
Chapter 48: 2 Things one should never drop, the soap and the fanfic!

"Our king, this is important!" Those in the meeting all opposed in a commotion.

"Enough, something important came up!" T'Challa said seriously as he sent everyone out.

He picked up his phone and saw a text from the other Admin in the group.

Admin SP wrote "I just saw Superman, we had a deep conversation and he made me promise to never tell anyone as he told me one of his great secrets. Don't ask what it is, I just wanted to share this fact with you all. Superman and I have become very close, close enough to share secrets!" SP wrote adding a lot of smileys.

Admin BP wrote "I'm so jealous! JEALOUS! JEALOUS!" He added lots of crying smileys.

"Bs" Black mama wrote.

"No way I'll believe that, admin, this time you've gone too far with your lies, in fact I also know a secret about superman that I won't ever tell anyone" EC-Gurl added.

Spiderman's message had set the chat ablaze, as thousands started writing in frenzy.

Suddenly the whole chat become totally silent as Spiderman sent a picture of Superman on top of a high rise building.

But it was hard to make anything out of the picture, as Spiderman had drawn over big part of the picture. Only Superman was seen standing and looking towards the camera.

"See, He even allowed me to take a picture, we spoke, and he opened up to me, we're good friends now!" Admin SP bragged happily.

"It's true guys, I can't find the picture anywhere else on the internet so it's an original!" SupsFan#1!!! wrote.

That led to another frenzy.

T'Challa sat in his king's throne, looking totally jealous.

In the Collins farm, in a specific room, a young woman was sitting and reading something on her phone.

"What, my brother finally found a friend that he told his secret to? Something seems odd about this..."

Elena whispered to herself.

Superman flew back home, changed and laid on his bed. He was in a daze, while slightly touching his lips.

"What just happened..." He was still confused about this, he had acted on impulse, but he didn't really dislike what had happened.

'Wait, is this cheating on Laura?' He looked more confused

"No, we were on a break." He said adamantly.

He turned on the TV and found a reporter speaking about some breaking news.

"I'm Lois Margareth with breaking news! A fight occured just outside of New York where four of the Avengers fought against a man in robotic armour and green robes. The witnesses said that there was a great fight, to the point that the aftereffects can still be seen!" The Reporter said as the camera changed its view, showing the disastrous situation.

The whole place had illuminated, magic circles and signs all over the place.

"According to one witness, he saw the four avengers and the unknown man disappear into one of the bigger circles, what happened exactly?" She asked a middle aged man.

"I was here for, ye'know, a lady of the night, for a good coin, and then suddenly baaam kaboom pshhhh puff and they were fighting all over the place. Then the masked man made a big magic circle and disappeared into it, followed by the avengers. New York has been crazy lately, I can only say, hide yo kids, hide you wife!" The man spoke with vividly while moving his hands around.

"There you have it folks, Hide your kids and hide your wife!" Lois said as she ended her part.

Kevin furrowed his brows, he knew of doom, but he didn't know much. He had heard fans claiming that he is one of the strongest beings. But he wasn't sure if it was accurate or not.

Outside of New York, a place that looked devastated, Superman flew down.

His boots touched the ground, as he landed. Looking around, he tried to find any signs of where the four avengers could have disappeared.

Suddenly, golden light rings appeared beside him, that opened up a portal. Out of it walked a man with a red robe, moustache and a witch hat.

"Superman, we need to talk!" He spoke.

"You are?" Superman asked with a slight smile, not feeling threatened at all by the newcomer.

The newcomer, was the current Sorcerer Supreme, and he was slightly panicked because of what he knew was to come.

But meeting Superman for the first time, and seeing his confident smile, and aura that screams "It's alright, I'm here now" helped him calm down a bit.

"I'm Dr. Strange!" He said, but seeing as Superman was about to say something, He felt like he knew what that something is.

"Yes, I know, Strange name, let's make jokes later. We need to hurry, I'll explain on the way!" He said as he opened a new portal, to what seemed to be another dimension.

"We have to pass a few dimensions before we reach our destination. The avengers fought a man that called himself Doom." Dr. Strange explained as they passed through different dimensions and realms.

"Doom? Couldn't he have gone for something slightly more bright?" Superman chuckled.

"Like Sunny?" Dr. Strange asked while raising an eyebrow.

"... I thought we didn't have time for jokes." Superman said as he felt his blood pressure reasoning whenever he heard the word Sunny.

"Get ready, we're close now!" Dr strange became serious as he said.

Suddenly as they arrived in a dimension where everything looked normal, in an abnormal way.

Everything was turning and spinning, while being upside down but down side up at the same time.

Superman stopped, as he looked at the world, he felt slightly Dizzy by the laws of physics in this world.

Suddenly somewhere far away they saw a man in a metallic mask and green robes, attacking a man made of stone, Ben Grimm.

Superman flew towards Ben to help him as soon as he saw this.

Dr strange reacted when he saw this.

"Superman wait, directions here are not the same as yours used to!" He tried saying but it was too late. Superman had already dived right into the ground.

Superman stood up from the crater he had created, looking worried for Ben and annoyed that he flew towards the vertical ground as he tried flying horizontally towards the sky.

He looked towards Doom, and shot laser beams at him, hoping for this to work. Superman was stressed and worried because all of the fantastic four had fallen looking half dead except for Ben, that seemed to take a good beating.

His laser eyes flew straight forward until it didn't anymore. It started to bend and changed direction in what seemed to be random directions, until it hit an innocent looking stop sign, melting it to the ground.