
The Millionaire's Matchmaking

BILLIONAIRE'S GAME SERIES 1 Alexander Montgomery, a billionaire who is 28 years old, was single for two years after he separated from his ex-wife four years ago. He focused all his energy on his business during those two years and decided not to look for a new partner. But, everything changed when he met Isabella Heyes at an event for single people. Her green eyes reminded him of something, but he wasn't sure what. He used his wealth and contacts to learn more about her. What started as just an interest soon became a deep liking. However, his ex-wife came back into his life, trying to ruin his growing relationship with Isabella. He had to face a hard truth that could affect their feelings for each other. Will Alexander and Isabella win in this difficult game of love, or will they face a key point where they have to decide if they should stay strong or give up?

Ms_alexa · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

Chapter 3

Fully engrossed in my studies, I devote my time to preparing for upcoming exams. With the crucial tests just days away, I diligently delve into my books, notes, and online resources within the confines of my apartment. Simultaneously, I search for job opportunities through local hiring agencies in the area.

Feeling fatigued, I massage my temples. It has been two days since I lost my job, and it feels like I have been confined to my apartment for months.

I glance at the round clock on the wall near my study area. It's already five in the afternoon, so I decide to take a break and purchase dinner from a nearby eatery.

My gaze lands on the mailbox in front of our gate. Perhaps there's another letter for Nanay Nelya. She's been receiving unknown letters, and she doesn't know where they're coming from. Since Nanay has no children and is alone in life, she assumes these letters are from friends or siblings.

When I'm in front of it, I notice it's slightly open, tempting my curiosity. I didn't plan to touch it, but I clearly see my name on it. I wonder, who could be sending something to me? Mama usually calls me on my cellphone to check in.

I take it and read it carefully. Indeed, my name is written on it, but I don't recognize where it's from.

I turn it back and find a beautifully designed envelope with an elegant script that reads "Exclusive Invitation."

I open the envelope, revealing an invitation to an upscale event hosted by a matchmaking service. My eyes widen in disbelief as I read the content. I can't believe that I, a struggling college student, have been invited to such an extravagant event. Is this a wrong send? Is there another person with the same name?

As I read through the event details and the potential benefits of attending, my initial shock transforms into skepticism. I find it hard to comprehend why they would choose me for such an exclusive opportunity. Thoughts about the potential costs, both in terms of finances and time, start to creep in, making me question if this could be some sort of scam.

Only my best friend could think about anything like this. Shena is rich, and in this situation, she should be the one receiving this, not me.

I call my best friend, hoping to find some clarity about this unexpected invitation. When she picks up, I can't help but feel a bit annoyed and, most importantly, puzzled.

"Hey, did you sign me up for some matchmaking thing?" I ask, my tone a blend of disbelief.

She doesn't immediately respond, and I feel irritation creeping in. "Oh, you got the invitation! Yeah, I thought it might be a fun opportunity for you. You deserve some excitement in your life."

I'm taken aback. "You signed me up for this? Seriously? You know I don't have time for this. I have bills to pay and exams to study for!" I can't help but raise my voice. I don't have time for this, and I don't even have anything to wear for that event. I might just embarrass myself.

My best friend chuckles, "Come on, Bella! Just give it a chance. It might be a nice break from all the stress. Who knows, you might even meet someone interesting."

"Are you kidding me, Sheena? This is not funny," I retort, trying to keep my frustration in check.

Sheena's voice comes through the phone, sounding a bit sheepish. "I know, I know. I should have asked you first. But hey, think of it as an adventure! And I already got you a ticket, so you might as well give it a shot."

I sigh, feeling torn between annoyance and curiosity. "Fine, fine. But you owe me big time for this. And what am I supposed to wear? I don't exactly have a wardrobe full of fancy dresses."

"Don't worry about that," Sheena reassures me. "I've got it covered. I'll send you some options, and we can pick something together."

I grumble but relent. "Okay, fine. But if this turns out to be a disaster, you're coming over to help me study for my exams."

Sheena laughs. "Deal! And hey, who knows, this might be the start of something great for you."

I roll my eyes but can't help but smile. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks, Sheena. I'll let you know how it goes."

"Can't wait to hear all about it!" Sheena chirps before we say our goodbyes and end the call.

My frustration transforms into a sigh of exasperation. I acknowledge that Shena had good intentions, but I can't help feeling overwhelmed by the thought of adding another commitment to my already chaotic life. However, a small part of me is also intrigued by the potential of what this event could bring.

After ending the phone call, I glance at the invitation once more, torn between my responsibilities and the allure of something new and exciting. I can't deny that my curiosity about the event is piqued.


