Bane walked out of the cave with the three demons following him. Once he was outside, he turned back, and crossed his arms.
"Which way?"
Both Nia and Elexis pointed to the north, that head away from the volcano, but Zerynthia was pointing up the volcano. Bane frowned at the still naked woman, locking his eyes with hers to keep them from wandering.
"Why are you pointing to the top of the mountain?" Bane asked, and Zerynthia smiled at him, crossing her arms over her breasts.
"There is an item up there that I have been saving. A powerful magical ring that I found many lifetimes ago, and I do not wish to leave it here," She explained, and Bane looked at the other two women.
"Do either of you have clothes for this woman?" He asked, and Elexis rolled her eyes and pointed at Zerynthia.