
the magicrooms

a group of kid ventured in the school at night to complete a dare eventually ending up in a magical world where their greatest horrors lies will they get out or will they be eaten one..by one

Theothegiant · สยองขวัญ
5 Chs

old friends different people

Morichi ended up in a small room lit by a small candle.The room had a table full of books and papers Morichi walked closer to the table and move through to pull of books to find some sort lying on the side of it.

He kept looking around he found no signs or anything but he could tell he was in another room.

Morichi sat down by the table and picked up the deck of cards and one card stood out to him "monster swap"

When he read the name of the card he heard a voice.

"please... please no I dont want to do this!" the voice sounded like it came from the wall.

Nothing but a monster like sound could've been heard.

"what the hell?" Morichi got yup from the chair to look for a way out but was held down by something he couldn't see.

The ground disappeared and he fell down into a room with the deck of cards and saw Arielle

on the other side of a huge field.

Arielle looked scared she was crying quietly

so the monster wouldn't hear her.

"Arielle are you ok??" Morichi tried to go to her but was still held down by the chair Arielle put her finger to her lips indicating him to stay quiet.

growling could've been heard in the distance as the feeling of uneasiness settles in.

Morichi was helpless stuck to a chair with a deck of cards in his hands....and as he awaits his death the growling went silent.

A voice echoed around the room deep enough that make even the most fearless of men question his choices.

"I will release your restraints move even an inch out of that chair ...and I'll kill you ..make too much noise and I'll kill you and if you lose this game against your friend ....I'll kill you."

The invisible restraints released morichi and he can raise his hands and move them about now.

"the rules to this card game will be simple only one monster per turn and one spell per turn stronger monsters your gonna have to sacrifice for you can move the space of monsters to block a direct attack you have 300 points you lose points equal to the attack of the monster"

Morichi looks onto the field to see 5 slots with rocks in two of them same thing on arielle's side of the field.

"you can begin"

the clock started to tick on Arielle's turn.

she puts down a card that made the hologram of a deformed cat with 12 attack/300 defense and placed one more card behind that.

Morichi looked at his hand and saw 5 monster cards no spells so he couldn't make no early game startegies not like he could really focus anyways with the sound of the monster's breathing could've been heard even from down there.

'no way I could beat Moirichi in a card game.... I might die here' Arielle thought to herself waiting on his move.

Morichi places down a card that had the image of a sick mouse.

Which kept on hurting Morichi 50 damage per turn he ended his turn there and recieved 50 damage.

round one end

Morichi hp 250

Arielle hp 300


alot of time past by to the point where Moirichi started to wonder if this room even have a time limit.

alot of rounds past by and Morichi had 50 hp left and Arielle had just placed a hydra on the field with 200 attack and 300 defense.

'I might actually win this...' Arielle thought to herself 'sorry Morichi nothing personal.'

Morichi looked into his hand and place a spell faced down on the field and ended his turn

Arielle started to attack with the monster allowing Morichi to to reveal the card monster swap allowing him to replace the mouse with the hydra and the effect of the mouse affected Arielle.

Morichi on his turn wasted no time and went straight into the attack but instead of attacking Arielle he aimed straight up to the ceiling hitting the demon even injuring him.

"you dare hurt me human I gave you your chance and now I'll kill you both!!"

Morichi quickly grabbed Arielle's hand and used the hydra to blow a hole in the wall and run though it.

'wait ...why?' Arielle started to question

'I was going to kill you-' ..
