
Chapter 27: Black Panthers great breakthrough!

'I see, I finally awakened my x-gene. But when? I never got tired during this fight, or really pushed to my limit... oh.. it must have been after the fight with the hulk." Kevin finally realized.

Some mutants are born with their X-genes activated, some people activate their abilities because of trauma, and most activate it during their teenage years naturally.

'It seems like the physical trauma of fighting the hulk, had activated my x-gene.' Kevin understood.

'My super healing enhanced the Regeneration ability, and my near endless stamina is now even greater with greater stamina regeneration... superman could live for as long as there is a yellow sun, add that to the x-gene equation and I can probably live.... for a long time.'

Knowing, and understanding is different, here he stood as one of the most powerful beings in the world. And he felt slightly distanced from all earthly things he held dear to him.

As he remembered earth, and the others, Superman picked up the scraps of metal beneath his feet, and flew back towards his teammates.

He had pushed the destroyer very far from where the war was taking place, the other side of the planet.

As he flew, he didn't go at full speed. he was taking in the difference in landscapes between before and after his fight.

The whole continent looked burnt from his fight, and the earth looked uprooted and destroyed from all the shockwaves and earthquake, many places had formed new volcanos and lava was spouting from the earth.

The avengers finally felt the planet calm down, they really worried about what happened to Superman.

"If he can't defeat the destroyer, then we are doomed." Captain America thought.

Hela Looked towards the horizon, she felt it, the Destroyer had been destroyed... but in its last moments, it had gone all out...

'He should also be dead.' She tought.

Superman flew while holding what's left of the Destroyer, as he came close enough, he saw what was going on...

All the canon fodder had died, the whole place looked wrecked, Superman felt a little shy at that, maybe he should have been more careful.

The once, Paradise like planet, now looked like a nightmarish disaster.

When he arrived close enough, the first one to notice his presence was Hela, and she was shocked to the core.

Unlike Thor, she not only knew about the destroyer and its history, she also knew about its purpose and how it was made.

She fully understood what it meant that Superman had defeated it.

'Is he one of... them?' She thought nervously, but didn't show it.

Superman flew down, looking perfectly fine, not a speck of dust on him, while holding the absolutely destroyed, Destroyer in his hand.

"Hahahah What a great warrior you are, Superman. I have underestimated you, great earthling!" Thor laughed, seeing his companion defeat a great weapon of Asgard.

The helicopter landed and the Avengers got off, ready to support hulk and Thor in any way, they could see the victory just around the corner.

"You should have gone further away if you wanted to cause so much catastrophy, you almost killed us all." Captain said a bit annoyed, but relieved at the fact that Superman was fine.

"About that.... I think... I went as far as possible, you know, to the other side." Superman said shyly.

Everybody was shocked, to cause so much chaos from the other side of the world.

"Didn't I tell you, as long as we have superman, everything will be fine!" Spiderman stated as a matter of fact.

"This king agrees." Black panther said calmly on the outside, but fanboyingly on the inside.

Everybody at this point waited for Superman to speak and tell what to do, even Captain America.

As superman Looked around he found that somewhere along the line, Hela had disappeared.

The only one left standing was King Laufey, but what was he King over? Air? Dead bodies?

Laufey also noticed that he was abondoned, and he had nowhere to escape, so he got ready to fight to his last breath.

"Laufey, King of Losers! Give up or else!" Spiderman threatened while drawing his sword in a swipe until it pointed straight at Laufey.

Unexpectedly, Captain America stood too close, he got a very thin line of blood on the skin of his throat!

Had he stood just a few centimeters closer, he would have been beheaded by Spiderman.

Spiderman saw that his teammates were looking at him in deadpan. Then he noticed captain America's throat and the thin line of blood on his sword.

"Erm... Sorry about that..." He said sheepishly.

Captain America just walked up to spiderman and took his sword away from him, and the club with spikes that he had picked up from one of the frost giants... also the short sword he had on his back. then walked away without saying anything.

Spiderman just stood there awkwardly...

"Erm.. it's probably fine.. I mean.. superman would probably save you right..?" He tried to excuse himself.

"Maybe, but he won't save you kid, from me, if you pick up arms again." Captain responded.

Then the last fight started with Hulk, Thor, Superman against Laufey. But every now and then Hulk would accidentally punch Superman.

Laufey fell to his knees and was breathing hard, but he had no hard feelings, this is war, either you win or you die.

Before he could even react, Thor's hammer blew his head off.

"That's for Asgard" Thor simply said.

His teammates looking at him.

"What, I always go for the head." He said looking up towards the sky, thinking about something.

"Heimdall! Send us back." He shouted.






"So, how should we get back home?" Spiderman asked.

"I know, we could take a cab!" Spidey also came up with an answer.

They looked at him slightly annoyed that he would joke around in such a dangerous situation.

"Alright, I see the problem." Spiderman said, trying to appease them.

"None of us brought our wallets." He finished.

"Let me kill him, no one will ever know." Black widow said as she put bullets in her gun.

Both Captain America and Hawkeye stopped her, she usually didn't joke about killing people.

"Any ideas, Thor? Superman asked.

"Yes, prepare to wait a centuru or two." He said still looking up to the stars.

"I'd rather take the cab!" Spiderman quipped in.

Superman actually chuckled this time. They had won so everybody was starting to relax slightly as the adrenaline wore off.

And that didn't go unnoticed by spiderman... nor Black Panther.

'So he likes jokes.." Black Panther thought.

"Haha, you know, joking around... is like my thing.. haha, but that doesn't mean I don't take things seriously! I just aspire to make light of things so people become relaxed haha... I mean not in a weird way." Seeing Superman chuckle at his joke, spiderman became shy and nerdy once again trying to score points with his hero.

"What did one superhero mask say to the other?" Black panther said without any emotion towards the group, hiding the fact that he had, like Spiderman before, becomes a fanboy trying to please his hero.

"You wait here, I'll go on ahead." Black panther finished. Hoping he could also make Superman chuckle.

Everybody looked at him just confused as to why he started joking suddenly.

"I got it!" Thor suddenly exclaimed. Getting all the attention to him once again.