
Chapter 3: The mirror realm

"A man must dream a long time in order to act with grandeur, and dreaming is nursed in darkness."

― Jean Genet

It took sometime for Edward to get used to this new reality of his but he accepted in fact he was a little happy. Yes his whole life he searched for something to follow. He wanted to feel the excitement some feel when they work. It was true that he had a fight with his parents for his major but later he came to know he wasn't as passionate as he thought he would be. His life was beginning to stagnate. This was the first time he truly felt he was moving. He did not know if he was moving forward but moving itself was precious.

Edward wanted to explore this place more. He tried walking and it worked he was walking but suddenly an idea came to his mind. Aren't souls supposed to be capable of not only floating but flying. He focused his mind and imagined his body moving and he succeeded it came to him naturally. For the first time in his life Edward felt like he knew the meaning of freedom . Flying in a dark space was not ideal but it did give him the sensation of freedom. He felt there was no bound around him.

After sometime Edward calmed down he got curious about the silver objects. He slowly floated to an oval shaped one. As he got near the object it abruptly changed. Its smooth surface that mysteriously shined in this ever reaching darkness slowly revealed a young lady wearing a cute lovely dress. She seemed to be in hurry. He finally understood what these objects were they were mirrors. He stretched his hand and touched the mirror's surface. As soon as Edward's hand touched the mirror it suddenly rippled. He hurriedly brought his hand back. The mirror returned to its original state. He tested it this time going through the ripple.

He appeared in a bedroom. It was his first time being in a lady's room and he was here as a ghost like entity. Suddenly it seemed a little creepy. At that thought he looked towards the oval mirror and touched it like before he could enter to the dark realm easily. He decided to call it the mirror realm.

Once again in the mirror realm Edward began to touch the mirrors one by on. He wanted to test if he could go through the mirrors again. He once again succeeded. Edward always had a thirst for knowledge and James death had turned it into an obsession. He wanted to explore every single one of these mirrors. He wanted to discover all the possibilities him being a soul and the mirror realm could offer.

He thought maybe he could interact with people across the mirrors. That would be marvelous. If he could do that it would mean He could communicate through mirrors and transport things through them. He could teleport so much he could do. At that thought Edward was for the first time motivated.