
The Mansion {Maders Mansion}

The cold breeze in my face, clinging tightly to my bare arms. My arms wrapped around my torso in an attempt to keep me warm. Tears streaming down my face as memories of Harry's cruel betrayal flood my mind. Of all days, he chose my birthday to hurt me. My red pumps creating a gentle click sound with every contact it made with the tarred road. Creating the only sound the night breeze brings to my ears. Asides my sobs and the distant barks of the neighborhood dogs. My third sense is sudden activated as I sense I'm being followed. I smell danger. Walking alone on such desolate streets doesn't seem like the best idea I could have come up with. I wasn't thinking straight when I made that choice. I should have called my driver to come get me!. This creepy feeling becomes more intense and I decide to do the one thing I know I'm good at; run!. I throw my purse and phone away as I begin to run in frenzy I feel something hot on my trail, when I look back, all I see is dark fog. The more reason to run faster. The road fairly lit by moonlight, my heart in my mouth and prayers of help and mercy escaping my lips. Finally, I hear music playing from loud speakers. I'm close to civilization!. I keep running frantically. One of my pumps gone. Soon I see a club in sight with a few people outside. I begin to scream for help when a figure suddenly appears before me. In fear, I make to run in the opposite direction but another figure is right behind me. Next thing I know; i'm surrounded by darkness. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Imagine waking up in an abandoned Gothic castle in the middle of no where. With an immortal creap as your new 'mother' and over a hundred strangers as your new siblings. Where love is a crime, hope is a dream and rebelion is a death contract. A dark tunnel with no light whatsoever, would you survive?? Let's follow our protagonist into this breath taking journey and find out what could possibly be worst than this.

Aider Kwin · สยองขวัญ
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103 Chs


The creature pulls on my arm and I resist the pull. Although there is no more space between us, it moves closer to me as though daring me.

An action which most definitely irritates me and puts the will to stand up for myself in me.

It pulls again and I stand up and push it away aggressively. The feel of touching it is inexplicable. It was as though my palms came in contact with rid cages that layed directly beneath the dark hood.

What was more alarming was it's reaction. It didn't stager as expected but rather slid across the room till it got to the door. The movement was so smooth you'd think it slid on ice.

I scream as it jumps from across the room growling and lands right before me. One hand on my neck and the other hand raised with nails which seem to have grown longer, ready to claw my face.

I close my eyes as I anticipate the antagonizing feel of it's hideous claws or nails cutting through my flesh.

After waiting bout five seconds and nothing happened, I open an eye to see what's going on. Only then do I see another creature standing in the doorway.

I look up at the creature whoes hand is still on my neck only to find it also staring at the other creature. Apperantly they are communicating telepathically!!.

I patiently listen to the angry creatures growl die down. It suddenly turns to me and snarls at me. Then it let's go off me and floats out of the room. Leaving me with the other creature.

Why do they even bother to walk when they can float!?. If I could fly or float, it would be goodbye legs!.

The other creature slowly begins to move towards me~ what's with them and being sluggish!?. As this creature approaches me, I gulp as I do not know what deal those two struck. Is this creature here to hurt me or kill me!?.

I stand patiently awaiting my fate but then it wraps it's cold fingers around my upper arm and begins to pull. I obey this time and actually move as it pulls cause i feel I have caused enough trouble in one day and I don't want to over step boundaries.

It pulls me out of my room~or prison and unto the fairly lit passage. After slamming the door shut, it proceeds to lead me in the opposite direction of the way I was lead last night. This place is so huge I feel one can actually get lost and never be found.

We proceed up another dreadful fleet of stairs. Well as a runner who can't exercise due to my current predicament, I think I should see this stairs as a plus.

After what seems like ages, I begin to hear peoples voices. A few laughters and giggles, sudden screams and groans. The sound reminds me of the girls locker room back at school. It sounded like a bevy of ladies at a pool party.

How could people be happy in a place like this!?. We finally get to the top of the stairs and another creature comes out of a corner and takes hold of my left arm. The creature which brought me here turns around and floats back down the stairs. So it could not just float up here with me!? It really had to make me go through such stress!?

I am pulled out I my reverie by this creatures tug at my arm. My heart begins to pound in fear. What's up with the swapping creatures thing!? To where am a being lead?.

I keep walking in silence as I feel and listen to dry leaves crunch under my bare feets~ an action I am just discovering is one of my favorites. I keep looking around this huge space. I don't even know if to call it a castle or mansion.

I try to register every turn made and the places they where made but that just scrambles my stressed brain. So i give up.

Finally we approach a gigantic door which has two other creatures standing before it. The creature that lead me here let's go of my arm and floats back the way we came. What gives!!?.

The creatures before me open the doors and behind these doors are hundreds of girls. Some in white robes and others in normal clothes~ now when I say normal, I don't mean fancy, I mean not robe or creepy like.

I sluggishly walk into the room. Once in, they don't even act like a person or someone new had come in. I hear a few girls whisper things and some are starring at me. This makes me feel really uncomfortable and just when I think about running back out, I hear the doors slam shut.

Two elderly girls, a bit older than I am but look like women in their eighties, walk towards me and they both take hold of each of my upper arms as they stand beside me.

I gulp as they begin to lead me further into the crowded room~continuous gulping is so not pleasant!. Eventually, we approach a long line and these girls let go of me once I have joined the queue.

A few feets away, I see an open gigantic door and two other girls who look as odd as the two who lead me here, standing on each side of the open doors. Holding stacks of some folded fabric.

I slowly take a look around this odd place and people. Some stick like and bony with messy hair, some a bit fleshy but all looking highly malnourished. Since when have they been here!?. I do hope I don't stay here long.

The line keeps moving till I am standing directly before the open door and between the two odd.. women-girls?. One of the girls hold out a dirty woolen material. I suppose this is meant to be a towel, but damn it looks so dirty!

It reminds me of what my towel looked like some years back after all three of brothers used it to clean up after playing beach volleyball. My heart sinks as memories of my family come rushing back to me. If I was home right now, they most definitely would be annoying me but I would give up my whole world right now just to be with my family or at least brothers company.

I feel a sudden and arrogant push at my back. Causing me to stager into the room. This snaps me out of my day dream. Turns out I was lost in thought and causing traffic.

My nose is welcomed with the smell of wet wood. I raise my head and my eyes widen in absolute... Shock, dismay, disbelief or disgust!?..

You know when Mr. Krabs from spongebob sees something bad and then his eyes pop and he replaces them? Well if I could do that, it would be the best reaction to this scene right now!