
Chapter 34: Four birdies and a wizard.

After Kevin ate his food he walked out, but he noticed that Mary's flower shop work car was outside their house and Laura had just stepped out of his car. She saw him and was a bit shocked at first as she hadn't expected him to be back.

Kevin also felt a bit shy, they hadn't spoken since their forced date.

"Hi" She said, not really knowing what else to say.

"Hi..." Kevin responded...

"I think I should..." he was just about to say his goodbyes but mama bear just walked out

"Come back inside. Laura, honey come in! Did you bring the flower seeds I told you about?"

"Yes I brought them as you've asked!" she answered, but seemed slightly flustered.

"Why do you seem so shy suddenly, come on in, have you eaten?"

'How did it come to this?' Kevin thought as he sat in his room with Laura, playing Tekken on his old Gamestation 3. She got her butt beaten.

And Laura was losing, not only to Kevin, but also to her anger by the minute. Her inner beast was acting up.

As they played, she got growled and roared more and more.

"BASTARD DIE!" She roared as she suddenly stood up, her claws drawn, ready to attack the TV!

And that's when she realised that they were just playing games...



Kevin started to laugh out loud, he found her expression funny and cute, her frown was really deep, she was going to beat up the tv real good.

She meekly sat down again, sitting on her knees looking down with a slightly red face.

As he didn't stop laughing she started to feel annoyed, then angry... them once again, her inner hulk came out!

In the end she lost her temper, as she extended her claws and jumped him.

Kevin fell on his back, she was on top of him, one hand holding down his chest, the other raised with two adamantium claws, just millimeters away from his eyes.

He looked at her face, she had a similar expression to a furious wolf showing its fangs in a threatening way... But somehow it was very... cute.

Her brows furrowed. It's like she's a wild pet animal. At that thought he almost laughed again but afraid of being minced by her rage, he held his tongue

As she realised what she had down she felt very flustered, her claws retracted and she was about to stand up and apologize, but before she could rise up, Kevin took her by the neck and pushed her face down to his.

The world stopped for a second, especially for Kevin, feeling her warmth on his body, and her warm lips on his, he felt weaker, yet stronger than ever.

She was sitting on his hips as she bent over kissing him while he laid on him back.

Suddenly her face left his, and it took a second before she stood up, but her mind was somewhere else as she almost fell, but sat down in a daze.

Neither knew how to handle the after effects of this kind of battle, it was a new experience for them both.

After just sitting and staring at each other for a second, Kevin stammered out a few words.

"Sorry, about that... I.. Just acted on instinct..."

"No... I should be the one saying sorry..." She said, looking down again.

"I think it's time for me to get back." She said as she stood up.

But Kevin didn't feel like it's right to end it just like that so before she could touch the door she felt Kevin take her arm and spin her around. Then hugged her closer from the waist giving her another kiss.

Kevin acted on impulse again. But Laura hugged him closer as well. Standing there exchanging saliva.

After a minute they both let go, Laura breathed slightly heavily, she turned around and walked out without saying anything...

'Erm.. so what now?' Kevin thought as just stood there until he heard a Car drive away from his house.

Kevin walked downstairs, and found both his mom and dad sitting in the living room giving him a look....

"Papa bear, remember when you took me to your room for the first time, and we played Tekken on your Gamestation 1.. that was a good move." Mama bear said reminiscing about the past.

"Yes Mama bear, that was my ultimate move, it was brilliant, beat you until you raged, then when emotions were high, things happened. That move was brilliant, and worked 100% of the time."

"I thought you said I was your first and only?" She suddenly changed her tone.

"Exactly!" He said.

Kevin walked out without even saying goodbye, just flew home. When He arrived on the roof of his apartment, he walked inside and looked at the great place.

"Suddenly this place feels empty." He said to himself.

In the Shield helicarrier, Captain America stood. beside the director.of SHIELD.

"You think this is an Avenger level mission?" Captain asked the director.

"I don't know." Nick Fury said solemnly.

"But we do need to send either Captain Marvel or Superman to at least look into this. One of our greatest minds just disappeared in space?" Nick Fury commented.

"You're right, something is fishy about this, What do you think, another alien invasion?" Captain asked, while looking at the files before him.

"Maybe.... they couldn't just magically disappear." Nick said

"The news that Reed Richard and his team has disappeared!"

When Kevin read this on the news, he felt another headache coming.

He somehow always finds himself in the middle of things.

Kevin stood out and went towards his big windows, stood there looking down on the streets of new York, everyone moving, walking and hurrying to their locations.

"I'm lucky I don't have a nemesis..." Kevin spoke his mind without thinking.

'Wait.. did I just jinx myself?' A scary thought hit him.

Just in case, he took out his phone.

'Should I do it?' Kevin thought nervously.

"Mom could you send me Laura's number?" and then he hit send.

"You don't have it already? Boy you're slower than a snail. If it wasn't for me, you'd be a wizard before you see any action outside of being Superman." She wrote back.

"Mom! please don't just write secret stuff like that on the phone! Delete it!"

"Fine Fine, I really don't know where you got your 'great' bravery from, your dad used to do things hurriedly as if the world was ending but you still don't have her number, if it was papa bear and me, I'd be pregnant already!"


As he still stood by the window, he saw that the Stark Tower had lit it's Super light beam to the sky.
