

"It was... It was the Duchess... She hated your mother! She killed her!" He shouted like a crazy person. Trying to make sure his last sliver of hope doesn't go out.

The Duchess wasn't even shocked. This man had completely lost it. The fact that he would do this? He had no bottom line, no morals, nothing! She was disgusted that she allowed herself to turn a blind eye to everything for years...

She knew this man too well to be surprised by his attempts to wriggle out of accountability, even if they were absurd. Yet, watching him now, she realised how deeply he'd fallen into delusion.

She was not an enabler, she planned to shatter his delusions.

She replied coolly, "Why would I do such a thing, Duke? I had no reason to harm Alice. There was no motive, no gain, and certainly no proof of any such jealousy. Your lies are as baseless as they are desperate."