
Chapter 29: Close your eyes and imagine a Super place!

Superman laid on a hill, beside a big tree slightly shadowing his head. The hill is surrounded by fields of grass and flowers. And although the hill wasn't great in size, it was far away from the nearest civilization. The fields are surrounded by big Forrest's so no one ever comes here.

As Kevin laid there, enjoying the feeling of the hot sun rays on his skin. Looking at the scarcely place clouds, just floating in the great, blue sky.

We slightly blew on his face, but it wasn't the cooling effect of it that Kevin liked so much, it was the sound of it.

'Laura would probably like this place and its tranquillity.' Kevin suddenly thought.

The wind caressed his skin until his eyelids felt heavy, and before he knew it, he fell asleep.

Suddenly a space ship entered the atmosphere, and it was burning up while crashing down. Inside it was a blonde woman trying to steer the ship, as it fell down.

'I need to make sure it lands somewhere far from human settlements!' She thought as she steered it while crashing. 'That's a good place! She found a field, surrounded by forest and far away from humans.

Kevin in his peaceful sleep suddenly heard an explosion.

Opening his eyes from his peaceful sleep, he sees a space ship the size of a boat, just by his face, hurrying towards him in a similar way to how a tiger hurries towards its prey.

Normally he would just move out of the way, but he was so confused that his brain couldn't make sense of things for a second.

Another great explosion took place as the hill totally disappeared, and the flowery fields upturned by the fallen space ship.

Kevin felt his body, laying inside the earth, upside down with a smashed down spaceship on top of him.

Above the spaceship, part of the roof burst apart as if someone had punched it open from the inside.

The blonde woman flew out from the hole she created, looking at the disaster she had created in the area, she took a breath of relief. She had successfully crashed her space ship, without harming anyone.

'Wait... I think I saw something just before I crashed!' She thought back to her last moments before crashing.

'No... no way, what would a human be doing out here ..."

As she landed five or so meters from her ship and her feet touched the ground. She felt her ship suddenly vibrate like ships don't usually do.

Looking back, she was shocked, that the ship was lifted up, easily, and beneath it stood a man at 1.85 meters tall, in white and golden suit and with almost vanta black hair. Holding up the ship as if he held a toy space ship.

Superman looked up at the ship that he held in one hand above him. He simply turned his wrist slightly and the ship flew tens of meters.

Superman looked around him... And saw his favourite place.... get destroyed....

Then he saw a blonde woman, with long hair, a red and blue suit...

"Where did you learn to fly." He couldn't help but to ask, seeing how her skills had destroyed his place.

"The air force." She said still confused by what was happening.

She had come because of a signal she received from one of her old friends... Earth found itself in a cross fire between Asgard and other alien forces, not something earth can handle on its own.

So she hurried as fast as she could to come back to the place she once called home.

Realization hit her suddenly.

"I see, you're not human, you must be one of the forces attacking earth. Have you already conquered it? Nonetheless, I shall take it back!" She said as she launched herself with a plasmatic punch.

As her fist came nearer and nearer, Superman just looked on. He felt the energy actually fill him up and make him energized. 'Is this like coffee for superman? It feels so good, I can't let her know!'

Then, when the fist actually touched him, he threw himself 50 meters backwards, destroying any tree in his path.

"What?!" The woman couldn't help but to exclaim.'Did I punch him that hard, did he die?' She wondered. She had initially just wanted to beat him up and then get some information. After all, he had survived taking her crashing ship, head on, even without a helmet!

Superman stood up with shaking legs.

"Haa... haa... haa is that all you have? I came to this place to enjoy myself, and this is all the earth has to offer?" Superman said slightly misleading while taunting her. 'It probably won't work' Superman thought.

It worked, she flew at him and punched him again, this time he flew another hundred meters.

'Something feels wrong.' She thought.

Superman stood up again. "My race isn't that strong but we can handle a thousand of those punches at least, Bring an Asgardian if you want to beat us." He said with a smirk.

She once again pounced on him, clubbing him down and pummeling him with her plasmatic punches. She was on top of him as he laid on his back, taking a punch after punch... Somewhere along the line, he had changed positions as he was laying on his stomach getting pummeled on his back.

When she slowed down, he would weakly fake try to stand up while taunting her strength.

There aren't many places where he could get a good massage like this.

There was a small crater created, in the middle of it, laid a Superman on his stomach, on top of him sat a hot blonde woman with plasmatic powers, pummeling him.

'Even though she's strong like a hulk, she's soft like cotton candy.' Superman thought as he felt her on his back.

"mmm harder." He accidentally said enjoying himself.

Suddenly the punches stopped as she flew up.

She realised that something was very wrong.

Superman also stopped playing around, seeing as she was just looking at him 4 meters from the ground.

"Who are you, and how can you take my punches like that?" Car-EII said. 'Even though that wasn't even one hundredth... no, one thousandth of my full powers, plasmatic energy is one of the strongest cosmic energies... no one can take those punches like that..' She thought.

"Sorry for playing around with you, take it as revenge for disturbing my sleep and destroying my favorite place." He said as he flew up, also floating 4 meters above ground.

"No real need for us to fight" He continued as he pressed down on his chest where the S was, and his suit turned blue and red, similar to her suit.

"See, we're on the same team!" he said pointing at the colors of their suits.