
Gunther's Broken Trust

Gunther left the place because even with a gas mask, he could not last too long there without risking his health as the radiation was bad and contaminated anything that stays in contact for too long with it. This was why it was a miracle that the General could even survive such a condition but with Botho dead and all those he has afflicted with his Archetype free.

There was nothing that could be done, he had to present himself as the victim but it was going to be hard to convince them if Folkwin Wiborg was not on the same page as him.

"Oi Gunther," A voice called out the moment he exited the underground compartment, Gunther recognized this voice and judging by his face they did not get along.

"What are you doing there? You are the only one that Botho did not control yet Folkwin remained imprisoned in those years. I find that suspicious." The voice continued.

Gunther looked back reluctantly and established visuals on the man that was speaking to him.