkwardly as she opened her rewards next.

((Congratulations! You have obtained [Accelerated Thinking].))

((Congratulations! You have obtained [Intermediate Body Strengthening].))



Her splendid results only made the situation more awkward as everyone couldn't help but glance between Tsunade-chan and Mikoto-chan.

"Forget it, my luck is so bad today, what can I do?", Tsunade-chan sighed as she waved her hand, "I have the most amount of Points now anyway, who knows? There might be a casino in the Group which I can win a fortune from using these Points."

Everyone could see that despite being disappointed, Tsunade-chan genuinely believed if there was a 'Casino' app, she would really make it big.


Those who knew of her 'legend' felt rather speechless while Rias-chan chuckled softly.

"I guess I'll go next."

She collected her rewards, 2,000 Points, and 2 gift boxes.

((Congratulations! You have obtained [4D Pocket].))

((Congratulations! You have obtained [Indestructible Power Measuring Device].))


Two rays of light suddenly emerge from the smartphone, one of them turning into a rather familiar white semicircular pocket belonging to a certain raccoon robot from the future, and the other turning into a huge machine that fell onto the floor.


Everyone present looked at what appeared to be a sci-fi punching machine in surprise.

"Well, I guess now we know how physical rewards appear."

Kaguya-chan said as Irene-chan nodded.

"Looks like we'll have to prepare some storage equipment in the future. If something larger and more massive appears, we might not be able to take it with us."

Indeed, considering I disappeared from the hallway right before the bathroom in my house, if I reappeared with, say, a huge Gundam, it would be quite difficult to explain.

Not to mention, the house would probably collapse and put Rino in danger too.

"Speaking of, although this is empty…", Rias-chan waved around the 4D Pocket, "Looks like I can place any number of things of any size in here, as long as I can lift it up and shove it inside."

She walked to the power measuring machine and lifted it up, showcasing the physical strength of a Devil, and tried to put it inside the palm sized 4D Pocket. It was a comical scene, yet the machine bizarrely twisted and became smaller as it surprisingly disappeared into the pocket.

"And I can also bring it out…", she put her hand into the pocket, and pulled it out, with the machine appearing in a wry similar to how it disappeared into the pocket.

"Well, that's convenient I suppose."

Rias-chan nodded as she looked at the surprised Koneko-chan.

"Koneko, try to punch this machine."

Koneko-chan blinked and nodded, Ophis-chan moving away as she got up and walked towards the machine.


The petite figure packed quite the punch, as was obvious when the air trembled from the force of her blow. The machine remained unscathed and completely unmoved, however, as words and numbers appeared on the surface which she had punched.

[Physical Damage - 42]

Rias-chan looked at it for a moment before she stretched her hand towards it, a dark sphere of ominous power appearing on the palm of her hand and shooting towards the machine. Surprisingly, the sphere disappeared the moment it touched the surface, and new words and numbers appeared.

[Physical Damage - ♾]

[Energy Damage - 112]

"I see, looks like it'll differentiate on the kind of damage and calculate it using whatever algorithm. I suppose it's a good tool to use when training, to check your growth and on which aspect of your attack you lack.", Tsunade-chan said.

"And as for the infinite physical damage…I guess it means the Power of Destruction invalidates all physical defense. And only energy based defense like magic barriers or even just a layer of magic can defend against it."

Rias-chan nodded at Irene-chan's words, while Kaguya-chan attacked the machine with a ray of light.

[Physical Damage - 92,291]

[Energy Damage - 69,420]