
The Man Road to Heavenly (Re-write)

It all begins when the gates of another world open on Earth, and the current state of society changes rapidly, with the most noticeable change being the fall of male superiority due to the peach, which only gives power to women. Jin Takeru, a convenience store clerk was caught up in the Mato disaster during the first year of chaos. A tragic life story where the man turns into a special type of Shuuki, traveling in a barren world with all Shuuki (Monster) inhabitants. Years passed until a century, Jin Takeru suddenly became himself when he was a human a century ago. And how will that man live his life in the present time. The rules and social order have changed dramatically. ... Notes. The world is based on the popular fanservice manga Slave of the Magic Capital's Elite Troops.

Poponioko · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Jin Takeru II


The news of Jin's appearance was not made public. Only a few high-ranking officials were aware of it. What they announced to the public was merely their victory in the conquest of Hell's Valley. The government decided to keep Jin's existence a secret to prevent new panic. At the moment, the man was being treated at the headquarters of Corps 10, directly led by Ren Yamashiro.

The headquarters of Corps 10 was located in the dimension of Mato, a barren place filled with rocky hills. There were no plants or rivers here, only vast stretches of arid land, with the only tree being the legendary Mato peach tree. The headquarters was designed with traditional Japanese architecture, creating a striking contrast with the surrounding desolate environment.

The main building of the headquarters had tiered roofs and wooden walls, adorned with ancient carvings. Sliding doors and paper windows gave a classic impression, while tatami floors added a traditional touch. Inside the building, long corridors connected various rooms, and the quiet atmosphere provided a sense of tranquility amidst the harshness of the outside world.

Ren took on the responsibility of caring for Jin because she was the one who found him first. However, the real reason was that she wanted to be the first to know Jin's identity. It was impossible for this man to suddenly appear atop a pile of corpses and in front of the lifeless body of Adapto without a clear reason.

She couldn't believe her eyes when she first saw Jin. However, her mind kept racing, leading to the possibility that this man had conquered Hell's Valley alone! It seemed impossible, considering that the power of the peach fruit could only be obtained by women. And Jin was a true man.

Ren felt uneasy. Her gaze often focused on the room where Jin was being treated. Inside that room, Jin lay on a simple futon, surrounded by medical equipment. His face was pale, but there was a strange calmness in his expression. His body, once strong and muscular, now looked weak, yet there was something about him that indicated extraordinary strength.

Ren stood outside the room, taking a deep breath as she gazed at the gloomy Mato sky. Thick clouds hung low, casting slow-moving shadows over the barren land. She couldn't shake off her uneasiness. How could an ordinary man defeat a monster as powerful as Adapto?

"I must prove this," Ren murmured to herself. She felt the need to hear directly from Jin's mouth to ease her anxiety. Only then could she focus on her other duties.

With light steps, Ren entered the room. Inside, the atmosphere was so quiet. Only the faint sound of the medical equipment monitoring Jin's condition could be heard. She approached the futon, looking at Jin's sleeping face. The dim light that seeped through the gap in the door gave a warm impression to Jin's face, making him look more human and fragile.

Ren sat on a chair beside the futon, waiting patiently. She knew that when Jin woke up, she would get answers to all the questions haunting her. And with that, she could find peace in her restless heart.

One Week Later

A week passed, and Jin still had not woken up from his coma. Despite the medical team conducting all sorts of examinations, nothing seemed wrong with his body. The doctors concluded that Jin's physical condition was very healthy, but they began to suspect a possible mental disorder causing his amnesiac state. They couldn't determine how long Jin had survived in a place swarming with special-class Shuuki, or the impact he had endured during that period.

Meanwhile, Ren was required to return to her duties because the monster threat was relentless. For the safety of Earth's inhabitants, Ren had to leave Jin with deep anxiety and curiosity. Although her heart felt heavy, Ren had to heed the call of duty.

Exactly one week later, as sunlight illuminated the Corps 10 headquarters, Jin finally awoke. Slowly, his eyes opened, letting light into the room. He felt a deep drowsiness as if emerging from a long dream that darkened his mind.

His head felt heavy and slightly dizzy as he tried to recall previous events. However, everything seemed blurry and vague, like a shadow quickly dissipating. Jin tried to move his body and slowly felt strength flowing back into him.

"Where am I?" he whispered hoarsely, trying to find out where he was and what had happened.

But only silence answered. Jin realised that he was alone in the room. Confusion and worry began to grow, making him feel increasingly isolated. But one thing was certain, he had to find out what had happened and where he was.

That night, after Ren returned from her duties, her steps hastened towards the interrogation room. The sky outside was already dark, and the dim light from the corridor lamps created eerie shadows on the surrounding walls. Ren felt tense, impatient to complete her task despite her heart being filled with confusion over the recent events.

When Jin regained consciousness, he was immediately deemed a potential threat, and as a precaution, he was first detained in a cell. As the officers led Jin to his cell, weapons were poised, creating a tense atmosphere around them.

Jin felt confused and shocked as he faced the weapons. Carefully, he followed the officers to his cell within the headquarters. The room was narrow and felt confined, with cold walls creating a sense of isolation.

When Ren finally arrived in the interrogation room, Jin was moved to that room under her orders. Jin observed Ren's face with a confused expression, trying to understand the intention behind the woman's actions. His bewilderment grew as he entered the interrogation room, which seemed unfamiliar to him. All this felt like a new experience, making him feel like a child experiencing new things in an unknown world for the first time.


"So, do you remember where you were before?" I asked, trying to ease the tension with a simple question.

The man in front of me replied in a soft voice, trying to gather his memories. "Yes… Hell, wasn't it?" he answered, his expression looking confused.

Although the place where he was found was indeed in Hell's Valley, that was not what I meant. "Alright, next question, do you remember who you are?" I asked.

"Of course... Jin Takeru," he replied firmly.

I nodded, observing the man's expression. But my eyes soon focused on the person behind the thick window over there, who seemed to be spying on our conversation to quickly gather information about Jin Takeru.

"Alright, Jin… Was it you who did all that? I mean, the monsters in Hell's Valley?" I asked again, trying to uncover the truth behind this mystery.

This time, Jin looked hesitant to answer. He was hiding something. "What is it?" I asked, pressing him to speak.

But the next moment, I heard a growling stomach, and it came from Jin. His face turned red with embarrassment. I stifled a smile, realising that the situation was becoming awkward for both of us.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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