

"Ants?" Kane raised an eyebrow. "Like, normal small ants? The type that are pretty easy to kill hopefully?"

"I'm afraid to disappoint you, but… these seem pretty non-standard," Rui murmured. "Come on, I found a pathway to it. We don't need to break through a bunch of tunnels this time."

The two of them quickly moved and followed a particular tunnel path that Rui guided him through before they eventually ran into an open wide space, yet it wasn't entirely unoccupied.

"Woah," Kane did a double take. "Is that… an anthill?!"

Even he could perceive the gigantic structure.

"It's an ant mountain, actually," Rui murmured as he sized up the gigantic structure. "It wouldn't be the first time a floor has contained a mountain-sized structure."

He recalled the sixteenth floor with the tree.

"So how many ants are there in the colony?" Kane gulped.

"Tens of thousands," Rui murmured. "On the low side as far as ant colonies go."