

"This is a map of the entire region." She pointed to a large map inscribed on a table. Surprisingly, most of the region was empty into a no man's land and forest, while there were several small states littered here and there.

In the center of the region was a small dot representing Crexeet town.

('That's unfortunate,') Rui noted the fact that the town at the center in a region with several states littered across it.

"We have a surveillance division comprised of Martial Artists and long-surveillance scopes operating throughout the day, all days," She said. "They inform us of any attacks ahead of time, we deploy Martial Artists and potion users to combat them ahead of time, to ensure that the conflict occurs well away from the town so that the townsfolks aren't any the wiser. If you possess the necessary sensory prowess, you can serve on the surveillance division if you wish to."