

"Are you done?" Kane asked once Rui finished the final document at the bottom of the box.

"Yep," Rui nodded. "Just finished memorizing all this data. Now time to destroy the box."

"Are you going to hack it to bits?" Kane asked. "That feels a bit pointless."

"It would be pointless," Rui nodded. "But I intend to hack it and then burn it."

He summoned his sword from the dimensional storage ring, swinging a hundred times in less than a second.

Instantly, the box and the documents were reduced to pieces. Immediately, he pulled out his hot air windpipe, before inhaling deeply and exhaling a huge amount of air that was cracklingly hot, immediately setting the box and the documents on fire and incinerating them to the ground.

"Can we take these annoying suits off now?" Kane asked impatiently.