

A story about a child with the mark that will bring about the destruction of worlds, such a great power lies in the hands of a child. what is the fate of the world?

Asiazobor_Daniel · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

chapter 17: twists of fate

As the voice reverberated through the air once more, its words echoed in my ears, "Feeble, pitiful, just like your ancestors. Now I understand your desires, 'a disgrace' hahaha." In that very moment, my husband's mouth was forcefully pried open, allowing a sinister cloud of darkness to seep inside.

My husband recounted that it was all a blur from there, as he found himself suddenly immersed in a fierce battle with Dairo within a grand arena. The sight was nothing short of awe-inspiring; Dairo fought with the prowess of a deity, his every move a testament to his otherworldly skills. However, amidst the chaos, my husband's instincts began to whisper something peculiar. It seemed that Dairo, in truth, was no longer among the living, but rather harbored a malevolent demon within him.

Seeking clarity, my husband called out to Dairo, his voice filled with uncertainty, "Hey, Dairo! What is the meaning of this? Why are we locked in combat?" To his astonishment, Dairo responded with a chilling smirk, delivering a powerful blow to my husband's nose, taunting him with the words, "Weak and pitiful." Strangely, my husband felt no pain, only a sensation akin to a tiny insect buzzing within his nostrils, provoking an irresistible urge to sneeze.

In a moment of release, my husband unleashed a mighty sneeze, triggering a cataclysmic explosion. Initially taken aback, he soon realized that this explosive force was none other than the dormant power of Inora, now awakened within him. With each subsequent sneeze, the revelation grew stronger, affirming his newfound abilities. The journey ahead promised to be one of discovery and untapped potential.

He mentioned that it was the final memory he could grasp, and afterward, he found himself back home, lying on the bed. It was indeed true; on that tempestuous night, Dairo had brought him home and informed me that my husband was utterly exhausted and needed a good rest. However, I couldn't help but wonder why my husband was drained while Dairo seemed brimming with vigor. Sadly, Dairo was nowhere to be found to answer my pressing questions.

I guided my husband to his room, noticing that his body radiated intense heat. Concerned, I swiftly dipped his duvet in cool water and gently draped it over him, hoping to provide some relief.

The following morning marked the day my husband divulged the tales of his extraordinary encounters. Little did I know, it would likely be the last day I laid eyes on him.

On that fateful day, a distressing call reached us from the town, alerting us to a monstrous assault on the city. My husband, fueled by his newfound sneezing powers, hastily rushed out, proclaiming his ability to protect the world. I pleaded for him to stay, tears streaming down my face, but as you know, once a man's heart is hardened, it becomes an unyielding fortress.

As he sprinted towards Dairo's house to relay the news of the town's turmoil, a remarkable sight caught his eye along the way. There stood Dairo, and without hesitation, they united their strengths and forged an alliance to confront the menacing monsters. Upon reaching the town, a chilling sight greeted them - a horde of eerie creatures poised to attack. Drawing upon their newfound abilities, they valiantly fought back. Suddenly, a voice reverberated, taunting them with scornful words, "Feeble and pitiful, just like your ancestors. Hahahaha." It was the same voice that had echoed from the mountain. In that moment, Dairo realized the grave consequences of his actions - by opening the mountain's doors, he had unwittingly unleashed chaos upon their world's delicate equilibrium. "Hey, Ruka! I deeply regret the havoc I've caused you. It's entirely my fault for opening those doors," Dairo confessed with a heavy heart. "No, Dairo. We are in this together. Trust me," my husband reassured him, his voice filled with determination. "Let us vanquish these monsters and uncover the source of that voice." As they battled the creatures, the voice continued to cackle in the distance. Suddenly, they heard a resounding clamor drawing near their location. It was the other men from our world, rallying together to join forces in defeating the primary adversaries.

After a grueling battle that stretched for hours, the final clash brought an end to the chaos. Yet, the voice resurfaced, tauntingly asking, "Still searching for me?" Fueled by anger, my husband retorted, "Reveal yourself if you dare, unafraid!" "Oh, but of course," the voice responded, gradually unveiling its immense figure from feet to head. Before us stood a colossal male character, a sight witnessed firsthand. Dairo approached him cautiously and inquired, "Who are you?" With a sinister laugh, he replied, "I am Zargo, your worst nightmare. Hahahaha." A sigh escaped my lips as I heard these words, but my husband's resolve remained unyielding, ready to sacrifice himself for his people. He declared war, and the battle raged on for hours, until Zargo grew weary. He turned to face them and uttered, "Ha... Ha... Ha. Did you know that I bestowed upon you powers? Yet, I can just as easily take them away. And now, I shall bring an end to this... Izuro manilo kazo." As he cast an enchanted spell, a dark green smoke emanated from his body, possessing the ability to transform anyone who breathed it in into a monstrous form. This curse only affected men and pregnant women carrying male children.

As the deadly smoke permeated the air, despair engulfed us, leaving little hope for survival. I witnessed our brave warriors succumbing to the curse, transforming into monstrous beings one by one. But when it was my husband's turn, he defiantly declared, "I refuse to become a monster, and I won't face death alone." With the toxic fumes choking him, he mustered every ounce of strength and approached Zargo, holding his breath. Suddenly, an unexpected sneeze erupted, triggering an explosion that claimed both their lives simultaneously.

In the aftermath, Zargo emerged from the wreckage, casting a disdainful gaze upon the remnants of my husband. "Weak and pathetic," he sneered, before departing, aware that all men and pregnant women carrying male children had met their demise.

Years later, Zargo returned to our ravaged world, fueled by a sinister plan to reshape it according to his whims. He laid waste to everything on the surface, establishing himself as our new king and self-proclaimed deity. Those who dared to defy his tyrannical reign met a grim fate, and our once-beloved world, once known as Labatas, was renamed Doom.

"All because of that green smoke we inhaled from his body, we were bestowed with immortality, untouched by the passage of time unless fate intervenes." She concluded her tale, tears of sorrow staining her face.

Jordan's Pov: I exclaimed, "Damn, that's quite a tale! But what happened to Dairo? How did he meet his end?" My face twisted in confusion as I awaited her response.