
Chapter 52: Ring of Magic(+60 mana)

"So what have you planned against Ultron?" Superman asked trying to figure out if they and any plans.

"Let's speak about those later after we've regrouped." Black Widow said. She seemed to have taken up the role as the leader of the group.

Only then did he notice that she had Captain America's shield on her back.

Superman furrowed his brows at this.

'Why is she holding captains shield, and where is he?' He thought for himself.

Superman felt very exhausted by the information he had gotten, for him, only a few hours had passed, yet so many things had changed.

The world was different, almost unrecognisable, and it seemed as if the world needed superman more than ever.

"I think I should return to New York." Superman said as the Avengers started moving towards the main building for a meeting.

"We should plan ahead." Dr strange protested.

"From what I can see, the world needs to see Superman, I need to return." Superman said, feeling that it was important that humanity saw that there was still hope.

"We've suffered for 2 years already, I understand that you feel an impending need to hurry, but there is time. Ultron does not harm those that follow his rules." Reed explained.

Fine, but no matter what, I need to start showing my face around as soon as possible." Superman agreed.

As they all reached the main building, Superman asked Elena what had happened to their family and how she ended up in a superhero suit.

"Mom and that are heartbroken, they haven't been the same since..." She answered looking at him.

"Me and Tyler as well, we didn't take your death well either. In the end I needed an outlet and started my career as Red Widow after I moved into your apartment." She explained in sadness at the remembrance of his funeral and death.

"Otherwise, they are back home in Branchville, last I spoke to them was 2 months ago." She said.

"Tony... Came up with a method to stop Ultron once and for all, he and Doom worked a

on a new apparatus that is both scientific and magical in nature to stop Ultron but that plan came to a halt 3 months ago..." Black widow said in a hot of sorrow, as everyone sat down for a meeting.

"What happened?" Superman asked as he noticed the look on everyone's faces.

"Ultron's rebellion affected Tony the most, it's probably because of what you said to him, about taking responsibility for Ultron. But when the rebellion started, Tony changed." Black Widow spoke.

"I didn't know him from before, and from what I've heard, he was a douche. But from simply fighting by his side in the last 1.5 years, he seemed a lot like you." Elena said looking at Superman.

Superman was chocked at this, he knew that Tony would one day become someone that was the epitome of heroism. But he thought it would take many more years before he could see the day.

And now, his sister was saying that Tony was comparable to Superman in character.

"Yes, he did change greatly, and he was one of the people who fought back the hardest, he barely got any sleep in the last 2 years. But 3 months ago, another great battle took place and.... Both Tony and Steve..." Black widow couldn't finish, but Superman understood.

Everyone was sombre.

"I always knew, that there was greatness inside of that guy, I wish I could have seen it with my own eyes." Superman said sadly. Even though he and Tony never truly got along, there was still respect between them as they understood that they were both the peak of their speciality.

"Doom couldn't continue his magic without Tony's engineering, the apparatus idea was kept on timeout." Dr strange continued.

"What about Bruce or Reed, couldn't they continue with Tonys work?" Superman asked confused on why the plan had to halt in it's entirety.

"Tonys expertise lies in engineering and technology, while I master in Biology and physics." Bruce banner said, sad at the fact that he had lost a dear friend.

"I could do it, but the apparatus is based on his repulsor technology, which no one knows about except for the man himself. I've started working on another apparatus with similar abilities, but it will take a long time to finish." Reed explained.

"This plan.. We would rather keep it as plan Because the apparatus won't only take out Ultron, it will take out every electrical device on earth. We will be left with no working technology, and have to start all over." Black widow said.

Superman started to understand the dire situation more and more.

"So what have been doing so far?" Superman felt like that hadn't done enough.

"We have saved people from being punished for ridiculous laws. Ultron punishes hard for small crimes, to create fear and stop villains from their evil." Black widow said.

"We brought all of the civilians we saved, here, there are many buildings down the mountain that are occupied by them." Dr Strange explained.

"Won't Ultron attack this place?" Superman pondered.

"He can't, this is another dimension." Dr strange explained.

"please don't destroy this one..." Bruce Banner said, and everyone nodded at him, agreeing to what he said.

"Don't worry about that... it won't happen again it was just a mistake." Superman said, hoping to change the subject.

"Tens of thousands of mistakes" Bruce chipped in happily.

Superman and the Avengers sat in place and discussed how they would fight back and what to do to stop Ultron.

After discussing it for a long while Superman too Strange to open a portal for him, So he can return and do his work as superman.

"This is a ring, just double tap it when you're done and I'll open a portal for you to return here." Dr strange said as he gave him a magical looking ring.

Seeing as they were alone, Superman asked what had been on his mind for a while now.

"Why is Doom here with you guys?"

"It didn't take long for him to realise that Ultron's methods aren't in line with his, so he temporarily joined our cause until Ultron is defeated." Dr Strange explained.

Superman arrived in the skies above New York once again as he went through the portal that Dr strange opened for him.

He stayed in place as he looked down, the skies had turned dark and everyone was inside, except for an endless amount of Ultron patrolling the streets.

"Remember, tomorrow, at 9.00 AM-11.00 AM are you allowed to go out to buy necessities, and from 2.00 PM -4.00 PM are you allowed to go out to exercise. If you exceed the time limits, you will be punished severely!" Superman heard Ultron say from the TV news channel in one apartment building.

Superman saw that food production, and all work related jobs were taken over by Ultron robots. He seemed to keep humans in their homes, allowed them to go out for a few hours then fed them.

'Its almost as if he's keeping humanity as a pet.' Superman thought.

Suddenly a flying little robot flew towards him.