
The Mastermind behind it all

A boy stuck in a hospital all his life, with one perfect text cancer was cured, with one email he started a world war, and with one phone call he caused a nuclear winter. As the ashes fell around his abandoned building, his emotionless eyes stared out the window as he muttered, "hm.. that wasn't as interesting as I had hoped" before his life support finally shut down, way too late to have saved humanity. By pure chance, at that moment, hell was at full capacity, so the final souls coming in were redirected for reincarnation, as one unwavering soul sped towards a large unsuspecting planet, unaware of the dangers to come...

mindmasterr · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


Diary entry star year 340, 56th moon rotation

Many of my friends told me that heroes defeat the bad guys, or that the hero is the guy that kills the demon lord. That's what I thought too, I mean a guy with great powers, has to go fight other bad powerful guy.

I don't think many people thought differently, and neither did I, until now. I'm dying, yes, me, the hero who beat the demon lord is dying. Why am I dying you ask? Well, I wish I could say that it was because I wasn't strong enough to beat the "great demon lord," but no, sadly this isn't the case.

I should never have fought the demon lord, in fact, I should've teamed up with him against a common enemy. An enemy no one knows of besides me, and whoever reads this after my death. An enemy so intimidating that I should never have gone up against him.

I can never forget those eyes, those cold emotionless eyes, oh how I wish I could, then I could at least lie to myself, telling myself that it will all be ok in the end, but I can't, all because of him.

I wonder, could I have stopped this disaster, what if I could have found this man as a child, and gave him a father figure, would things have been different?

ah.. my end is near, so I will soon lay down this quill, but before I do, I would like to leave a message to whoever is reading this. Run, if you ever see those eyes, run with all your might, and don't look back, because if you do, not even the devil can save you.

*final entry of the diary of the Great Hero*