
Harry Potter: The Magnus Riddle story

After an epic battle against the formidable Goblin Ranrok, Magnus Riddle, a half-blood wizard, falls into a deep magical coma. His body remains motionless for 100 years, while the magical world continues to turn without him. When the first rays of sunlight touch the Great Hall at Hogwarts, something extraordinary happens. Magnus awakens, confused and disoriented, in the same year that Harry Potter enters the school. The world he once knew has changed dramatically, but his thirst for knowledge and unwavering determination remain intact. Magnus is more powerful than any wizard ever seen. He has achieved unimaginable levels of mastery in spells, potions, herbology, transfiguration, and the dark arts. Ancient magic flows through his veins, and he becomes a legendary figure—both feared and respected. As Harry and his friends unravel the mysteries of Hogwarts, Magnus becomes a prominent presence. He mentors young witches and wizards, challenges the boundaries of knowledge as a professor, and acts as an older brother who protects and guides. Even Dumbledore regards Magnus with respect, acknowledging his unparalleled expertise. Yet, the Ministry of Magic also fears him. Magnus is an unpredictable force, capable of tipping the magical world's delicate balance. He must choose whether to wield his power for good or evil. And at the heart of this decision lies a disturbing family secret. The Magnus Riddle story is an epic journey where past and present intertwine. Magnus Riddle is poised to redefine Hogwarts' history and, perhaps, save or condemn the magical world. The choice rests in his hands.

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Chapter 2: Roots of Magic

The Wool Orphanage, located on the outskirts of Bethlem, was a dark and cold place. The stone walls seemed to absorb the sunlight, and the wind howled through the cracks of the windows. It was there, on July 27, 1875, that Magnus Riddle was born as a bastard son of a muggle nobleman. His mother, a woman of enigmatic beauty and sad eyes, held him in her arms for a brief moment before disappearing into the shadows.

Little Magnus grew up among the other orphans, a quiet and observant child. His dark hair and piercing eyes drew attention, but he never stood out. Magic was present from an early age, manifesting itself in small gestures: a candle that lit up without touch, a flower that bloomed in winter.

Magnus Riddle, with his charismatic appearance, was an enigmatic figure at Hogwarts. His black hair fell in wavy strands over his forehead, and his bright green eyes seemed to hold deep secrets. His round glasses, with silver frames, enhanced his intelligent and mysterious expression.

The years dragged on at the orphanage. Magnus learned to survive, to hide his magic from others. He watched the stars through the window, imagining worlds beyond the stone ceiling. The dusty books from the orphanage library became his most faithful companions.

At fifteen, a letter arrived. A letter from Hogwarts, the school of magic and witchcraft. Magnus held it with trembling hands, reading each word repeatedly. He couldn't believe it. He, an orphan, a bastard, was destined for Hogwarts.

But the journey would not be easy. Professor Eleazar Fig, a mysterious man with eyes that seemed to see beyond the visible, would be his guide and mentor.

Professor Eleazar Fig, with his gray hair and eyes that seemed to contain centuries of wisdom, played a crucial role in Magnus Riddle's life. When the Hogwarts letter arrived, five years later than normal, Fig was there to update him on the magical world that awaited him.

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Eleazar gave them a second-hand wand, a loyal companion that would become an extension of Magnus. With it in his hands, he began to learn the movements, the spells and the words that triggered the magic. Fig also accompanied him on his journey to Hogwarts, guiding him through the stone corridors, the spiral staircases and the doors that led to rooms full of knowledge.

As they traveled, George Osric, a high-ranking official of the British Ministry of Magic, entered the story. George had sent an owl to Eleazar, and the professor instructed Magnus to meet him in a secret alley. George was a man of few words, but his eyes carried untold stories. He showed Eleazar the edition of the day of the Daily Prophet, whose front page stamped news about the rebellion of the goblins of Ranrok. George and Eleazar discussed how great the threat posed by these beings was.

It was then that George revealed an item sent to him by Eleazar's late wife, Miriam, in a moment of despair. A mysterious box, sealed with ancient runes. George and Eleazar tried to open it, but it was Magnus who saw the subtle glow and opened it simply by picking it up. The box revealed a key, a key that pulsed with magical energy.

Their journey was interrupted when a dragon possessed by evil attacked the carriage they were traveling in. The fire beast destroyed the half where George was sitting, forcing Fig and Magnus to fall before the dragon incinerated the rest. Fig asked Magnus to grab his hand and summoned the key without a wand. To everyone's surprise, the key turned out to be a portal key, transporting them to a mysterious place on the edge of a cliff in the Scottish Highlands.

George revealed during the trip to Hogwarts that Eleazar's late wife, Miriam, had written to him. She asked about what the Ministry knew about the activities of the goblin agitator Ranrok and, shortly thereafter, sent him an item that he could not open. Magnus inexplicably opened the item when he held it, revealing that it contained a key. Suddenly, a dragon attacked the carriage in the air, destroying half of it and killing George.

In the ancient ruins, Fig and Magnus saw an isolated island. Fig believed that was where the Portal Key was supposed to take them. And so, with the uncertain fate before them, Magnus Riddle and Eleazar Fig prepared to explore the hidden secrets in the depths of the Highlands.