I looked at myself in the large mirror inside Shena's condo. I was wearing a deep navy blue cocktail dress that fell just above my knees. The dress had a simple and timeless silhouette, gently hugging my figure without revealing too much. The neckline was a modest V-neck, adding a touch of femininity without being too low-cut.

The dress featured small lace accents on the sides and sleeves. The lace provided a subtle contrast against the rich navy fabric, adding texture and depth to the dress.

I paired the dress with simple yet elegant nude heels. My hair cascaded in loose waves over my shoulders, and I opted for a natural makeup look that enhanced my features.

"Beautiful! No need to put heavy makeup, You're already beautiful!" Shena complimented me.

This is the first time I'm wearing such an outfit. I usually don't participate in school events or parties, so I can say it's my first time doing this, and I'm extremely nervous.

Why did I even think of attending? It would have been fine if I didn't, but Shena insisted. I let out a massive, heavy sigh because of the nervousness I'm feeling right now. I'll be going alone since she said the invitation is only for me, and Shena won't be able to attend.

Shena peeks through the window of her condo and quickly turns to me. "Bes, your ride is here. Let's go!"

She gently pulls me and also grabs my purse placed on the chair.

"Why do you seem more excited than I am, Shena? Why don't you go instead?" I said, but she didn't even look at me as we walked down the building.

"No! That's for you, bes. Besides, there's no need for me to attend. You need it more."

We entered the elevator because Shena's condo is on the third floor. "It's okay with me if I don't attend. What will I do there? It's my first time in such an event, and I don't even have someone to accompany me."

Shena looked at me and put her hand on my shoulder. "Bes, this is an opportunity, okay? Who knows, it might be a first step for you. And besides, I know you'll make friends there even if I'm not around. No one will ignore you!" She convinced me, and I just smiled but let out a deep sigh in the end.

Sheena chuckles, clearly unfazed by my frustration. "Relax, Bella. It's just a one-time thing. And besides, I already paid for it, so you might as well enjoy it."

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "But Sheena, I don't even know what to expect. What if it's awkward or boring?"

She reassures me, "Hey, it's a matchmaking event, not a job interview. Just go, have some fun, and if it's not your thing, you can leave early."

I pause, considering her words. "I guess you have a point. Fine, I'll give it a shot. But don't expect me to be all excited about it."

Sheena laughs. "Fair enough. Just promise me you'll at least try to have a good time."

"Deal," I say, feeling a bit more resigned to the idea. "Thanks for thinking of me, even if it was a surprise."

When the elevator chimed, we quickly got out and headed outside. We approached a luxurious car, where a black-clad man was waiting outside.

"Hello sir, is Isabella Heyes the one you're picking up?" Shena took my invitation from my bag and showed it to the man. He bowed and opened the car door for me to enter.

"Take care, bes. I know you can do it. Okay? Call me when you get home," Shena said, and it was her last words before closing the car door.

Seated nervously inside the car, I rubbed my palms together to calm the butterflies that had been fluttering in my stomach. Did I make the right decision coming here? Should I turn back? But then again, it might be a missed opportunity.

I let out a secret sigh, trying to calm myself down. Whatever! It might be worth it since there's plenty of food, and I didn't spend anything, so I shouldn't be too picky.

After a few minutes, the car stopped outside the venue. It was a hotel with multiple floors, one of the most expensive in the country. I knew the hotel's name from seeing it on television and in articles. I peeked out of the window and saw a crowd of people gathered at the entrance. Almost everyone was dressed formally, and there were a few paparazzi standing outside.

I wanted to know more about the event I had been pushed into by Shena, but she didn't provide many details. She simply said it was a regular event, and although I had my doubts, I still decided to go because of the hotel's reputation. However, my curiosity remained unsatisfied as there were no other intriguing details shared with me.

The driver opened the car door, and at the same time, a wave of anxiety washed over me. Could I still turn back? It probably wouldn't be a big deal, right? But then again, it might be a waste.

"Thank you, sir," I expressed my gratitude as he helped me out of the car. He gave a formal smile and a slight bow before returning to the luxurious vehicle. I couldn't help but wonder why I needed to be picked up, especially since most attendees at such events were wealthy. Shena didn't mention anything about it, but she knew someone would pick me up. I had forgotten to ask earlier.

I took a deep breath as nervousness surged through my system, especially with a hint of embarrassment, considering the multitude of people around. I began walking towards the venue, gradually becoming aware of the numerous glances, especially from those holding cameras, making me feel even more self-conscious in this night setting.

