
The Master's Hidden Wife

Description When darkness slowly succumbs the light, the first thing that crosses Angela's mind is terror. Scarred by her past horrors, the tormentors of her dreams, the endless agony of her voice. The now sought after surgeon only has one reason to live, and that is to find and be reunited with her mother. Not until a one faithful night, where she made a reckless decision and that is to marry the man who seems to keep her horrors away from her. Alaric was born as one of the supreme—the highest. From education, the practice, and rulings. He's above yet he was deprived of her own emotions. Not until, a one faithful night that lead to a fruit to sew for years. Three years after, will their marriage stay afloat amidst the deepest of their secrets? PROLOGUE Consecutive gunshots echoed for the nnh time already and the people inside the Museum shuddered in fear, a feeling they would never knew they would feel.  It has been 29 minutes. Angela thought, eyes locked in her wristwatch. She never curse but this time she can't help but to curse mentally. How long would we wait for a rescue? Gunshots can be heared again and again causing another wave of cries and whimpers from the people trapped inside. Suddenly, Angela's trembling hand cover's her mouth, she felt suffocated, she barely can gasped for air this time. She was frozen in her spot but she manage to move her head to look around. Where's my bag? Chest pumping hard, her right hand fell on the cold floor. Trembling, her hand tap on the floor, looking for her bag's strap. Thank goodness I was not trapped where the statues are located. Finally her fingers grip on the strap of her bag. She heard no gunshots, she move her body around slowly. Her eyes automatically spotted her red bag which contains all her reason to continue living. With her last force she could release, she pulled her bag towards her and successful pulled it but her breathing become thinner. She could not gasped for air anymore, her chest tightened around. Slowly, her sight blur until darkness swallowed her whole vision. What happened again? Was Angela's question when she woke up with a very dry throat in a white tinted ceiling, her eyes meandered around nervously. Is she at her aunts house? Few drops of tears fell from her doe green eyes. She trembled and shook her head repeatedly. I'd rather die in that Museom than be bloody rot here again. She sobs quietly, she could never imagine her fate must be if she will live in her aunt's house for the second time again. She already leave this hell! She's already grasped the feeling of being in peace and she's in the process of loving her self again. How could be a life be this cruel? Her thoughts vanished when the doorknob of the door infront twitch. She hug herself more tight, her eyes shut down and her thoughts slowly accepted the fact that she will be played again. Not just a simple play but a bloddy torture.

rinecanwrite · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs


Angela sat down tiredly as she sigh in relief. The operation went successful, the team is already booming with joy as they wait for the family to arrived.

She fell into a complete silence when her phone rang, in the screen is their mother's lawyer name. It has been a while since their lawyer called, their lawyer has been updating her since then, only updating her. Her younger sister, who is anonymous to her is the one handling their mother's case.

Her sister is a daughter of her mother's live in partner before. Angela is really not sure if she is her mother's first child or the woman is not related to them at all. She hasn't even seen her since all she knew is that she's living very well in another country but with the things going on with their family, she can tell this sister have no ulterior motives or intention to harm her.

Another sigh came out from her mouth before she stand up to take the call in a quite place.

"Mr. Sy, it sure has been a while...."

THE NIGHT is still young, Angela move at the edge of her bed to glance at the clock on the side table. It has been 20 minutes, no missed calls on her phone, he's not home yet?

Whenever its Monday, her husband often don't spend the night on their room, he's not home every Monday and Thursday. Her husband explained that he has other business to rule and is far away. She don't really question him at all, especially when it comes to that business. She doesn't doubt his fidelity either, they had been living on a same roof years for two years. She knew her husband very well.

Biting her lower lips, she roll out of the mattress. Her hair fell into her shoulder, she walk quietly until she reached the closet. She bend over to get her luggage out. Tomorrow is not really their departures date but she's already homesick.

She wants to go home as soon as possible. The air in the room is not the same as the air she used to breath. It is also very cold, she bent down on her knees and started to pack her things.

Lost in her thought, she didn't heard the knock on the door, she only notice it when the knock grew louder. She purse her lips as she stand lazily to open it.

Dr. Kelsey, one of the doctor in the team was standing before her with a worried look. She looks like she was about to pass out. She was tensed and Angela could this was not a very good news.

"Calm down, tell me what happened."

Angela was now very worried when she thought of Xiao, has anything happened to her? It can't be.

"X-Xiao...Xiao was not on her bed! She has been missing for 4 hours now!"

Angela gripped at the doorknob for support, her heart is beating faster. But she was more than trained to be calm at all times, her eyes fell on Kelsey's trembling hand.

"What do you mean missing? Have they check the CCTV's? Does the family already knew this?"

Angela was the first to be back at the villa to rest after they finished talking to the family, the rest went to celebrate.

"T-They do, the President is very angry he needs to be injected just to calm down. Though no one dares to bring it, we believe their child is... kidnap..."

Knowing how cruel the line of work their family has, even their child is a threat to everyone. Is this kidnapping for ransom?

Soon the villa is under lockdown. No one can go out and enter. Each will be investigated as this concerned everyone. Angela was pacing back in fort in her room now, she couldn't get a hold of Alaric. Their gadgets were all confiscated, inshort all communication with outside people are completely banned.

Angela was praying and begging to all saints for Xiao's safety and return. Xiao is still very fragile, that child. Please protect that child.

She couldn't help but feel resentment towards Xiao's parents.

Angela glance around. The room is cold, it feels like it suffocates her not just because of the atmosphere but because of the resemblance of it on the basement. The short white ceiling almost made her feel as she was being trapped.

She opened the television against her will. It just that, its so quite... she kinda hate this type of silence. As expected, no news about the President's daughter being missing reported. She wondered how long are they going to hide it from the public when everyone know's the President's life is like an open book.

How long 'till the predators eyes find out that such thing happened? How long till the media finds out the President of China's daughter was seriously ill? and now went missing?

This life is cruel, she hope not as cruel as the after life. For now, perhaps it is not for those monsters alive but when they will finally meet their last judgements?

Angela brush her hands against the cold mattress, her eyes landed on the faded bruises on her wrists. This was 5 years ago, she think.

All bruises were 97% healed. A faint laugh escape from her mouth. Who cares if they will fade or stay on her body forever?

ANGELA didn't noticed she fell asleep only to realize when a knock woke her up. It was not a deep slumber so the moment she heard footsteps coming closer, her mind is already awake.

She waited until it stops. She rolled from the sleeves until her feet touches the carpeted floor. She woke slowly towards the door and peck at the hole, when she confirmed there was no one outside does she finally open it.

She pick up the small bed table containing her dinner and some unnecessary stuff. She walk over to her bed and carefuly positioned the table.

She began eating silently. Alaric, how is he? what is he thinking right now? how can she contact him at this point?