
The Magician (Marvel)

What happens when a scientist gets reincarnated with tremendous magic power? Explosions...

Banchii · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Chapter 1: New Beginnings

The clicking of a keyboard echoed throughout the mostly empty office room. There were only two people in the room, a middle-aged Hispanic male, Carlos, and a younger Caucasian male and our protagonist, Adamas better known as Adam.

"Alright man, I finished my report," Adam yawned as he stood up and grabbed his coat, "You sure you'll be alright here by yourself? I don't mind staying until you're done."

Carlos laughed a little as he waved his hand in dismissal, "No it's cool man, you go on ahead, I don't want my heavy workload to cut into your already terrible sleep schedule," Adam jokingly flipped Carlos off as he walked out of the office. Adam, full name Adamas Pharaoh Constantine, was a nuclear physicist for Quark Industries. As he walked home, he dug into his coat pocket and brought out a notepad.

"Tonight I'll watch Tanya the Evil and write down some spells that would sound cool," Along with being a nuclear physicist in real life, Adam like to use his skillset on fiction. The notepad he is holding is full of theoretical magic spells based off of animes such as Tensura, Irregular at Magic High School, and A Certain Scientific Railgun. Those are the main ones, but he's created others.

As Adam was looking down at his notepad, he heard the sounds of rapid footsteps approaching, "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" A woman yelled as she stuck a kitchen knife in Adam's diaphragm. Adam immediately fell back and the woman took the knife out of his chest.

"YOU WANNA CHEAT ON ME, DIVORCE ME, TAKE MY KIDS, AND THEN LIE TO MY FAMILY?! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" She stabbed Adam again and again and again, she stabbed him for a total of 15 times, by the 5th though he was dead. Turns out, the woman's ex-husband often frequented the bar on the street Adam was walking on. Unluckily for Adam, he learned this street was a shortcut to his apartment so he decided to take it, but who knew he'd end up getting stabbed 15 times, funny.

Speaking of Adam, now that he's shed his mortal body, his soul was ejected out of his body and floated in an infinite black void.

'What the fuck was that?! DID I JUST DIE?!' Adam's soul moved around in circles, filled with intense emotion. As Adam was taking in the fact he literally just died a few moments ago, he bumped into a blue orb around a quarter of his size. Instead of the orb bouncing off of him, it stuck to him before being absorbed by him.

'AAHHH, huh? What the hell was that?' Adam 'looked' around him and saw countless blue orbs floating around, 'What are these things?' Adam bumped into another one and it went through the same process.

'I don't know what these things are, but every time I absorb one I feel more energetic?' Adam decided to spent his time absorbing all of the blue orbs, not like he has anywhere to go anyway he's dead.

After an unknown amount of time, Adam was finished and the black void was truly a black void now.

'I feel like I'm bursting with energy, I could uhh, float around with more energy...I guess,' Adam was still bummed that he was dead and sulked around the void for a while until he felt a pulling motion and a blue portal sucked him in.

'WOAAH!' Adam was transported across this unknown dimension and placed in a golden ocean, 'What the hell is going on? First, I'm in a black void eating orbs like I'm Pac-man (it doesn't help I'm actually yellow), then I'm transported into a goddamn ocean?! If some R.O.B is involved then they can go fuck themselves!'

Adam 'swam' in the ocean for a little bit before curiosity killed him and he tested if he could 'drink' the golden water, it looked appetizing to him. To his disbelief, when he 'drank' the water it was absorbed into him, but to his dismay he couldn't stop. His soul became akin to a vortex and began sucking in all of the golden water, and after a while the ocean was dry.

'That was terrifying and awesome at the same time!' Or so Adam thought. His vortex-like soul didn't just stop with the ocean. The golden sand was absorbed into him, the purple clouds, the red sky, the space itself, until that once beautiful area was turned into another endless black void.

'Holy fucking sh-' Adam 'passed' out due to his soul taking on a heavy burden, that burden was the sheer amount of energy, or mana to be specific, that he just absorbed. The type of mana Adam absorbed wasn't the regular kind, no, it was the purest form possible. If put into a math equation one unit of pure mana is equal to 10,000 units of regular mana. Adam has 1 trillion units of pure mana, due to him absorbing a remnant and complete Mana Nexus.

Adam is basically a walking (or floating) nuclear reactor. In response to this, his soul immediately locked away a large portion of his mana and left enough for his soul not to explode, which is around 1,000 units.

After 'passing out' Adam's soul, now on autopilot, was sucked into another portal and floated around in a lush green forest. Adam's soul began to crystallize and the birth of Adam's body was happening.


[30 days later]

The birds and insects sung as the summer breeze swayed the trees of this forest. Laying in the middle of this forest was a handsome man with an athletically built body, black hair with streaks of white, fairskin, and looked to be around 5'10. A small songbird flew down and landed on his nose.

"What the hell?" The man opened his eyes, revealing a pair of crimson red eyes. This was our protagonist, Adam. The songbird flew away as Adam sat up, "I'm back? I feel better than ever, no more aches and pains, and I feel very very energetic." Adam did a few punches in the air before inspecting his body.

"I'm very attractive, if I was a woman I would want me. I wouldn't even be surprised if men wanted me," Adam laughed as he finally began taking a look at his surroundings.

"Well, I'm in a forest. What else is there to say?" Adam said as he sat under an oak tree, "Maybe I have some cool abilities or something, no way I spent all that time eating those orbs just for me to be some regular guy, a handsome guy, but a regular one."

Adam tried to fly, failed. He tried to summon a system, failed. He tried using telekinesis and telepathy, double fail. All of his efforts failed until he got frustrated and punched the oak tree behind him.


Adam punched a clean hole right through the tree. "Woah, is my power super strength? Basic but cool enough." Adam punched another tree and although he created a huge dent, it didn't create the fist sized hole as it did the last one.

"I have some form of super strength but where did the strength from before come from?" Adam closed his eyes and tried to remember the feeling he felt when he was frustrated, a warmth. Adam embraced this warmth and when he opened his eyes, he was surrounded in a cloudy golden aura.

"Woah...is this what I think it is?" Adam immediately tried a basic spell from his notepad. A red magic circle was formed but nothing came out, but the magic circle forming was all Adam needed.

"I CAN USE MAGIC! THE GODS HAVE LISTENED TO MY PRAYERS AT LAST!" Adam jumped around in joy, and he's lucky he was alone in this forest or he'd end up as a registered sex offender.

Adam calmed down after a while and tried another spell, a sky blue mini magic circle appeared in front of his right eye and Adam smiled as this spell worked.

"Code Analysis," Adam could see blue lines of information that displayed the target's, in the case a tree, genetic and atomic makeup. Adam then looked at a bunch of things before deactivating the spell and casting another one. This time it was a purple magic circle over his left eye, "Code Breakdown."

When Adam looked at that same tree, it displayed the same information but in a simpler and easier to digest way of understanding. It was like making calculus understandable for a 5 year old.

"I can't wait to create a magic explosion!"