
Martial Contest

"I heard Kane was a favourite." Rui said. "Does that mean the other favourites among the descendants of the Martial community are also at his level?"

Fae nodded. "Talen-wise Kane is considered a top three among all the descendants of the Martial community. Though he isn't the most talented."

Rui's eyes flew wide open at those words. "You're telling me there's a prodigy even more talented than Kane??"

Rui found that hard to believe. Kane broke through at the age of eleven, and was so talented that he was easily on par with Rui, despite all of Rui's huge advantages. Up until, recently, Kane was comfortably stronger than him too. Rui was certain that if Kane loved Martial Art as much as he did, he might have gone to even greater heights.

Fae nodded. "Her name is Fiona. Fiona Roschem. The granddaughter of His Honour Grandmaster Sage Damian."