

"You still have some planning to do," Rui told Kane. "As I told you, Lundenfire requires contact or extremely close proximity with itself in order to generate charge. This means simply integrating them into your body isn't enough, you need to brush the two portions of Lundenfire in your body in order to charge your body with lightning."

"In the middle of combat?" Kane frowned.

"It's not going to last as long as the charge you got from the lightning bolts of Thundering Valley," Rui nodded. "You're going to have to charge and recharge in the middle of combat."

"Hmm…" Kane considered his words. "Then it'll be best to make the charging as easy and accessible as possible."

"That's right," Rui nodded. "The charging will require gesture with you brushing the two portions of Lundenfire in your body together, so make sure to choose a rubbing motion or action that's easy to do in combat."