
Chapter 38: Flames of destiny

"Breaking news! Superman saved the Baxter scientists that got lost in space 1,5 years ago! They are alive and well/…/"

Kevin was drinking coffee in Mary's flower shop as Laura worked. They had the tv on and he heard the news about him from a few days ago.

Mary's flower shop was both a flower shop and a cafe, a tranquil place to have a cup of coffee.

Every now and then he would look at Laura and just enjoy the view. She occasionally looked back and smiled at him.

Her personality had become way softer and she was more open now. She still had that drop of wildness in her but after staying so long in Branchville, she had softened her little heart.

Laura was thinking of asking Kevin to the movies when she was off to work, and just as she was about to walk forward to speak to him, his head snapped sideways, and he hurriedly stood up.

"I'll pay next time!" Kevin said he hurried away.

'Again...' Laura thought. She felt like they had been in this limbo of relationship for too long.

She but neither were willing to confirm what they both wanted.

She wanted to settle down in Branchville, maybe get her own family... But could she do it Kevin as things were now?

Even if they stopped their so-called relationship, could she find someone else, who could handle the fact that she is a mutant, and there might come a day when enemies storm their house, because she has been haunted since she was young.

She can't build a family with someone else, and if she can't do it with Kevin, she will never be able to.

She used to believe that she would be alone forever, but coming to Branchville had changed that.

And now, the thought of being alone, which was once normal for her, is now a very scary thought.

As Superman flew towards the west, he thought about his interactions with Laura.

He had felt that their relationship might have started too early, and that she might not even truly like him, just that she had great appreciation and gratitude towards him, mistaking those feelings for "liking" as in sexual feelings.

So he didn't push forward with the relationship, hoping she would, after all, if she did have true feelings for him she would want to approach him.

Both minding the other person but neither taking a step forward.

That kind of relationship would take its toll on anyone.

She was too insecure to be decisive and he was too careful of imposing himself on her, forming a misunderstanding on both of their sides.

Superman arrived where he had heard a great explosion. There he found Captain America, Hawkeye and Black widow fighting against other agents, and a man with a robotic arm.

Superman landed in between them, stopping the fight for an instance.

"Good timing, help us out a bit will you!" Captain America shouted while throwing his shield and knocking a few soldiers out.

The winter soldier just kept shooting at the enemies, he was sleeping peacefully in his capsule when this hydra base was attacked, so they released him to fight.

Superman helped out, then turned his attention to the winter soldier.

Arriving in front of him, the winter Soldier tried punching Superman, a big mistake.

Superman caught his wrist and simply smashed him towards the ground multiple times as he held onto the robot wrist. In the end, The winter Soldier went back to sleep.

As they were finishing up, Superman had no interest in watching Captain America figuring out who the winter soldier is, so he simply flew away.

'I've had enough drama for now!' Superman thought.

Superman flew towards the hospital where he had left the four fantastically powered people.

When he was led into a room where Reed Richard, Johnny Storm, and Benjamin Grimm where, Only Reed was in his room, sitting on his hospital bed with a computer and lots of notebooks, working on something. He didn't even notice people entering the room.

"This is their room, but I warn you Superman.... these people are very eccentric." The nurse leading him warned.

Superman walked in and said hello.

But Reed just simply took out a notebook and started writing down chemistry formulas.

Superman took a seat and waited for him to be done..Suddenly A young, 20 something year old blonde man rushed into the room

"Reed I found... " His expression went from excited to tell Reed news, to shocked at seeing his hero just sitting on a chair reading a magazine.

"S-S--Sunny!!?? How, When Why!" He could barely contain his newfound excitement.

"I came to see how you're doing after the accident." Superman explained.

"More than fine, in fact I think I might put on a robe as well! He said as he put up his finger, and a flame started flickering above it.

Superman Looked on with interest. "Did all of you become lighters?" he asked smiling.

"Dude, only I got the cool powers!" He said with a grin as his whole hand burst into flames.

"Ben, Johnny! Can you take your banter elsewhere!" Suddenly Reed said annoyed while looking up. But he was shocked to see that it wasn't Ben standing there, it was the Marvelous Superman!

"Superman! I heard that it was you that saved us, allow me to thank you on our behalf" He said as his hand just reached from the bed he sat on, to where Superman stood with Johnny.

Superman shook the elongated hand with interest.

"So all of you got powers?" He asked.

"Yes, I don't know what exactly has happened but I'm figuring it out. Why are you here?" Reed asked

"I came to make sure you guys are okay." Superman smiled.

"You really are the man they said you are." Reed expressed his respect.

"So when did you wake up? Why haven't you left the hospital?" Superman asked, they looked fine to him.

"We left it yesterday, but this guy started researching as soon as he woke up, and hasn't slept in two days refusing to stop working." Johnny explained exasperated.

"That's.. just a misunderstanding." Reed tried to defend himself with a slight blush.

"Sue won't believe what she missed, she's your biggest fan, and I can't wait to see the look on Ben's face as I tell him that I met you in person!" Johnny said with a grin on his face.

Superman made his acquaintance with Reed and Johnny, both inviting him to visit them at their Baxter building.

"I'll come by sometime, and Johnny, if you ever decide to put on a cape, red and yellow would suit you." He said with a smile.

"Too bad the name 'Sunny' is taken" Johnny said, sad at missing a good nickname.

Something clicked in Superman's head. 'This is my chance, I can finally get rid of my curse!'

"No no, don't worry about it, I never went by that name, I'm superman. You can take that name, it fits you better, I've already warmed up the name for you, the people will like you even more when they hear your name." Superman said, almost sounding like a salesman.

'You never went by that name? Why does everyone call you that when you're not around then?' Johnny and Reed thought at the same time looking at each other.

"I'll come by the Baxter building sometime, have to fly, bye!" He said as he jumped out the window and flew away.


I still don't know who will be the romantic counterpart.

So far, Laura has had a semi relationship with him. But since this is their first time, and both being bad at the communication part, because of their own reasons, things are rocky between them.

Kevin doesn't feel like she really likes him in a sexual way, only a platonic wayall the gratitude and appreciation she has for him. That's why he hasn't been more progressive with her because he doesn't want to create a fake relationship.

She on the underhand just sucks at showing feelings, because of good reasons.

These frustrations build up and in the end becomes great strife.

Will their relationship hold? Or not?

I think that both of them need to mature, not in character, but in social skills if they want to be together.