Eleazar Fig and Magnus ran towards the ruins, the wind howling in their ears. Fig had to use the Repair Spell to fix the broken bridge that led to the island. The entrance, initially seen only by Magnus, turned out to be a private passage from the Magical Bank of Gringotts. The sleeping Goblin Banker woke up with a start, his eyes wide at seeing the visitors. He pointed to the key that Magnus carried with him. Magnus reminded Fig to give the Portal Key to the banker, and the goblin proceeded to lead them to Vault 12 through a Mine Cart. During the trip, they passed through the Thief's Downfall, a magical waterfall that cleaned any magic or potion that tried to hide something.

On the way to the vault, they encountered another goblin. The student noticed that he wore an armband that had the same glow as the dragon's collar. Upon learning that they were heading towards Vault 12, the goblin showed himself dismayed, but allowed them to pass. They arrived outside the vault, and Fig learned from the banker that no one had visited it for centuries until that day. The banker used the key to unlock the door, and when Fig and Magnus entered, the banker locked the door again according to the instructions that were given to him.

Fig then taught the Revelio Spell to the student and asked them to reveal more passages using it. They entered a vast space, where Magnus saw magical traces on the floor. He activated the magic of a bright area, causing the floor to change. Magnus then used the Revelio Spell to reveal a statue, which did not match its reflection on the floor. As Fig used the wand lighting spell and walked, the student noticed that the reflection rotated to align with the light source.

Fig then encouraged Magnus to use the wand lighting spell. When they adjusted the reflection to the right direction, it began to move and was joined by several other statues. Fig and Magnus had to defeat them, facing magical challenges and puzzles that guarded the long-forgotten secrets in the depths of Vault 12.

Fig asked Magnus to stay close, but suddenly he was transported away, leaving Magnus alone to face another wave of animated statues. The young wizard found himself surrounded by these stone figures, each of them coming to life with a magical glow in their eyes.

As Magnus struggled to dodge the attacks of the statues, Fig reappeared by his side. The professor looked disoriented, but did not waste time. Together, they faced the creatures, their wands casting spells of protection and deactivation. The statues crumbled into dust, but more emerged to take their places.

Finally, when the last statue fell, Fig and Magnus found themselves in the presence of something extraordinary: a Pensieve and a bottle of memories. The Pensieve, a magical object that allowed the visualization of memories, was surrounded by ancient runes and glowed with a silver light. The bottle contained precious memories, sealed with red wax.

Fig looked at Magnus. "This is an incredible discovery. These memories may contain the secrets that Miriam and George sought."

Magnus nodded, feeling the magic pulse around him. He picked up the bottle and examined it. The memories inside it seemed to dance, eager to be unraveled.

Before they could explore more, the chamber was invaded. Ranrok, accompanied by the goblins they had seen before and others, entered. The goblin leader demanded that they hand over everything they had found in the vault. Fig refused, and Ranrok redirected his attention to Magnus. The confrontation between the two wizards was inevitable. Spells were cast, and Ranrok attacked Fig and Magnus with fury.

But then something surprising happened. A Pensieve Guardian, a magical entity that protected the chamber, emerged. He fought against Ranrok, while Fig and Magnus took the opportunity to escape. They passed through a magical door and found themselves near Hogwarts Castle, panting and full of questions.

What did those memories hold? Why was Ranrok so desperate to get them? And how could they face the evil that lurked in the depths of Vault 12?

They arrived outside the Great Hall, and Fig heard that the Sorting Ceremony was still in progress. However, Fig could not accompany them to the hall, as he intended to go to the Ministry of Magic to report George's fate and his experiences in Vault 12. He opened the doors and drew the attention of Professor Black. As Black walked towards them, Fig asked Magnus to prepare for the unpleasant presence of the Headmaster.

Professor Black informed them that the ceremony was over and dismissed Fig abruptly when he tried to explain his late arrival. Even so, as Magnus was authorized to be sorted, he was led to the Great Hall. Fig promised to keep in touch with them.

As soon as he arrived at the Sorting Ceremony, after all the events in Vault 12, Magnus sat in front of the Great Hall. Professor Weasley placed the Sorting Hat on his head. The Sorting Hat began to move and said: "Ahh, you're a bit older, aren't you? You come here with preferences and prejudices… certain expectations." Magnus replied: "I can't wait to explore."

Soon after, the Sorting Hat continued: "Hmm, indeed. An adventurous spirit brings much learning, but your teachers will also teach you many things. I wonder… Hmm… I detect something in you. A certain feeling of - hmm - what is that?" Magnus replied: "Ambition? I can show some stubbornness. But it is important to pursue your goals with obstinacy."

The Sorting Hat pondered: "Hmm, interesting. You have recently discovered a rare ability. I feel a growing ambition. A great thirst for power. Perhaps the best thing is… Slytherin."

After the Hat sorted Magnus, Professor Weasley transfigured his robes into the Slytherin uniform. Magnus headed to his house table, where Headmaster Black announced that the Quidditch of that year was canceled, to the great surprise and disappointment of everyone. Soon after, everyone went to their dormitories.

To be continued…

I do not plan to tell all of Magnus's adventures during the 1890s, I can only promise that throughout his journeys with Harry, Magnus will have some flashbacks about his time with his adventures at Hogwarts.

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