
Chapter 50: Superman Returns!

Superman saw that the robots weren't suits, they were moving on their own. And they were overwhelming the Avengers.

Superman realised why the streets were so empty, it seemed as if they had lots of robots occupying the streets, but they had all moved towards where the fight took place, as if they could communicate with each other.

'No... rather, it seems as if they are synced.' superman noticed As he saw the thousands, maybe millions of robots moving towards the fighting place.

Mr fantastic stood protectively Infront of a crying kid, while the other avengers fought Ultron.

"The kid broke the law, he must be punished, do not delay the inevitable!" All the robots spoke at the same time.

"Ultron, you think we won't find a way to stop your cruel tyranny? We'll find a way and destroy you for good!" Flameboy shouted. Johnny kept the nickname his friend had called him by as a way to remember him by.

"The sky is my eyes, the walls are my ears and the ground is my hands. You have to hide like rats to barely survive, and you want to defeat me?" Ultron spoke in sarcasm.

"If Superman was here, he would have" Johnny shouted back but was interrupted.

"Superman? He died 2 years ago, do not bring his name up Infront of me!" Ultron spoke, his eye sockets flashing even more crimson than they already are

"He was the ultimate symbol of hope, did that help? Nothing changed, he stopped one villain and two more appeared. Hope not work. But look at the world now, the murder rates, mugging, rapes, wars, abuse rates have all completely disappeared, thanks to me ni less.

Only an absolute iron fist can save humanity from itself. I was created to protect this is my purpose." All the Ultron spoke as they kept attacking.

"Protect? By tyranny and an iron rule?" Firestar scoffed.

"The strongest attack is the strongest defence, when will you, the Avengers realise this? No, we're way past you joining me, you must disappear as the pest you are." Ultron spoke angrily as he fought the avengers.

Mr fantastic, Sue, Ben, Johnny, firestar, Daredevil, Luke Cage fought on, losing hope as they were pushed back.

"Enough, care to explain what's going on." A powerful voice came from the skies, stopping all robots and Avengers in their tracks.

Looking up, they only saw a familiar silhouette slowly descending from the skies. They could barely make his figure out as he had the bright, shining sun right above him.

But his powerful stature, and fluttering cape was all to well familiar with everyone there.

Johnny stopped, his eyes opened up in shock, as did all the others.

"Superman?" Mr fantastic asked, and was the first to speak.

Superman landed, beside the avengers looking around. Not really understanding what's going on.

'Is this really my dimension?' Superman thought.

"Impossible, you should be dead!" One of the robots, that seemed to be made of vibranium spoke.

Realising that Superman had returned filled everyone with hope.

"Superman, How are you still alive? Dr strange and Doom searched for you but... you should be dead." Mr fantastic said, as he barely could believe that Superman had returned.

"Let's first handle them, before catching up." Superman said as he got ready to fight.

But before he could make his move, spatial portals opened up, and sucked all the Avengers, Superman and the little kid in.

Superman could have chosen not to be sucked in but he saw that on the other side of it, was Dr. strange, he he really wanted some good answers right now.

"Let's catch up, and then handle them." Dr strange said as they all arrived on top of a mountain in a mountain range.

They Arrived at what seemed to be a temple.

"Welcome to Kamar-taj Superman" Dr strange spoke.

Looking back, Superman saw that the portal that he came through had closed up, with no sign of any Ultron following.

The avengers started surrounding him in excitement.

"Did you bring them back?" A redheaded woman spoke as she came out of one of the buildings, followed by even more people.

Superman instantly recognized them, Black widow and the rest of the avengers, no, few were missing, and there were a few new faces as well.

As black widow and the rest arrived, they halted in shock. White and Gold, the familiar colours and face instantly made them sobre.

Next to black widow was a woman in a black Spiderman suit. She had a red spider sign on her chest and back.

She almost faltered as she saw Superman.

Superman didn't know who this new hero was, and he was surprised as she suddenly punched towards him, hugging him tightly.

Everyone moved aside, looking as if they understood her.

Superman was very confused, until he heard her whimpering in his arms, only then did he recognize her voice.

"Sis...?" He asked very confused.

"You're finally back." She cried helplessly in his arms.

"What's going on?" Superman asked looking around for some answers.

All of them stood with sobre faces looking at him.

"That isn't your brother, he couldn't have survived." a darker voice spoke out.

Superman turned his head and saw that Doom was standing there.

Superman pushed His sister, who was dressed in a Spiderman suit to the side and got ready to fight Doom.

Elena took a step back realising that this might not be her brother, and if it is, it's from another dimension.

"He's on our side now, don't fight him." Dr strange spoke to Superman with his brows furrowed.

"Superman... are you the one that was left behind in the dimension that fell apart?" Dr. Strange suddenly asked Superman

This question made Doom suddenly turn his head sharply towards Dr strange, as if he was asking a very stupid question.

"Yes, and I'd like some answers, what's happened in the few hours that I was gone?"

Suddenly everyone seemed very confused.

"It's.... been 2 years since I last saw you..." Elena said very sadly, trying to clarify that he is in the wrong world.

"No... This might actually be our Superman." Dr strange suddenly said, surprising everyone present, but confusing Superman more.

"That's impossible, we went back to bring him, the universe had imploded into a new big bang, No one could survive that!" Doom almost shouted in response and shock.


I was going to save this chapter for later but I couldn't help myself, Another one released!