
The Man Road to Heavenly (Re-write)

It all begins when the gates of another world open on Earth, and the current state of society changes rapidly, with the most noticeable change being the fall of male superiority due to the peach, which only gives power to women. Jin Takeru, a convenience store clerk was caught up in the Mato disaster during the first year of chaos. A tragic life story where the man turns into a special type of Shuuki, traveling in a barren world with all Shuuki (Monster) inhabitants. Years passed until a century, Jin Takeru suddenly became himself when he was a human a century ago. And how will that man live his life in the present time. The rules and social order have changed dramatically. ... Notes. The world is based on the popular fanservice manga Slave of the Magic Capital's Elite Troops.

Poponioko · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Jin Takeru III


This woman is really rude, barging in and bombarding me with questions as if in a hurry. Hey, at least introduce yourself first— is this how you conduct interrogations? Very unprofessional!

I frowned inwardly, dissatisfied with the rushed attitude of the young woman standing before me. Even though she's beautiful, at least tell me your name first. Ugh, my first impression of meeting a human after so long ends up like this, embarrassing.

And also, I'm starving. While she keeps asking questions, I've been holding back my hunger, and this damn body doesn't seem to want to cooperate anymore. Argh! I feel like digging a hole right now!!


After being served a bowl of udon, I shamelessly devoured it, like someone who hadn't had a decent meal in ages. The warm broth's aroma and the chewy noodles made me feel like I was in heaven after being trapped in hell for so long. Ah, this taste, I should be prostrating in gratitude for finding this food after so long, but I can't show any more embarrassing behaviour.

"Ahem, and that's how it is," I said, trying to adjust my tone to sound more serious. "I don't know what happened. My memory seems fragmented when I try to recall it, but honestly, I wasn't the one who did all that." I paused, observing the woman's reaction in front of me. Regarding my monstrous body, I don't have to be too honest here. If not, then I'd be at a disadvantage. Let's act like a typical victim.

Cautiously, I continued, "All I know is that I was stranded in that place and tried to survive. Maybe there was someone else or something else that did all that, but it wasn't me." I hoped my answer was convincing enough to divert their suspicion while I figured out what had really happened to me.

This woman, she's definitely not an ordinary person. There's no way a regular soldier could enter that hell alone, even though I had wiped out all the monsters there. I can't trust her just like that, even if she is my saviour. Sometimes humans are more monstrous than the monsters themselves.

With her right index finger on her chin and her left hand folded under her chest, the woman exuded an unsettling aura as she looked at me from the corner of her eye. Her sharp and calculating eyes sent shivers down my spine, as if she could see through any lie I might tell.

'Damn, am I caught!' I panicked. But I had to stay calm. If things went bad, then I'd have no choice but to fight them all here and escape.

However, my worries were unfounded. Moments later, she smiled sweetly, leaving me stunned and slightly blushing. Her smile radiated a warmth that suddenly dissipated the tension in the room.

"I see," she said, standing up from her chair. "I apologise for giving you an unpleasant experience, Takeru-san. My name is Ren Yamashiro, the person in charge here at Corps 10 headquarters. Nice to meet you." She said in a slightly playful tone and gave me a teasing wink.

I became nervous, my face turning red. This was my first experience being flirted with by a pretty girl. "Ah… Yes, nice to meet you too, Yamashiro-san," I replied, stammering.

"Alright then, please wait here. Someone will guide you later," she said as she walked towards the door. Her graceful and confident steps made it hard for me to take my eyes off her.

As the door closed behind her, I took a deep breath. The narrow room suddenly felt more spacious without her intense aura. However, a feeling of unease still enveloped my mind. Can I trust them? Or should I remain vigilant and be prepared for the worst?

I sat back in the chair, trying to calm myself. My gaze wandered around the room, looking for any signs that could give me more clues about this place and what might happen next.


After leaving the interrogation room, I was approached by my senior who had been waiting in the corridor. She was Riu Myouga, an elderly woman with neatly tied grey hair, a face full of experience wrinkles, and sharp eyes that conveyed impressive wisdom and strength. Currently, she served as the deputy head of Unit 1. Despite her age, which was too advanced for frontline duties, she played a crucial role in guiding her most talented and young protégé, Konomi Tatara, the head of Unit 1.

"So, how was the interrogation?" she asked in a low yet firm voice, reflecting her authority.

I sighed, trying to ease the tension that still lingered after the interrogation. "Jin Takeru, that man… he claims he doesn't remember what happened in Hell's Valley. He only has fragments of memories, and he seems genuinely confused."

Riu nodded slowly, her gaze still fixed on me. "Do you believe him?"

I paused for a moment, recalling Jin's expression filled with confusion and fear. "It's hard to be certain. He seems sincere, but there's something that feels off. As if he's hiding something or even he himself doesn't know the whole truth."

Riu stroked her wrinkled chin, a sign that she was deep in thought. "We can't take any risks. Even though he seems harmless now, there's a high possibility he's more involved with the events in Hell's Valley."

I nodded in agreement. "I agree. That's why I want to keep a close eye on him. We need to ensure he doesn't become a threat, either to us or to himself."

Riu gave a thin smile, one filled with experience and wisdom. "You're doing a good job, Ren. Keep monitoring him and make sure he doesn't slip out of our control."

I felt relieved to have Riu's support. "Thank you, Myouga-sama. I'll ensure everything goes smoothly."

With that, Riu Myouga left me with light steps, leaving behind traces of wisdom and strength that always inspired me. I resumed my contemplation about Jin Takeru, the mysterious man who suddenly appeared in the midst of chaos. What really happened to him? And how did he survive Hell's Valley without supernatural abilities? These questions kept swirling in my head as I continued my duties.

At this moment it may sound strange or absurd. We're talking about Ren Yamashiro, with her Overpower ability. Of course it's easy for her to see the lie in the main character,

But here I emphasize, that Jin Takeru has other abilities besides adaptation so with the abilities that I did not mention throughout this story that made Ren unable to read the lies told by Jin.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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