

A story about a child with the mark that will bring about the destruction of worlds, such a great power lies in the hands of a child. what is the fate of the world?

Asiazobor_Daniel · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 12: Lost

As if out of nowhere, a deafening series of gunshots echoed through the air, reverberating in our ears. The monstrous fish let out a gut-wrenching moan, its pain echoing through the depths. Curiosity consumed me, and I cautiously peeped to catch a glimpse of the source. To my astonishment, there stood an elderly woman, her weathered face etched with determination, cradling a small girl in her arms. In her right hand, she firmly grasped a formidable double-barrel shotgun, its weight a testament to her resolve. With a solemn yet resolute voice, she entrusted the young girl with a gleaming dagger, urging her forward with the words, "Go, little one, and cut out its heart." My eyes remained fixed on the scene as the courageous child approached the wounded creature, her small hands gripping the dagger with unwavering determination. With a swift and precise motion, she plunged the blade into the beast's chest, extracting its still-beating heart. The old woman's gaze shifted towards our hiding place, her eyes filled with an uncanny awareness. The barrel of her gun pointed menacingly in our direction, as she declared, "I know you're there. Show yourself." Our hearts pounded in our chests as we slowly raised our trembling hands above our heads, cautiously stepping out from our concealed sanctuary. The weight of the moment hung heavily in the air, a delicate balance between surrender and survival.

With a trembling voice, I pleaded, "Please, we mean no harm. We're not here to cause trouble." Fear coursed through my veins as I realized that this was the first time anyone had ever pointed a gun at me. The old woman, her grip unwavering, demanded to know our origins and purpose. "We're from planet Earth," I blurted out anxiously, hoping to diffuse the tension. However, her response was filled with disbelief and a hint of mockery. "Hahaha, seriously? Don't play games with us. Tell us the truth about where you're really from," she insisted. Gathering my courage, Logan hurriedly explained, "Actually, we are from Earth, but we belong to the 10th generation." The old woman's eyes widened in surprise as she processed this information. "This is the 350th generation... and that voice, what are you?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued. Logan, pointing towards me, responded, "I'm a boy, and she's a girl."

"Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a courageous young lad has ventured into the perilous expanse of our beloved land, the dreaded realm of DOOM. I solemnly swear to shield and protect you at all costs, for it is my duty and honor. It is but a mere matter of time before your kind, the valiant explorers, shall once again grace this land with their presence, and mark my words, young man, you shall be the catalyst for this glorious resurgence," the wise old woman declared with a resolute gaze. Though her words pierced my heart, I chose to remain silent, concealing the pain that seeped through my being. Sensing the weight of my emotions, Logan, ever perceptive, swiftly steered the conversation in a different direction, seeking to divert the woman's attention. "Actually, we find ourselves in search of our dear companions who embarked on this journey alongside us, yet have mysteriously vanished without a trace," he interjected, his voice filled with a tinge of concern. Intrigued, the old woman leaned in and inquired, "Pray tell, how many souls make up this missing party of yours?"

"It was just the four of us, but alas, we are now in search of the remaining two brave souls," Logan responded, his voice tinged with worry. The old woman's face fell with sympathy as she uttered, "I deeply regret that we cannot locate them. Those vile creatures lurking in these lands may have devoured them." She began to walk, hoping we would follow her, but Logan persisted, his urgency palpable. "Please, we must rescue our dear friends. One is a young lad, and the other, a courageous young girl," he pleaded, his determination unwavering.

"A boy, you say? Another lad in your midst?" the old woman mumbled, her eyes widening with curiosity. She swiftly turned back towards us, her steps quickening. "We must hasten, my friends! We cannot allow those abominable creatures to reach him before we do. Tell me, where was the last place you spotted him?" she inquired, her voice filled with urgency. "Actually, I caught a glimpse of him near that colossal trash can over yonder, but he seems to have vanished since then," Logan replied, a hint of concern in his tone. The old woman's eyes gleamed with determination as she declared, "Then there is only one destination where he might have sought refuge... the Sunset City. However, to reach it, we must first face the colossal monsters that lie in wait along our path."

