

A story about a child with the mark that will bring about the destruction of worlds, such a great power lies in the hands of a child. what is the fate of the world?

Asiazobor_Daniel · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Cut out the mark II

A stunning young woman entered, accompanied by the mighty bull. The two beasts bowed their heads in respect, revealing that she was their queen. "Where is the mark?" the queen inquired. "We await your command on how to extract the mark from him, my queen," the first beast responded. "It's simple, chop off his head and remove the mark," the queen insisted. "No! I'm the one in the prophecy, the chosen one with the mark!" I heard Amma scream from her cell. "Prophecy? What prophecy?" I wondered. "Oh, the prophecy... hmm, interesting, huh? In that case, you'll be the last person to be extracted today, hahaha," the queen replied with a mischievous giggle.

Terrified, I screamed for help, but it seemed futile. The queen commanded, "Chop chop, cut it off!" My heart sank. Suddenly, I found myself in a room with a single door. Desperate, I sprinted towards it and swung it open, only to find myself back on the altar, tied down once more. To my right, the two beasts loomed, and to my left, a pot of boiling lava with a metal spoon submerged in it. "Oh my, he's the marked one, he's awake! Chop his head off again!" the queen ordered.

Sure, here's the edited version:

"Yeah, they kept repeating the same torment, for the fifth time. By now, they had already noticed the mark on my forehead. 'My queen, this is the mark, how do we remove it?' the first beast asked. 'Just cut it out with the hot metal,' the queen replied. The first beast approached the pot of boiling lava, grabbed the long metal inside, and placed it on the bright mark on my forehead."

I cried out in agony as the first beast tried to take the mark from my forehead with the scorching metal. The mark glimmered even brighter for a moment when the beast accidentally withdrew the metal.

"What have you done? I want the mark out of his head! Why did you remove the searing metal from the mark?" the queen asked angrily

As the sharp pain surged through my forehead, the once radiant mark turned a fiery red. Something within me took control, and I confronted the two beasts on my left. With a scream, they crumbled into dust. I turned my gaze towards the queen and let out a furious cry, but a massive bull stood in my way, shielding her with a force barrier. The queen opened a portal and beckoned, "Finish this and come to mama, my son," before disappearing into it.

After breaking free from the ropes on the altar, I stood on top of it and declared, 'Let's end this bull crap!' The giant bull charged at me, but I countered with a powerful magical punch that sent it flying. I tried to land another punch, but it was out of range. Suddenly, the bull attacked from behind, hitting me with its giant axe. I quickly conjured a shield to block the attack, but its force overwhelmed me, sending me crashing into the wall. I was too weak to stand up, and the bull approached, gripping my head in its hands, attempting to crack my neck. With all my strength, I punched a hole through its chest, pulled out its heart, and squeezed it. But to my surprise, the giant bull laughed and said..." "You fool, you think that'll stop me?" The giant bull snapped my neck and threw me to the floor. Once again, everything went blank. This time, I found myself in a room with a door and a window. I hurried to the window and opened it, only to see my lifeless body lying on the floor. I witnessed the giant bull approaching Gina, intending to decapitate her. Desperate to save them, I rushed towards the door, but it was locked. Suddenly, a man appeared and said, "Welcome, Jordan. You're dead, and you're in the great beyond." I pleaded, "Please, you have to let me go. My sister and friend are in danger. I have to save them, please!" The man turned to the window and asked, "You mean them?"