
The Magus Games

Thousands of years ago, The Magus Games were founded, and every young magus from various academies was forced to participate in deadly battles, throwing them into the arena of slaughter. Two kingdoms that stood on a large and ancient continent, it is said that the Gropus Continent was a lost continent called the Blue Continent. But it disappeared without a trace, just a legend passed down from generation to generation. The Magus Games were born from the games of the past that continue to exist in the present and the future. I don't know who started it. Such a terrible game that throws the young Magus into the arena of slaughter. Survive while slaughtering each other and facing something terrible just to achieve victory. Morgan Agathias, could that be his name, or is there another name hidden behind a mystery? Morgan lives in a poor neighborhood in a disadvantaged area. Discrimination and injustice made Morgan want to become the strongest magus and turn his kingdom and birthplace into a peaceful place. Armed with a genius brain and boundless spirit magic power, but not enough to overcome his weaknesses. Just practicing is not enough, let alone facing the strongest enemies that await him in the future. No one knows what secrets lie within. Morgan will find out, and he will be caught in a vortex of vengeance that has existed for thousands of years.

Ayazia27 · แฟนตาซี
153 Chs

Chapter 2 Foundation Of Magic Powers

Professor Lupine is a magus teacher, a tall man. His skin wasn't that pale, but there was a scar on his temple. It seemed as if the wound had dried up, leaving a mark that was difficult to remove. Moreover, he looked different from most of the people in the Hill Valley District, there was no one like Professor Lupine who had lightly tanned skin, neither dark nor light. He always wears his hair in a slightly long ponytail.

However, I could see clearly and observe carefully that Professor Lupin was the most ingenious Magus teacher, and even the mayor praised Professor Lupin's genius. What I heard was that because of his genius, he was able to sleep and eat for free in this small town in exchange for teaching at the Hill Valley Magus Academy.

My relationship with Professor Lupine is not just teacher and student, he is like an older brother figure. He taught me many things, especially when I was fifteen years old, exactly one year ago. I was having a lot of trouble forming spirit magic.

I was the slowest of the ten disciples who had already established the foundation of Spirit Magic Power. Lyra is a female student whose spirit foundation is very fast. At that time I felt frustrated and unsure.

"You are the most brilliant student in Hill Valley Magus Academy. Don't forget one thing, you are a student who never gives up," Lyra said to encourage me.

I was practicing alone, building the foundation of Spirit Magic Power, Lyra was always there to accompany me, Professor Lupine always had an easy and practical way to learn for his students who had difficulties.

"There is no need to rush in building the foundation of spirit magic power. Morgan, you have your own uniqueness that no child has discovered. Your magic power is the strongest, and remember how I was so attracted to you on the first day you entered the Magus Academy."

When I meditate, I cross my legs on the wooden floor and close my eyes tightly.

I appreciate all the events I have gone through. Those memories came flooding back, the first time I attended the Hill Valley Magus Academy enrollment meeting, when my hand touched the crystal ball, the ball glowed brightly. The prospective Academic students were amazed, so much so that some could not close their mouths in shock.

That start was lucky for me, I managed to get into Academics, but luck wasn't always on my side. I'm having trouble with the foundation of spirit magic power. I was annoyed and angry, very poor, embarrassed my already poor family, and had to fall into a pool of mud.

But Professor Lupine always gave me the best guidance and teachings to not lose my spirit, with Lyra always accompanying me. In the end, I was able to form the foundation of Spirit Magic Power.

Feeling a strange sensation spreading throughout my body, I stretched my arms out in front of me. A beam of warm blue light floated over my palm, and my hair swayed with the gusts of wind.

After a year of awakening the foundation of magical power, I entered the next stage. Developing Spirit Power. My spirit power is one of the weakest, but my magic power is the strongest.

In an open room, under a shady tree, the students who attend Professor Lupin's class, including Lyra, were gathered. The girl with the braided hair came forward, practicing how to develop mind power. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, her long eyes were completely closed as she concentrated.

