
The Beginning

August,20,2054 its been 13 years since we established establish bases on Mars. With that we found a rune under the crust within the last 2 years. The World has been in shambles over what nation owns it. but the current one is The Southern Joint African Comity. But the tensions are rising trough out the world. Some countrys are showing hostile behavior towards one another like The Super Powers of the world. Some still are fine with each other. But alot are almost at the brink of war with each other. Their are some aliences but very few but its been a depression here on mars because we haven't had much support because the people on earth are reading for war.our base is fortionet to be a manufacturing base because we still have food but in the next 20 years we should be able to breath here on mars. The reason why is because we reintroduce water hear. We also planted genetically modified plants that dont need much water are highly resistant they look like fields of flowers but is a huge system of plant matter and make tons of oxygen.