
The Mass Murder System

Morals? What are those? Don’t know? Neither does our main character, Jake Lesser, you see before he was transmigrated, Jake did not have.. what you would call a “peaceful” life. Not that any of our lives are truly peaceful, anyway. If you like cold blooded and merciless main characters, you’ll enjoy this. Oh and, he does not care about anyone or anything, soooo dont expect anything besides apathy.

RomesWRLD · แอคชั่น
1 Chs

Well hello there, Mike.

"Uggghh.. My head.."

Jake groaned in pain, his vision was blurry and and the smell of iron flooded into his nose.

Countless yells and screams were heard and then it all went blank, it was pure and utter silence. Thats when he knew, death had taken his due, and he would probably be going to hell.

"Well.. Its not so bad.. Atleast I wont have to live in this fucked up world with fucked up people anymore.."

At least thats what he had assumed when he saw the silent black void that he was in. But then, a white grey orb with specks of red appeared, it quickly started to expand.

The orb expanded until it was at least 6 feet tall and wide, it then started to vibrate. Sections of the orb started to twist and turn, weird patterns and bumps appeared.

"The hell is this thing? Is it another soul? I guess I'm not alone.."

This process lasted.. well, not even I know how long it lasted and I'm writing this, heh. Anyway, the strange process soon ceased completely, and all of the abnormalities of the orb disappeared.

Jakes mouth was agape.. wait does he even have a mouth? Im not entirely sure.. but if he did, his mouth would be in an 'O' shape and his expression would be full of confusion.

"What the…"

Before his sentence.. or thought, finished the orb quickly started to shrink. It condensed into the body of a muscular man. This person looked extremely domineering with a variety of tattoos.

He was not large like a giant, he was skinny-ish and he stood at 6'8. The man had a large sword, that looked as if it was a Bowie Knife, but a longer.. Sword Version..

It had an aura that would make ones entire body grow stiff and cold, and their vitality would also deteriorate. Just being near this man was making Jake feel as if he could not breathe.

Suddenly the man spoke in an extremely deep and sinister voice. Simply listening would make a faint hearted person die on the spot.

However, Jake was quite strong willed. So he was able to resist the many debuffs this man would release.

"Do you want absolute power? Do you want to kill as you please? Do you want to relish the sight of countless dead?"

The mans words had shocked Jake, he was a bit confused by them. Mostly because he had assumed this man would be deciding his destination.

"Im confused aren't you supposed to take me to hell or something?"

The man looked at Jake as if he was stupid, and suddenly started shaking violently. If you saw him you could immediately tell, he was suppressing laughter..!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Boy! Do you really think that, I, the great entity known by all as [Slaughter] would do such a menial task?"

Jake raised his eyebrows at the mans words, he had an inkling about what was happening now. This was mainly because he was an avid reader of novels, so he could naturally guess the situation.

"Wait so, is this some kind of like, Inheritance or something?"

The man stared at Jake blankly for a second, then a wide grin appeared on his face.


Jake immediately had many questions so he asked;

Jake: What are the benefits.

Slaughter: Strength, Cool Powers, No Karma after killing people, uh, going to another world?

Jake: Hmm, that sounds good but what are the cons.

Slaughter: *sigh* Well, for one thing your not allowed to go to Heaven. Another thing is that some people in Heaven will hate you, and they will often send angels to try to kill you. And…

After hours of explaining the cons to Jake, Slaughter eventually asked him the question one last time.

"So. This is your last chance, do you accept?"

After some contemplation, he asked one more question.

"So pretty much my only purpose is to kill people to satisfy the balance of life and death. And most of the righteous people in heaven will be dissatisfied by me, since I'm just killing people. But at the same time the higher-ups in heaven don't care since its necessary to ensure balance."

He took a breath and continued.

"And also, I actually CAN go to heaven, its just that when I'm standing before the gates to be judged of whether im worthy they probably wont let me cross. And let me guess, this job is eternal and I can never stop doing it. And if I die, my entire existence is erased and Im replaced with noone ever knowing.

Slaughter's previous high and mighty demeanor was instantly crushed. He looked at Jake with a shocked expression, and in a surprised voice he asked.

"Holy crap your a smart one aren't you? Your IQ must be like 300! Im glad your smart since It would be too boring trapping another dumbass with the contract."

He snapped his fingers and a paper and pen appeared. They were permeating with black flames and the paper held red glowing letters.

"Hm, I agree on one condition."

Slaughter raised an eyebrow and then a grin appeared on his face again.

"Name it, I'll let you have one freebie since you saw through me."

Jake instantly smiled, in his mind however he was sneering. However if you looked closely his eyes had changed, they held an unfathomable dominance.

'Fool. I'm about to con the shit out of you.'

"I want…"

Again, Slaughter's eyebrows raised and a shocked expression appeared on his face. Cold sweat actually appeared on his forehead and he stared at Jake like a monster.

"H-how do you know about that?! No mortal should know of divine secrets! Especially not THAT! Who are you?!"

Jake walked up to the contract and and grabbed the pen, and before Slaughter could react he signed it.

The contract started to glow and it engulfed

Jake, he disappeared from the spot leaving Slaughter standing there. He was breathing extremely hard, in fact his eyes were red, and his aura was filled with rage and shock.


But then, space started to distort, and slaughter disappeared.

Meanwhile, a man with extremely good looks walked across the side-walk scrolling through his phone. He was sipping an Iced Mocha from starbucks, while humming to himself.

This man was none other than Jake Lesser, he had successfully transmigrated, and even directly created a body for himself.

Hoe you may wonder? Well this was due to his wish..

He wished for an item that was meant to be destroyed long ago.. The [Divine Wish Lamp] wish contained three absolute wishes with no restrictions. Once the wishes were used (similar to the dragon balls) the lamp would vanish. Only to appear in a random location in a different reality plane..

As of how he knew it existed, heh, I'm not allowed to tell you that yet *smirk*.

As Jake was walking, a man brushed passed him which made him stop immediately. He turned around and flashed a terrifying grin, and said.

"Well hello there, Mike."