
Furtive Looks

"Father, in ten minutes the event will commence."

"Okay son. Where is your mother? I need her to be by my side when I face the people of Dragonio."

"Im here my Emperor. Need not to worry, we will face the people of Dragonio together."

"Oh my beloved Empress, you look stunning as always. You look gorgeous as you were when we first met❤️"

"And you still haven't change my Emperor, so manly and good-looking as you were❤️"

"Ehem... Im starting feel out-of-place here😶."

"Hahaha, dont worry my son, you'r still the empire's most good-looking man, of course second to your father."

"Hmm, thanks Mom, but why do I feel like Im being teased here?"

(They laugh altogether)

In the middle of the royal family's conversation, Assassin General Danvil and Admiral Neon arrived. Danvil greeted first followed by Neon.

"Your Highness let me greet you a happy birthday. A pleasant evening to you as well Empress Melesse and Prince Stroyer."

"Its nice to see you doing well my Emperor. A wonderful evening as well to you Empress Melesse and Prince Stroyer."

"Its nice to see you both Danvil and Neon, it has been a while since we last talk. Let me say thank you for working in the security measures of the empire."

"(Danvil) Its our duty my Empress."

"(Neon) The pleasure is ours my Empress."

"(Stroyer) Is your wife and son within the castle Danvil? I haven't met them yet, Im looking forward to meeting them tonight."

"Yes my prince. It would be a pleasure to introduce them to you. They arrived just a while ago. In fact, they brought with them my gift to the emperor."

"Your highness, please accept my simple gift. My wife cooked it herself, I wish it suits your taste."

"Oh! Thank you Danvil. Im sure this tastes delicious."

"(Empress Melesse) Don't you worry Danvil, my husband is not so picky when it comes to food, he almost eats everything."

(Everyone laughing)

While the royal family and Danvil were talking, Neon cant help but take furtive looks to Prince stroyer. Her admiration for Prince Stroyer is not a secret within her armies, but nobody dares to spread gossip about it. Surely, Neon will kill them.

(Neon's mind)

"Prince Stroyer is undeniably very good-looking😍😍. I wonder if what type of girls does he likes. Does he like strong girls?-well Im strong💪🏻Does he like tall girls?-well Im tall. Does he like sexy ones?-well Im undeniably sexy. Does he like witty girls?-well Im the empire's tactician. And wait, his lips is soooo red, I wonder how it feels to be kissed by him🥰"

"Admiral Neon... Admiral Neon... Admiral..."

"Ye-ye-yes Danvil?!(shocked)"

"The empress has been talking to you, but seems your thought is somewhere else, or shall I say..with someone else?(teasing looks)"

"Hu-huh? Wha-what are you ta-talking about..i-i was just thinking of something else😅"

"Pa-pardon me for my rudeness my Empress"

"Its okay Neon🙂. I was asking if who you come along with, did your boyfriend came along with you?🙂"

"A-hahaha..I came with my army my Empress, and I don't have a boyfriend yet😅."

"Oh is that so🙂, with such beauty? Im sure lots of Croniumees would want to own your heart🙂. Am I right Prince Stroyer?"

"Of course mother."

"A-haha😅. Thank you for the complement my Empress". (Neon's mind: I only desire Prince Stroyer and no one else😊😍)

"Its already time father, let us proceed to the upper lobby of the castle, its time for you to welcome the people of Dragonoi."

"Let's go then."

"We shall go then your highness, its time for us to do what we came here for."

"(Empress)Thank you once again Danvil and sweet Neon."

As the Royalties walk towards the upper lobby of the castle, Danvil and Neon also walked out of the castle going to their post. While on their way, Danvil cant help but tease Neon.

"Ey Neon, what's with your furtive looks with the prince😁? I saw it, dont deny it🤣."

"Wa-what are you talking Danvil😳?

"You like Prince Stroyer..don't you?😜"

"O-of course not😳"

"Then why are you blushing😜?"

"I-im not blushing😳😠! Cut it out Danvil."

"Hmmm🥴? Okayyy😈🤣