
Chapter 28: Ass-Garden and the world toppling beauty.

I know where we are roughly! I could fly to Asgard resolve any problems there and then send you back!" Thor said

"What's the downside" captain America said as he noticed that Thor only proposed the idea and not the fact that he would do it.

"It would take about two days from here to Asgard,

And the. to resolve the situation there.. I don't know.... Because I have no idea what has happened there." Thor said with slight anger in his voice as he thought about what might have happened.

"That's the only option we have." Black widow gave her 5 cents.

"Can't we wait for Heimdall like before?" Suddenly Dr. Bruce Banner spoke. Hulk had gone to sleep as they were speaking.

"I don't know if he will respond." Thor answered.

They all stood in a circle looking at each other.

"I'll go with you to resolve whatever happened in Asgard. That way it'll go much faster, but everyone will still need to wait at least 2 days." Superman gave his 5 cents.

"am I the only one seeing a problem with the fact, that we are stranded on a dead planet, with no one searching for us, and we're going to send our two strongest guys away?" Spiderman said.

"I'm fine with anything really, I mean, what else could happen." Hawkeye suddenly decided to speak.

Everyone looked at him.

"You don't speak at all until now, and when you do, you jinx us?" Black widow questioned while she took out a small notebook, it said killing list on the top of the page, and she had already written spiderman in smaller letters under it. And now she had added Hawkeye to that list.

Seeing that, both Hawkeye and Spiderman felt slightly afraid.

"Hey now, don't you know it's illegal on this planet to write down others names without their consent." Spiderman told her nervously

"I've also heard something like that." Hawkeye quipped in, feeling like there was a red laser dot on his forehead.

"We'll be fine, I think you two should go." Captain said to Superman and Thor. Knowing this could potentially be their last meeting.

"Let's go then." Thor said looking up.

"Superman! don't leave me here with these people, the only reason I joined is because they told me you'd be here! " Spiderman cried out.

'Don't leave me either.' Black Panther thought in pain.

Thor threw his hammer as he flew upwards towards the stars.

" You might wanna step back a little bit" Superman told them. So they did

"Maybe a little bit more" He said with a smile while they backed off a bit more.

Then he flew up creating a Sonic boom. He flew towards where Thor was.

It didn't take long to fly outside of the Galaxy. But Superman noticed something peculiar.

'Isn't he flying too slow?' Superman looked at Thor and saw that he was pushing hard

'Push harder... ' Superman thought

In the end he took him by the collar and gave him a helping hand, the estimated two days became half a day.

As they neared Asgard, Superman was absolutely stunned by its beauty. Everything was made of precious stones, silvers and gold.

'A true jade beauty, emerald buildings, pale skies, boneless, soft atmosphere. a realm toppling beauty' Superman thought. As they landed on the garden of a great castle right in the middle of Asgard.

Thor felt his veins bulging in anger. He saw that his family members, Heimdall, his friends and his wife Sif had been shackled by their hands and feet, outside of the castle where everyone could see them. They seemed to be tortured as well.

'Where is Loki?' Thor wondered, if his brother was involved in this, he might not spare him this time.

All the Asgardians had hidden themselves in safety chambers. But as they all heard thunders crying out in the skies, they went out with hope as this is a sign that one of the strongest fighters had returned.

When they looked outside, they saw that the whole of Asgard was covered in great, dark grey clouds.

Thor walked towards his family and friends.

As they saw him they lit up.

"Thor, Loki was part of this. don't be tricked by him." Balder said.

"After you got hurt against Hela, she returned to us and helped the frost giants led by Urgard-loki and their former King, Laufey. Father had to get involved later but that's when Surtur showed his face and fought with father., Hela took her chance and stole the Destroyer." Vali said.

"You have to hurry and support your father, they are fighting in another realm." Thor's mother told him.

"Husband, hurry up and leave, before their joint forces come back. Join Odin in his fight then slowly retake Asgard from our enemies." Sif, the wife of Thor exclaimed , afraid that he would have to fight against Hela and the frost giants on his own, she wanted him to escape before they came back.

"I've already defeated Hela and the frost giants." Thor said, still angry. Thor just walked forward and thunder streaks came out of his arm that held Mjolnir. The thunder strikes burnt off the shackles holding his family.

"How did you defeat them?" The queen of Asgard asked. She knew the enemies of Odin better than her children, and how powerful they were.

"I had... friends that helped me." Thor said looking at Superman.

"There's no one here, why didn't you escape?" Thor questioned his family

"We were bested and defeated then Hela shackled us in these cursed shackles. Skurge, also betrayed us for Hela. He made sure we couldn't escape while Hela and her army went searching for something in midgard. To find you we assumed. While skurge was enjoying the castle on his own, we tried to use our remaining magic to help Heimdall escape, it only worked so far before Skurge caught him.." Sif answered.

"Skurge..." Thor said with anger, remembering who he should slay, for touching his family.

Skurge was one of the strongest fighters in Asgard except for the Odinindotter and Odinssons.

It didn't take long for Thor to get things in order.

He couldn't find Loki but Skurge was easily found and apprehended by Superman

They wanted to help Odin but they didn't know which realm he was in, even Heimdall couldn't find him.

All in all, it had taken Superman and Thor 15 hours after they left the Avengers, before they were ready to send back the avengers to earth.

The Avengers were hungry and thirsty after the war they had been through.

"I really want a burger right about now." Steve Rogers said, as he took his mask off.

"A big size matoke would not be bad." T'Challa said.

"I could even go for a hawk right about now." Hawkeye said jokingly.

"I wonder how humans taste." Natasha Romanoff, the black widow said without a hint of joke in her voice.

They all moved away from her.

"What, I didn't say I would kill you."She said displeased as everyone was looking weirdly at her.

They relaxed hearing that.

"But if you do die, I wouldn't mind having a taste." She said smirking, while licking her lips.

"I would like to eat anything, as long as it isn't green." Bruce banner said, trying his best to also make light of the situation.

"We might be stranded here for a few days, so let's talk about something else." Captain America said.

"Chomp chomp, chunk gobble gobble, slurp" Spiderman suddenly stopped eating his protein bar, as everyone looked at him.

"Ehem this isn't what it looks like..." He said nervously as he saw their furious eyes.

"Look, it was an accident... Superman won't stand for it if you kill me, we're kinda tight, like brothers..."

"Do you want the rest?" He said as he lifted his hand, ready to hand the last morsel of proteinbar.

"Suddenly, I also feel like eating a human, a human with spider powers." Captain America said

Just as they were going to beat Spiderman butt, a rainbow-like light encompassed them.

And just for a second before they were teleported, they saw the planet they were on, thrust away from them.

And just for a split second they saw it, It looked like someone had taken a bite from the planet, and half of the planet was burnt to crisp.

When they were transported into the canyon again, all of them stood silent for a second.

"Did you guys see that?" Hawkeye said.

"Remind me not to piss off Superman." Captain America said.

They had seen the after effects of Superman's fight.

It had been almost one and a half days since they were taken to... whatever the planet's name was... Krypton? No that's a chemical substance.

When the Avengers arrived there were many soldiers standing guard, waiting for them, ready to report anything new. And as soon as the avengers returned, they reported it to the higher ups.


I'm accidentally making my chapters too long. This one is 1500 words long. The longest one is 1900 words. And most chapters are between 1.2-1.4 k words.

All together its 36 400 words with only 28 chapter, that's 8 extra chapters hidden inside of my 28 chapters, if the avarage is a 1k words 😫