
Read before starting this fanfic.

My fanfic has mostly gotten good reviews And I've mostly gotten good feedback as well which makes me happy.

But the criticism is almost always the same so I will address it here.

So let's make something clear, I'm not following the story of any specific movie, cartoon or comic. This is my own story line that is in spider by a bit of everything. You'll see scenes that are heavily inspired by something familiar and you'll see some things that are completely unfamiliar.

Someone complained that Spiderman only got his abilities because his parents experimented on him.

And another one complained that only Peter and the other chosen ones can have it, because there is a super spider lady controlling things behind the scenes.

And then there's me who made anyone who got bit by the spider receive spiderman abilities. Its all canon, it's all right. it's all true. all of these are different versions of spiderman.

In some versions, the spider is the product of magic, and in some versions, a super serum. And in some, it's just a radioactive spider. all of it is true.

So read with an open mind or you can just not read. I'm not forcing any body. infact. From the very beginning, the 3 first chapters I wrote, I did it 1-2 years ago, and released it just for fun. I got positive comments so I continued after my working hours. I wrote like 17 chapters in 3-4 days.

So stop with the "Superman has a bio electrical aura that allows his flight and protects his clothes blablabla"

Yes and No, you're right and you're wrong, in some version he has, in others he doesn't, the mainstream superman doesn't according to fandom, Here's an exact copy of what it says:

"Flight: Superman is able to manipulate graviton particles to defy the forces of gravity and achieve flight. This ranges from hovering to moving in any posture, in any direction. He capable of flying at above supersonic and hypersonic speeds.[139]"


Another fandom site said this:

"Flight – The ability to naturally defy and operate independently of gravity and propel himself through the air at will. Originally, he only had the power to jump great distances, as stated by the 1940s Superman cartoons ("Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound"). Has ranged from simply being able to jump great distances using his vast strength, to beginning in late 1941 being able to accelerate, float in midair, and change direction while traveling. Later he became able to traverse interstellar distances without stopping. Lex Luthor once theorized that Superman had to stem from a gigantic planet with enormous gravity, where his species had developed natural anti-gravity organs to be able to function; on Earth, this would allow him to control his own gravimetric field in order to fly.[1]"


Even freaking britannica said this about superman:

"On his birth planet, Krypton, gravity was much stronger than it is on Earth, so Kryptonians developed a physique that could resist its pull. When he's on Earth, Superman's physique can defy the planet's weaker pull easily, and that ability, enhanced by solar energy, allows him to fly."


These are all the mainstream Supermans ability to fly. Only in some versions did he have the bio electrical aura, and he won't have it in this fanfic so if that is a deal breaker, then 👋👋👋

the reason I made this is because I wasn't clear from the begining with which verison I'm going with so everybody had their ideas thinking I made errors about the cannon, I didn't. I've mostly receive good reviews but felt that it is necessary to write this before you read so you don't waste your time.

If you don't care about such things and just want to read a superman fanfic then please do read, it would make me happy to have lots of people read and enjoy my work 😊