

Hi im aquata and im a mermaid ice princess and this is how my life as a mermaid all started. It began all normal it was October 31,2018 when the Halloween party was about to start and i was setting up tables with my family for the family get together even tho i was going to a party that night.

"are all the tables done mom" said aquata "yes sweetie me and your father have got the candy to hand out to the little kids as well" said the mom, thank you mom i have been waiting all month for this party" this is where my best friends come in lyla and gabby "hey girl are you ready for the best night of your life" said lyla "omg great costume you look like a real princess" said gabby "thanks girls i hand made it, it took me all week" " lets go out and party, gabby grab the keys and aquata you drive" "ok bye mom" "bye sweetheart be back before 3am" " we will"

we head out to the Halloween party, where we meet up with my boyfriend jay, he's the basketball captain "yo hey girls" said jay "hey babe"said aquata "come inside we have drinks and food" "perfect im starving" said gabby "dont eat him out of a house and home" said lyla "ugh those girls, anyways that besides the point is the pull open?" "Ya i was just about to hop in change then meet me inthe backyard" "ok" this is where it starts to go wrong "POOL PARTY" yelled aquata as she dove in.

And this i where my life as a mermaid juts started, "jay i think I'm going ti go home early, i don't fill to good" said aquata "already but you just got here 3 hours ago and its only 12:00am" said jay " i know but my head hurts, my legs fill numb and i fill like I'm spinning" "if its that bad i'll drive you home" "thanks bae"

As we were driving to my house I passed out and woke up on my living room couch with my mom, dad, and boyfriend huddling over me. "What happened and why are you all huddling over me like that" said aquata "because you passed out while i was driving you and you didn't wake up" said jay "oh ok well I'm going to take a calm and relaxing bath i will see you at the cafe tomorrow for out date" "alright bye love"

At that moment i felt so happy like i was about to explode we have been dating for 2 years and this is the first time he called me his love but i played it cool "bye, love" and this is where I discovered i had a tale.