
Where it all begins

It was not just the rush of traffic that evening that got to Evelyn. It was more of the disastrous day that has now slowly shaped her life. She looked around as she got down from the car, her only possession. Her strawberry blonde hair whipped around her face and her pert nose wrinkled. She had lost all she had to her father's debt and the fire that killed her father just yesterday.

It was rather unbelievable that Colin Foster could ever die and her, Evelyn Foster will be an orphan and a wretched damsel in distress. She loved her independence unlike her five younger siblings, three were half siblings, the other two were her blood through and through.

Despite the awry situations surrounding her, the weather and the surroundings of La Palma estates was perfect. The chilly breeze cooled her faster than any air conditioner system and the scent of roses and bougainvillea drifted here and there creating a nice scented effect.

So this was where he lived. Evelyn was desperate she needed money to leave the country as fast as possible and she was informed that her father's prodigy could help her. She was fortunate to be the only Foster, who was not tainted with embezzlement and misappropriation of funds.

Because she had initially refused to go into business like her father wanted. She loved creating, she was an artist by right. She loved making things and when she completed high school, she secretly worked odd jobs and gathered money for a fund for Germania School of Arts.

She had also helped out in the company at the lowest level at that period and after 2 years, she was already climbed up the ladder and she was collecting pay as a secretary, a junior one. She spent six years at her college in Germania and she currently worked at her own crafts shop to the disdain of her father and step mother.

She also painted on the side and she had been lucky to get two art exhibitions after three years of trying to sell her abstract art. She was happy at the successful launch of her paintings that she even opted to take a holiday break during the last few weeks of summer. She was actually preparing when she heard the news about the fire. She had quickly returned home.

But nothing absolutely nothing prepared her for the shock she received as she got to her parents' house. The fire gutted everything and what was not lost in the fire was used to pay off debts worth millions. Debts she never knew about. Her father could not even have a fitting burial.

Many TV reporters and newsletters claim he killed himself and her step mother had suddenly disappeared. She was not surprised that there was no news about her. Her older siblings were distraught because unlike her who wanted independence each and everyone of them depended on their father, his wealth or his influence. Surprisingly everyone was looking up to her for help and advice.


Her head reeled as she walked to the gate guarding the luxurious apartment, it was gorgeous with everything screaming expensive, Evelyn was awed by how big her father's prodigy was. Gabriel Hunt was definitely swimming in money and she was not surprised about how successful he had become. She did not want to come off as desperate, but she had searched tried along side with all her siblings to settle the debt that her father owed. They had practically sold everything and still they were in a lurch as a family.

On getting to the main entrance about six guards were at work, each opening the doors section by section until she got to the door of the apartment and she was shocked. She was questioned at the gate before she was allowed in. She began to wonder whether or not Gabriel was really just a normal CEO or he was guarding the crown jewels.

She arrived finally at her destination to meet Gabriel Hunt standing there with a huge smirk. She did not know him or recognise him because she was at Germania most of the time. But as she took in his appearance she gasped and struggled to remember an event that struck her a few days back and as he stretched his hands to shake her she was forced to remember what had happened between them. His blue star burst eyes twinkled as he kissed her right hand.



Evelyn was at a friend's bachelorette party, it took place at a fancy night club. Evelyn was surprised when her friend from high school called her and asked her to be on her bridal train. Katherine was the daughter of an oil magnate who deserved only the best from elementary school till university and especially at the time when she hooked the billionaire mogul, Mason Carter, into matrimony. Katherine looked like she was a million dollars and would continue living a luxurious life.

For the wedding preparations she ensured all her friends were pampered with a shopping spree filled with trying new dresses, spa treatments and gorgeous makeup. And then used her husband's limousine to get them to the club.

The club was reverberating with loud tecno music and bass beats as they came in, and a bouncer showed them off to a VIP table for four. It faced the stage where male strippers danced around poles and all the ladies felt their mouth water at what they saw.

As if that was not enough for the night of debauchery, there were male escorts who were also introduced as male masseurs. Evelyn got herself drunk with enough tequila shots as she downed shot after shot, while celebrating with her friend, she remembered her own unfortunate engagement, Vincent was nothing but an oily disgusting cheat. She was really letting herself go and she knew it. She blamed her cheating fiance loudly as she murmured to herself.

Everyone else went on the dance floor but Eve sat back watching everything and feeling miserable. She did not notice that one of the men who were dancing before was already seated near her.

"Baby girl! I believe you have taken enough. Do you want your massage?" Evelyn turned her head to see delicious man candy perched on the stool before her. He wore a mask, something that had to do with the theme of the party but his eyes, the blue star burst iris stood out. His lips looked amazing and Evelyn drooled freely as he held her hand and helped her up.

"Why don't we go into the private rooms? I could give you a massage." His thick voice was like a dream as she followed him, she admired his lean and muscular structure and she was already wet everywhere. Feeling rather bold, she shocked herself and him when she said "How about we skip to the good part? I mean I am here for the sex right?"

His deep laughter resonated the room as he helped her undress and carried her to the bed. "You must be really drunk to say that." He commented as he began massaging her feet. "And you must be a hunk to guess that. Look I'm okay! Hey! I rhymed just now." She said in between giggling and sighs.

Soon the whole thing became heated, very heated and to Evelyn she had the first and best sex of her life right there. At first it hurt when she woke up in the morning and realised what she had done, but then she realised that better a stranger than nobody at all. She was not really the favourite of the elite debutant ladies and she managed to snag an engagement to a spoilt brat based on business connection.

She came back home and broke the engagement with him but not after catching him twice with the maid. She suddenly remembered all the things life had thrown at her and she burst into tears, she did not even realise that she had not paid her escort. In fact the escort cum masseur disappeared after he offered his services she cried as she recollected all the humiliation that came along with her cancelling the engagement.

Her step mother chided her for being too sensitive and not being tolerant. And the paparazzi has been mercilessly on her heels, trying to find out what had happened