

Evelyn opened her mouth and she could not shut it. That was just six weeks ago and to crown all the disaster that just happened, her male escort and masseur was no other person but Gabriel. Her face burned in shame as he welcomed her in that thick voice that still melted her.

"Evelyn, so nice to see you here" she looked at him in shock as they entered what seemed like a mansion in a luxury apartment. "Please I need your help badly. Mr. Hunt I need some money to help my family, even if it is a loan or a small aid, no one wants to help me out." Evelyn begged even as she got her voice back. She was too caught up trying to plead for his assistance and making a plan to pay off her debt that she did not even notice that Gabriel was eyeing her prospectively.

"Why on earth should I help you? Your father only called me his prodigy by mouth. He never helped me, he just put me in the business and used me until I found my worth and started from the scratch. He did not give me a penny." Gabriel said as he shrugged, his clothed muscles flexed back and forth making Evelyn remember every detail of that night.

She blushed as she tried to push back all the flashes of the further humiliating night. Different thoughts trickled in as she tried to find an answer, how can someone as hot as Gabriel be an escort? Why was she so stupid that in all her life she had to get drunk and lose her inhibition with a stranger, and instead of any stranger she ended up with Gabriel Hunt of all people.

"Please just a million pounds so I can pay off some of the banks and get myself enough time to see my maternal grandmother she promised me an inheritance so I can pay back the debts. Please I need to see my grandmother's lawyers as fast as I can. Please help me, I know my father was a horrible man. But then, I need to help my siblings." Evelyn begged in hope that he had one bit of kindness in him.

"What do you have to offer as a collateral, do you have anyone who will stand as your guarantor? Or why do you think no one wants to offer you or your blasted family help. I already got whatever collateral I would ever have wanted from you a while ago, though I will very much appreciate a repeat of that night." Gabriel said as he drew closer to her and held her jaw.

"That night was a terrible mistake. I was too drunk and hurt to realise that I had slept with a stranger. I am not like that. The night at the club was nothing to me especially since I was so inebriated when every thing happened." Evelyn said as she stood up and paced around, taking in the art works.

"Besides I am an artist, just starting but fast gaining recognition." Evelyn pointed out but was stopped by his glare. "Don't you dare think you can con me into buying your fakes! You are not an artist of any sort, you are just like your father, entitled and spoilt to the core. You are only good for sex if you ask me." Gabriel commented in anger before adding the last sentence flippantly.

"Really! Just sex? You know what I will not let you insult what I truly love because I need help Mr. Hunt, if you cannot give me the money then tell me. I will never allow you to rubbish my craft and passion, I know I will find a way out even if I have to sell my clothes and my remaining jewellery." Evelyn cried out as Gabriel suddenly came from behind and grasped her left hand.

"Come on! You are awesome beneath me, shaking and ever so ready and willing." Gabriel whispered hoarsely in her ear. Evelyn struggled with his grip on her arm as she suddenly turned and slapped him. "Don't you ever in your life! Say what you said this night! I am not your random whore Gabriel Hunt! You will pay for what you just said to me." Evelyn warned as she stormed out of the apartment angry and even more hurt than possible.


It had been three years now and the struggle has been real, after getting to the islands and seeing her grandmother's lawyers about her untouched inheritance. She was able to gather up the pieces of her life and her family. After the rejection she suffered from so many other people, her mother's friend gave her some money and with that every thing changed.

She was so proud with her success and achievement that she walked with her head high amongst society elite. Her paintings were a nation wide success and she had become a mother to three beautiful children. +

The scent of freshly baked bread filled the air as Evelyn rolled the baby strollers past a bakery, on her shoulder was a small bag, while her nurse from childhood carried the babies' bag. Evelyn was surprisingly happy to visit her former city where she lived. She was happier at the fact that today her father's debts were all cleared.

She had worked very hard and she got her siblings to pitch in with hard work, all except one. Evelyn was not really angry with her, her step sister who was greedy and naive got married to her cheating fiance and was able to give them some money at the cost of her unhappiness. But who said Hailey was unhappy, she lived in an expensive condo and wore only high end wears.

Evelyn refused to think about the past three years in sorrow. She had gained a lot. Evelyn turned to her nurse, "Wendy please can we get a nice sandwich after we are done with the meeting." Wendy looked at her before shrugging, the plump woman in her sixties was all she ever got in her childhood. Wendy was a great help and treasure to her and she had helped her out, once she discovered she was pregnant on the island.

"My dear, remember we are watching what you eat especially because of your health." Wendy said as they turned a corner. Evelyn nodded solemnly and sighed, Wendy was right, a lot of things had changed once she discovered that she was pregnant.

Evelyn was making the group of islands she inherited from her grandmother into a tourist and relaxation site. It had everything, nice beaches, ancient monuments and shadowing palm trees. There were small villages built in the middle of each island, while her grandparents had various mansions and houses that spanned through the different islands. Evelyn had spent her first fifteen years there. Her parents dumped her on her grandmother because shewas not the perfect picture of what the family embodied.

Evelyn did not care because she had Wendy and granny or Nana, the nickname for her grandmother. She had spent those six years in blissful ignorance and joy. She looked a lot like her Granny, they had the same nose, hair colour and lips. Evelyn was thoroughly loved and whenever she came from boarding school, she spent her holidays on the islands.

"We are at the bank, please Wendy can you watch them outside especially Tim and let me get the signed approval. I do not want extra attention drawn to them." Evelyn asked as they got to the bank. "I am so proud of you baby girl. Go get that approval document and let's go!" Wendy encouraged her and Evelyn smiled.

Evelyn entered the bank, immediately enjoying the cooling air as she asked for the manager's office. She was led by a bank security officer and as soon as she was permitted to go in she did. Nothing on earth prepared her for the sight of seeing Gabriel Hunt again. It was a good thing that he was not the manager because Evelyn almost slumped out of shock.

"Good Afternoon Madam." The bank manager stood up as he greeted her, he almost paled when he saw her reaction. Gabriel stood up just as swiftly and they rushed to hold her. "I think it is the heat, you know it is almost forty two degrees outside. " she said to save herself from embarrassment.