
Extra: 29: The one that got away

Before you read this, At first I was just thinking of making this as a prank chapter...But somehow I got too into it and now I wrote a whole chapter.

This isn't a real chapter however if you want to read it go ahead, but do it after chapter 28 so you don't get spoiled... I found this chapter quite hilarious even though I wrote It.


After everyone was transported away with a helicopter, superman also started flying away, slowly, enjoying the weather and peace of earth.

But he stopped suddenly and looked back. He heard something appear in the Canyon, even though he was very far away.

He used his super vision, and He saw that a door had appeared from nowhere. Out of it came three people, all having green cone-like masks, and black robes with green clouds on them.

The first one out the door had a black number on his mask, "1" it said. Then the two others had numbers "6"and number "38"

"Is there anyone nearby, number 6?

"No, chief-in-command" Number 6 said, absolutely focused on her task. It's not often they go out for research, but when they do, they have to be very careful and plan everything carefully.

"I don't sense anyone either." Number 38 confirmed.

"Good, find any clues, anything the Aliens might have dropped, if there is an atom of DNA Left, we must find it." The chief in command, number One said.

"10 minutes each, don't leave any evidence of our existence, the world is not yet to know about us."

The chief in commander sounded very solemn as he said that.

"Yes, Sir!" Both of them said as they flashed away.

Superman stayed where he was, he wanted to know who these are, and what they wanted. But... at the same time he also had a gut feeling that he really will regret finding out.

10 minutes later the three regrouped, each having a bag with them, it seemed filled with things.

"Let's go!" The first in command raised his hand, and suddenly a door appeared In front of them.

"First-in-command, Why didn't the second in command come with us?"

"All of us, five elders have our own missions and things to take care of, in preparation, for when we welcome our great leader, Number ZERO!" The Chief commander said in excitement.

"Only then, will the world know our names... the FORG..." Number 6 said as they walked through the door.

Fortunately, Superman couldn't hear what they said as the door closed and then disappeared.

'Nope, not doing that. Not involving myself in that! Superman thought as he flew away pretending not to have seen anything,

'I should have left as soon as I saw those masks!' Superman regretted very much, the fact that he stayed here.

After Kevin arrived at his apartment, he took a shower, and changed.

He was ready to just rest for the rest of the day, read or maybe work on a new book. His body wasn't tired, but what he had found out just 10 minutes earlier was mentally draining.

"Dad... Mom... why do you guys always have to be so extra, Hopefully things won't go out of hand." Kevin whispered to himself.

In Branchville, under the Mayor's office, there was a secret basement, Where 35 FORGERS stood in a circle, around a table. All of them had a number on their masks, the only ones missing were number 1, 6 and 38.

Suddenly, a door appeared from nowhere, and out of it came, the very numbers that were missing.

"WELCOME BACK CHIEF-IN-COMMANDER!" all 35 members that were already at the forcera base exclaimed.

"Oh, number two you already arrived, good, let's start!" Number one said, as the three took their places around the round table.

"Sir, Xavier tried to get in contact with you again. Should we ignore him as usual?" Number three said in a feminine voice.

"Mama Mia, that abaldy, better not amess with da FURGERS!" Number four commented.

"That man doesn't understand, he's so small minded. There's only one way for the world to live in harmony, to reach world peace." Number one said with barely any emotions.

"Hmph, X-Men? Rather, Dumb-men." Number 2 huffed, thinking about those fools with low ambitions and ideals.

Suddenly all of the FORGERS chanted in total sync, as if they had done this a thousand times.

"The day and age will come

Whether you're smart or dumb"

"When all hands of the world are united

Whether you are human, alien or mutated"

"We the FORGERS Shall abstain from,

All evil, for the best outcome"

"To eliminate all Segregation and hatred

We shall fight, until the day we are dead"

"I swear by my life,

parents, children, husband and wife,"

"And I swear, by the oath of the stars."

"And by the oath of the moon."

"And by the oath of Mars".

"And by the oath of my own doom"

"And By the oath of the green skin"

"And by the oath of the spaceships tune"

"That I'll search for the alien kin"

"From Hong Kong to Berlin"

"As the Chief of FORGERS, I hereby, commence plan ZERO!"

"Number 25, do your thing and number 33, make sure everyone understands." The second in command, number 2 said.

"Yes Mam!" both of them saluted.

As Kevin laid on his bed, suddenly his tv and radio were turned on by itself. The screen was distorted and had the dirty screen effect. The sound cracking slightly.

"You are not alone." A voice said, as a man in green mask appeared on the Tv. He had a black robe with green clouds on it.

Beside him stood another man in identical clothing, taller and slightly buffer. He had the number 0 on his mask.

In fact, all around the globe, the tv and phone screens had the same thing happening. Except that each place heard the message in their own language.

"I have journeyed across the oceans and land, to see all kinds of life. For some time, our world has sheltered intergalactic beings. I request that you receive this message with an open mind.

For reasons unknown, the government has chosen to keep their existence a secret from you.

They are called the skrulls, aliens that have the ability to shape shift, and they have made efforts to blend in. They look like you, but they are not one of you. To those of you who may know of their current identities: the fate of our planet rests in your hands. Spread the message, to the corners of this world, Aliens, Mutants and humans have walked this earth side by side, without knowing, and without hatred. It is time, for us to learn, and accept each other for who we are. Humans, aliens, and mutants of earth, soon my organization will send out a signal, to the ends of the universe, that earth is open for visiting, we shall become an intergalactic tourist spot! Eternally erasing our hatred and racism towards each other!

Our new leader, shall command us, and lead us towards prosperity. I welcome you, oh great Alien."

Then Number ZERO beside number ones stepped forward and took off his mask.


"My name is Thor, You might know me as the prince of Asgard, or as one of Earth's mightiest heroes, an Avenger!" He said as he picked up a paper and read from it.

"To the government, I say this: Make efforts to make peace with all the mutants and aliens, within the coming years, or watch this world suffer the consequences."

Then all the tvs and radios turned off.

"FIND THESE.. FORGERS!!!!" The top military personnel shouted at his underlings.

"Who are these people and why haven't I gotten any information about them?" The president asked his advisors.

"Maybe... this chaos will bring forth greatness." The king of Wakanda said.

"Sir, I couldn't find the hackers, I suspect some kind of techno mutant powers at play." Jarvis informed Tony.

"..." Nick Fury just sat there in silence.

the whole world was shocked by the new group that had come forth, and their message had shaken earth to it's core.

What will happen to earth?

Superman sat up, his jaw hitting the floor,

"Mom! Dad! Why you gotta be so extra!" He cried.

"RingRing" his phone rang.

Kevin picked it up.

"Son, I have a great secret to reveal to you... we were waiting until You're old enough to know, but now seems like a good time as any... " his mom said with a serious tone.


"To Keep, or not to keep, That's the question."

-Somespear Sometime