
Chapter 57: The Mayor reveals something Major

As they opened up the hall doors, they found themselves in a big, dark, rounded room.

The lights were already on, and inside the room was a big round table, with lots of empty chairs around it.

Except that the head chair and the two chairs beside it were turned away from the Collins as they stepped in.

"Well Well, I've been expecting you!" A spooky voice said from the head chair as it turned around towards the Collins.

Kevin had noticed that the three furthest chairs were occupied by people, but he didn't say anything and just waited for some clarification.

The mayor had gotten a secret message from the Collins that they were on their way towards their secret meeting chambers to disclose the secret of Branchville to their son. So he had gotten two other members of their group that were free, and hurried down here so that they could act cool in front of who he thought would be Tyler Collins.

But as he turned around, ready to speak in a very secretive and cool fashion to impress the young Collin boy, The Mayor's eyes almost popped out as he noticed that the one that stood where he expected Tyler to stand, was not Tyler, in fact it was someone everyone thought had died 2 years prior.

"K-KEVIN?!" The mayor shouted in a high pitch while standing up in shock, as if he had seen a ghost.

Suddenly from the two chairs beside the mayor, that were also turned away, stood two individuals up as well, in pure shock.



Two voices came out as if not believing their eyes.

"Hello... uncle Mayor, uncle Mario, aunty Samantha... what's going on?" Kevin asked while being confused.

"That's our question, how are you alive?" The mayor spoke first.

"Why are you Alive?" Samantha dwelved deeply into her philosophical thoughts.

"What are you alive, I musta been'a Ubriaco come una scimmia!" uncle Mario exclaimed as if everyone knew Italian.

"Heh, You think my son will easily die huh, he has my genes, he's like a cockroach. You can stomp on him as many times as you want but he always comes back to life like a parasite!" Papa Bear answered very proudly over his son.

"Tha most importante is a that Kevin is a back! Noi Non Potremo Avere Perfetta Vita Senza Amici!" Uncle Mario said happily.

"So... can you guys tell me what's going on now?" Kevin asked, trying to get someone to speak.

Remembering what was going on, the trio of uncles and aunty changed their demeanour, into that of mystical, behind the scenes boss type of aura.

"Yes, that real historia di Branchville!" Uncle Mario said eerily.

"The founders were not normal people." Aunt Samantha said.

"They were mutants that had gathered from all over the continent, each trying to survive on their own until they met and became a group. in the end, their group became so big that they had to settle in a place, that was welcoming to others, when no one else was." The mayor explained.

"The name Branchville comes from the fact that the original settlers wanted to give out an olive branch for those.. that were different." Mama Bear explained.

"This city has many mutants that live normal lives, and many mutants that work with the mayor to keep the towns secret. in fact, this is an open secret in this town as we have the biggest populations of mutants, metahumans, superhumans and of course gingers." Papa bear said, proud over the fact that Branchville has a very accepting nature.

"Openly, the mayor's team is a political one, but secretly, they work to import new mutants here for safety and normality, and use their abilities to not be known." Aunt Samantha said.

"I see..." Kevin said, in wonder, how he hadn't figured that out previously.

"Our group's name is..." Papa Bear said.

"The F.O.R.G.E.R.S, Stands for 'Family Of Real Green Entity Researching Sect'!" Mama Bear said in excitement, it felt good to finally come out with this big secret of theirs.

"NO! Most definitely Not! Stop this already!" The mayor cried out in frustration. These couple of two crazies had pushed him to the limit in the last few years with their alien craze.

They had nagged him for a secret political party that searches for and researches aliens.

They had even asked him to find test subjects that were willing to get impregnated by aliens!

"YOU TWO, ONE MORE WORD OUT OF YOUR MOUTHS ABOUT ALIENS OR WHATNOT AND I'LL- I'LL.. I'LL..." the mayor exploded fiercely but he couldn't figure out the rest of the sentence.

"Infuse alien blood in our systems as punishment

to see what happens?" Mama bear genuinely tried to help the mayor out.

"Or feed our limbs to human eating aliens that you have secretly hidden away!" Papa bear said... slightly too excited, even though he was trying to help the mayor figure out a punishment for them.

The mayor just gave them a deathly stare.

"Kevin, young lad... don't follow in their footsteps. And don't worry about their craze, we'll never support any green life, whether it's environmental issues or alien issues." The mayor said, making his stand on green life matters, clear.

The mayor had once also been a strong believer of green life matters movement, but seeing how they always tried to destroy earth, he had changed his views, which had created a dispute between him and his old friends.

"Kevin ignore this old fool, green is superior, those are the values I want you to inherit as my son!" Papa Bear said lovingly.

"Tsk.. Can't you guys see, whenever the greens come, there is always a spike in crime rates? Can't you reason? Send them back to their own planets!" The mayor tried reasoning with them.

"Hmph, to think you've fallen this low! Mayor, this is a major problem!" Mama Bear said in defiance.

"We must a speak about tha importante fings!" The Italian uncle spoke.

"You're right... Sorry about that Kevin, in the end, what I'm trying to say is, we're glad you're back!" The mayor finally said.




"You're welcome. Branchville is a den of mutants, we have every kind here. Aunty Samantha has a forcefield, and inside the forcefield she can control any and all technology. So inside this building we can use technology without worries, however don't use anything outside it." The mayor explained.

Suddenly Superman heard a fight taking place right outside of Branchville, in an abandoned old building.


I read through the first few chapters, and realised something very serious, I'm very funny🤣

But seriously, I feel like the quality of my work is so much better when I actually enjoy writing, and since like chapter 40 or something, my enjoyment has fallen greatly.

I think I'm nearing the end of this fanfic. But don't worry, since I already knew how I would end this fanfic from the beginning, I think it will be very satisfying for you guys.

I want it to end in a way where there are no loose ends, at the same time there's so much to explore in this universe so I want it to end in a way where there can be a potential Marvelous Superman 2, if I ever feel like writing this again, or if any of you feel like you want to continue this, it would be fine with me.