"Feel your soul as if you had a second sense. Able to see things that the eye cannot. Feel, sense, and imagine the natural energy around you. Then what have you gained? Unite natural energies in your body, which will later form spiritual power in the body." Professor Lupine walked around Lyra, who was sitting cross-legged on the floor with her hands behind her back. The man looked very serious as he watched Lyra, and sometimes the man would explain about the power of magical spirits.

"Magic power cannot be balanced without spirit power, the spirit power in our bodies is called spirit. Magus have two powers, spirit and magic." Watch as the man conjures up sparks of lightning in his palm. A small flash of lightning then disappeared.

"Lightning is an element, and creating it is called magic or 'magis'. The magus has the fire elemental. For now, you must learn to create spells from magical elementals, so you can use spells to attack."

I listened intently, occasionally writing in an old book and taking notes on everything Professor Lupine explained. Unlike other students, they listened more, sometimes preferring to joke, considering what Professor Lupine said to be just the wind. They think they are the smartest.

Just be honest. They are indeed smart. David, Warren, Wendy, Finral and Minerva, the five of them are the most outstanding children of the Hill Valley Magical Academy. They live in the city, unlike Lyra and me, who live far away from the city, at the foot of the hill. The five of them live in the city, at the bottom of the valley. The Hill Valley District has towns and villages.

Professor Lupine is one of the five teachers at the Hill Valley Magus Academy, a genius of a teacher that the mayor of Hill Valley is very proud of.

"Developing spirit magic is very simple. Professor, you don't have to explain it to us." David, the messy blond teenager stepped forward. Getting rid of Lyra, who hadn't finished meditating, naturally made the girl very angry. Finally, Lyra relented and sat down next to me, her cheeks puffed out.

"That messy-haired boy is so arrogant," Lyra said, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at David.

"He has a lot to brag about. He's the mayor's son and quite talented."

"You don't have to praise him. He'll grow a big head, Morgan."

I remained calm, but my heart itched as I saw Lyra's annoyed expression, which reminded me of Gisella when she was upset.

Complimenting that messy-haired teenager? I don't praise him, but David is indeed talented. He easily developed his Spirit Magic power to the next level, just by meditating for a while, it didn't take long, he easily developed his Spirit Magic power to level 2. At the moment, I'm the only one who's still at level 1 in spirit magic. Lyra is already one level above me.


Around noon, the hot sun was right above us. Time for a break, Lyra and I went back to class. They had brought lunch from home, as had I. Mother had prepared venison and a piece of toast for me.

Looking for a comfortable place, I chose a shady tree next to the academic building. I opened the box of food, two pieces of venison and an appetizing piece of toast.

When the meat was ready to go into my mouth, my eyes fell on the girl with braided hair in front of me, who was looking at me very closely. I could see her eyes fixed on my lunch box.

A small smile that couldn't just disappear, seeing Lyra's cute behavior. "Mom brought two pieces of venison and toast. You must be hungry."

Lyra smiled happily and accepted a piece of venison and toast, sitting next to me with her mouth full of bread and meat.

"Mama didn't cook, the food ran out. So she had to hunt in the forest for a long time. She didn't have time to prepare food."

The girl was very hungry and bit into the meat easily. When I saw that, I felt sorry for the girl. Lyra only lives with her mother, the girl has lost her father figure.

"When is your mother coming back?"

"I don't know. Mama has to hunt on the border of Hill Valley, there's no money or food for the next few days."

Even though my life is pretty sad, it's almost the same as Lyra's. We live in the countryside, the distance between our village and the city is not too far. But there is always a gap in society. I realized this when I got older. This gap exists not only in the Hill Valley district, but also in several other districts in disadvantaged areas.

A very big kingdom and a huge territory. The Hill Valley where Lyra and I live is on the edge of the backward region, the border with the enemy kingdom's territory. In the city, I could see four-wheeled vehicles and two-wheeled vehicles passing by, although what I saw made the vehicles look dull.

After lunch, Lyra and I went back to class. It was just me and Lyra, except for a boy who looked mysterious and chose to be alone. He's almost the same as me, doesn't like to socialize and is always alone. The classroom is empty and Professor Lupine understands that David and his friends always leave in the middle of the lesson.

A mayor's son can do whatever he wants. Mostly run away from school and play around.