
The Master trickster

What is a trick? A trick is a clever deception, a cunning ruse, a playful prank. But sometimes, a trick is more than that. Sometimes, a trick is a legend. A legend of a trickster god.

Lutex_Amon · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

A midnight's transmigration

In the midst of a midnight monsoon, Max, an IT technician, speeds through a rain-soaked highway in a sleek black car, the atmosphere shrouded in darkness and illuminated only by flashes of lightning. Thunder reverberates through the air as Max's vehicle races towards the middle of a bridge. Suddenly, a stone obstructs his path, causing a screech and a violent crash. Max is left dazed and in excruciating pain, his body bloody and battered against the bridge railing. As he slips into darkness, the scene abruptly shifts.

Sunshine pierces through a window, jolting Max awake. He stumbles out of bed, landing with a thud, only to find himself in a room filled with intricate designs. The sunlight reveals a transformed Max – a young man with obsidian black hair, gray-shaded eyes, and a toned physique. Bewildered, he takes in the vintage aesthetic of his surroundings, from the carved table to the intricately designed wall clock. Glancing into a silver-black mirror, he discovers his devilishly handsome appearance and realizes he has been transported to a new world.

Observing the extraordinary sights outside, Max witnesses flame-propelled air balloons, flying ships, and groups of purple and white crows against a clear, bright sky. On his balcony, Victorian buildings, lamp posts, horse-drawn carriages, and impeccably dressed people in Victorian clothing unfold before him. Overwhelmed by the surreal experience, Max regains his composure and mutters, "I have transmigarated."