
The masked villain

(Notice: https://www.freepik.com/free-ai-image/front-view-ninja-wearing-equipment_81008399.htm#query=Anime%20mask&position=33&from_view=search&track=ais_ai_generated&uuid=74084325-2e20-4f1f-aebf-7db7782653ef Book cover image source) Our MC lives in a world where there are monster, dark creature, magic, demi-human etc exists. He is a child who lives in the back street along with his friend, one day one of his friend died. Which changed his mind and decided to become a villain to protect the things which hold dear to him

jpar_123 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

After the battle

Black doesn't know how to tell others.

"...Come with me"

( Black toone was rather odd and sad, he didn't even look at yellow or other while answering)

Every one followed black, they begin to move towards the east of the city, the kids have already heard adult talking that the corps would be burned in the east side, their mind begin to fill with anixity the more they get close to the east side on top of that black silent was adding fuel to there thoughts.

They reached the east side,all the deceased people's crops were kept there , people were crying before their loved once crops. some had lost their child, some lost their parents, grandparents, some lost everyone. The only thing they thought that brown won't be there among those corps would he, Even thought they knew about what might have happened but didn't say anything hoping that some how, just some how brown would be ok and walked in complete silence.black stoped in one of the crops fully cover from head to toe, the size of that crops was that of kid. Black ate his saliva and said " ....look brown, I brought everyone they are all fine thanks to you" black couldn't hold his tears and began to cry as did others for they have lost yet another friend, another family member...

With the help of knights and priests, the farewell of the deceased took place around 11:30 am. After saying their farewell to brown they got back to a tant. The knight had established various tant set-up for the people to stay.

They already had so little to eat, barely filling there protein need on top of that all the running and all had exhausted them beyond the point that they didn't even know when they feel asleep until one of the knight enter the tent and wake up them up to notify them about the emergency food distribution center, around 2 pm.

Green and silver were the ones who got awakened by the knight's voice first and woke up everyone else. They began to move towards the food distribution center. People were standing in line for the food.

 The priest was conducting a survey at the food center.

One of the priests moved towards Black's group and asked some questions like "where are your parents/ guardians? Do you have a place to live?, etc."

Yellow and black replied as

"We don't have parents, as for the place it got destroyed"

(The prist face became said )

" Please stay in the tent number 15, there are other kids there as well once the situation becomes better you would be shifted to one of the orphanages in the centre "

( The kids move their head in agreement)

{Note:With red and brown gone there group were as follows

red (elfe) [decreased]

Brown( human/ Fairie) [deceased]

 purple( human),

white( human)

 green( elfe)

 black(human/ half demon)

silver (demi- human fox )

 Yellow ( human/ half-dragon). }

On the way back after eating food the kids were peeking on an conversation of adults to know how all this happened, some said dark cult were behind it while some said that it was gods punishment, etc. among them someone talked about miss. Saya and other knights about how they saved them and killed the deathfire king

" had she been more late, who knows how many more people would have died"

 while hearing this another bypasser shouted

" It is true that she saved us but if the noble had just let us inside the gate than many more could have been saved, it's those dam noble faults trying to save their skin while sacrificing us commoners life,

My wife... I lost my wife and children because of them"

Hearing that the kids began to think that " if...the noble had just let us in, would brown had not died...???, ya... That must be it, if the gate was open then we wouldn't have gone to the 8th gate and brown wouldn't have died" who would have thought that this line would be their life changer


In Black's mind-((Nobles have power, authority but they misuse it for their own good, living under powerful people would only get us killed. We need power!!!! .....Ya if we had power we won't have to starve nor be used as dead meat we would all live happily )). Like that black also decided to average brown by killing all the noble who were present that day


Hearing that the atmosphere changed quickly from sorrow to anger. People who lost their loved ones began to go against their lord,in a span of week people protested that he should be killed for what he had done.

The protesters quantity was increasing day by day,

Once the king got information about the battle, their current situation, death etc from the knights.

The king ordered Miss. Saya to bring the snāw city lord (vice-count)

Heli .R. inder to be presented before the court.

This notice somehow manages to claim down the people as they know the king would punish him properly.

After 3-4 months the king announced public execution of the count.

During that period black told his group about what he thought about brown revenge/ power etc.The others agreed without any objection

There was no quick way to acquire power that is if you only look at a good way. They wanted power to revenge, to protect themself, they decided to become a mercenary for that without any leaps of time they began to train themself night after night.

After the count execution we were moved to an orphanage near the central capital of empire. The orphanage was big along with the garden on the outmost side of the city. There were many kids like us. For the first day of our arrival we didn't do much just moving and getting familiar with the surroundings by the head teacher order, our stay at orphanage was 100th times better than before but they didn't forget their objective.

Like that 10 years passed, The kids were now

purple( human) 17 years, fire and ice mage,

white( human)16 years, healer and light mage,

 green( elfe) 18years, land and water mage,

 black(human/ half demon) 18 years, all element mage and sword master,

silver (demi- human fox )16 years, beast control and super physical power,

 Yellow ( human/ half-dragon) 18 years.

Fire mage and sword master.

All of us were adopted by different family, most of us were adopted into comerner family, while only white and myself were adopted into Nobel family. Over this ten years we used to communicate with each other through telepathy. Since all of us are adult now( +15 years is considered adulthood),we have permission to travel by our self.

We decided to meet back at snāw city on the upcoming new year...