"Nothing can stand in my way when it comes to rescuing a young lad. Let us embark on this journey," the old woman insisted, her determination unwavering. With resolute steps, she set off in the direction of the trash can, and we followed closely behind. As we walked, Logan attempted to engage me in conversation, but my silence persisted. I couldn't shake off the sting of the old woman's words, the thought of Logan being the one to populate their world with boys. It was irrational, I knew, just a pang of jealousy. "Gina, why aren't you saying anything? Are you upset with me?" Logan inquired, his voice filled with concern. Ignoring his question, I quickened my pace, determined to catch up with the old woman.

Amma's POV:.....

My heart raced as I sprinted, desperately trying to put distance between myself and the monstrous horse. "It's getting closer! I need to find a hiding spot," I thought frantically. I found a secluded spot and crouched down, hoping the creature wouldn't find me. But to my surprise, the horse with its unicorn horn and human legs continued to track me down. It was relentless. I couldn't let it deter me from my mission to find Jordan. With a surge of determination, I rose from my hiding place, ready to face the beast head-on. I let out a piercing whistle, catching the attention of the monster horse. It turned towards me, its eyes fixed on my every move. I squared my shoulders and declared, "I'm not backing down. Let's do this!"

The monstrous horse charged towards me with a thunderous fury, its hooves pounding the earth beneath it. I braced myself, waiting for the perfect moment to spring into action. With a burst of agility, I soared over the creature's colossal head, feeling a rush of adrenaline course through my veins. The horse came to an abrupt halt, its expression shifting from fierce to serious. My heart raced as its mouth opened wide, revealing a startling sight—a human hand emerging from its gaping maw, followed by a head. Fear gripped me, but in that moment of panic, my eyes caught sight of a towering tree with a branch so sharp it could pierce through steel. A mischievous smile played on my lips as I realized the opportunity before me. "Ah-ha!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with a mixture of excitement and determination. "I know exactly what I can do!"

The monstrous creature, fueled by an insatiable hunger for destruction, hurtled towards me once again, its velocity leaving me breathless. In a desperate bid to protect myself, I tapped into my latent powers and conjured a swirling portal directly in its path. With a burst of energy, the portal materialized on the sharp branch of a nearby ancient tree. The creature, unaware of its impending doom, careened into the portal, only to reappear moments later impaled on the unforgiving branch. A surge of triumph surged through my veins as I realized I had successfully thwarted the creature's advances.

Determined to find my way back to civilization, I followed my gut instinct, allowing it to guide me through the treacherous terrain. After what felt like an eternity of walking, my weary feet carried me to a place where a towering trash can stood, a beacon of hope in the desolate landscape. A surge of excitement coursed through me, for I knew that I was nearing the realm of humanity once again. With renewed determination, I pressed on, navigating the narrow path that lay before me, eagerly anticipating the possibility of encountering someone or something that could offer assistance on my perilous journey.

Jordan's Pov:

We finally arrived in a bustling city, teeming with people and vibrant energy. The sight was breathtaking, like stepping into a heavenly oasis. Overwhelmed by the beauty, I turned to Elfin and eagerly inquired about our newfound surroundings. "What is this place, Elfin?" I asked, my voice filled with wonder. With a smile, she replied, "This is the Sunset City." My heart swelled with joy as I expressed my love for our current location and my hopes of finding my friends amidst the crowd.

Suddenly, a deafening gunshot pierced the air, shattering the tranquility of the moment. Panic ensued as a woman's voice warned of approaching monsters. The once idyllic city transformed into a scene of chaos and destruction. Acting swiftly, the woman pulled Elfin and me into a small underground hiding spot. We held our breath, praying that the monsters would pass us by. However, one of the creatures, driven by its keen sense of smell, approached our hiding place. Fear coursed through me, and I couldn't help but fidget, trying to avoid capture. In my desperate attempt to evade the monster, I accidentally bumped my leg against a chair, causing a bottle to crash to the ground. The noise reverberated through the air, alerting the entire horde of monsters to our presence. They charged towards us, their savage instincts taking over.