My steps hesitated as I noticed the red carpet.

"Excuse me, you're blocking the way."

My body instinctively turned, and I glanced behind me to see who had spoken. It was a woman dressed in a sparkling red gown that hugged her figure, indicating her wealth. The gown had a tube top style, revealing her ample bosom. She carried a small red bag on her wrist, while her other hand rested on her waist.

"Tsk, first time," she said with a trace of annoyance before confidently strutting down the red carpet. I blinked and observed her poised walk. I scratched my cheek before proceeding inside the hotel.

Walking amidst the crowd, my heart refused to calm down. I was contemplating where to go, being a first-timer at such an event. I couldn't bring myself to look around, feeling as though I was being judged by everyone.

Due to my carelessness, my foot got caught at the edge of the rug. My heart danced with fear as I started to fall, but a strong hand appeared out of nowhere to catch me. My eyes widened as I met his gaze.

Is this what they mean by the world stopping? Why do I feel it now upon seeing this guy? He held me firmly, and I could feel the strength in his grip on my waist.

"Are you alright?"

His velvety low voice sent shivers down my spine; it was irresistibly deep, like a smooth melody lingering in all the right places.

We locked eyes, and for some unknown reason, my heart started to beat faster. That brown-eyed, pointed-nosed, perfectly refined jawline, and lips—was he a fictional character?

But you know what's strange? The depth of his gaze made me feel shy.

"Uh, t-thank you. I'm f-fine," I stammered, feeling my face flush.

I suddenly slapped my cheek. What are you doing, self? I hope you're okay.

He seemed surprised at my actions, but after a few seconds, he laughed gently.

"Sorry, there was a mosquito," I lied, feeling foolish.

He laughed and tightened his hold, probably to prevent me from falling again.

Smiling at me, he said, "It's quite the glamorous maze, isn't it? Takes a bit of getting used to."

His voice was so deep. If I keep acting foolish, I'd prefer tripping every minute.

Gradually, the embarrassment faded as I calmed down and felt reassured by his words.

"Sorry, I'm not used to this," I admitted, still embarrassed.

"Well, you're not alone," he chuckled softly. "Shall we navigate this maze together?"

As he stood there, my embarrassment seemed to have taken a leave, perhaps sipping a mocktail on some beach. Suddenly, I realized he was just a regular person, not a superhero with a cape. Turns out, I'm not the only one out of place here.

I looked around like a lost soul before joining him. He didn't leave me alone and promptly guided me.

As we walked side by side, I couldn't help but steal glances at him. I knew this man was wealthy, judging by his posture and aura. He was very well-built, and I could see the hidden muscles beneath his attire. I blushed at my thoughts. Wait! Why am I becoming like this? I'm only here for an hour, and then I'll be gone.

We separated earlier because several women approached him, introducing themselves. For some unknown reason, whenever our eyes met, it felt like he was being pricked by a thorn.

I just smiled at him when our eyes met, realizing he seemed quite familiar in this setting.

I noticed a waiter approaching with glasses of wine, so I took one and sipped it immediately. Let them look; I don't have time to act elegant.

Suddenly, the lights shifted to a large stage. The whole room fell silent as someone walked towards it. I craned my neck, feeling curious. I placed my wine glasses on the table and focused my gaze on the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, and potential supporters, welcome to an evening of unexpected discoveries and building relationships," the speaker began. The crowd paused in their activities, turning their attention to the man on stage.

"Tonight, we are gathered here not only to celebrate wealth but to appreciate the importance of connections that transcend boundaries. Our matchmaking service is committed to bringing together individuals in search of genuine companionship. Our objective is to create a space where people can establish meaningful relationships that enrich their lives. By carefully selecting matches, we strive to connect those who have experienced life's comforts with those who still have dreams and aspirations to fulfill."

Matchmaking service? Will they be the ones selecting the matches, or will it be up to us? But why was I invited here? Do I look like I'm searching for a sugar daddy? I wanted to facepalm; this must be what I was talking about. No wonder that woman brought up the sugar daddy topic; there's a service like this here.

I looked around, and my eyes widened. So that's why it's an exclusive event, for goodness sake! I'm surrounded by the wealthy of the country! There are even foreigners, and I recognized some from the industry.

Is matchmaking just a game to them? Are they just spending on their matches, or is there a deeper reason for all this? Is this their new game?

Suspicious! That's all I can say; this event is too suspicious.

Then, the thought of that guy crossed my mind. I felt a pang of sadness. If he's wealthy too, is he here to find a woman? I winced; are people here that desperate?