

In the past three months, all of the other contracts signed between the G'ak'arkan Tribe and the Martial Union had begun. The Longranger Martial Artists had begun training more than a dozen G'ak'arkan Martial Squires, helping them learn their techniques.

As expected, the language barrier slowed down both sides, however, considering both sides understood that they stood to benefit a lot as long as it worked out, they put their patience to the test as they worked through the slow communicative process of translations.

Things had settled down in the settlement of the Martial Union as its primary purpose had already been achieved, now it only needed to function and be protected until they got what they wanted and left the island.

Rui had more or less forgotten about his role as the manager and leader of the settlement. It no longer needed him, as the administrative work that needed to be completed was delegated to qualified personnel who were capable of handling the workload.