

the lives of the villagers changed 360 degrees, their eyes used to be dull, going through their daily tasks, their heart was full of fear and conscientiousness, passing the day without interest or care, heretofore their eyes are shining full of enthusiasm and happiness, not only that, their rough skin turned fair, they were always full of energy and smiles.

the changes in the villagers were too obvious, basically, everyone turned young and good looking and they also turned kind ?! it was like they were purified from inside to outside, I've only been meditating for 1 month and the changes are too obvious, that's right I already broke the second spirit wall and I am now a spirit grandmaster .and I predict that within a year of cultivation magical thing will appear, especially in the field, no one has realized it but the crop who supposed to not only spoil in such weather, is surrounded by spirit energy and standing straight with the golden cluster. I had already tried to eat it raw and it was no longer human food, this is fairy food!!! crispy and sweet, It melts in your mouth like ice cream, it was simply indescribable, I had to run from home every day and snatch it.

life here keeps getting better and better, moreover, it's pleasant and satisfying; I can meditate at peace and practice my diagrams, I'm now able to boost and add attributes to materials, it's so fun and doesn't cost much. I can also change the building's structures with additional functions.I kept practicing on everyone's houses without care after all they'll only think that it's the work of their inexisting goddess.

I'm also outside this night with vine to finish my piece of art, I just kept thinking since I already made half of the village houses beautiful, why not do the same for the whole village !!

"I'm so tired "

" you just had to fix them all in one night?"

" but this also means that I got professed and faster at making diagrams "

"hmph, what about me then, didn't I help you ?!!"

" of course I couldn't do it without you"

the two were sitting on top of a rooftop watching the sunrise, reveal their achievements. There's was something about the beauty and quaintness in this view. Lush green grass, picket fences, and gorgeous gardens all make these elusive white houses look like a mixture of elven and fairies architecture.it was a picture well worth the painting, on spur of the moment an idea popped out.

" what if I create my own paradise ?" says Odin

"what are you talking about?"

"don't you think it is gonna be fun, just like kingdom-building games! but in place of a kingdom, we will make a place like a paradise "

" are you crazy? what's the fun in that I rather go kill people for fun!"

"you wouldn't know if you never tried .besides, you don't have to help, I'll just do it in my spare time"

Marc p.o.v:

I who was only 16 had a backache, but I couldn't help it, I have my mother who was bedridden and a little sister to take care of, life was tough but not anymore, mom got healed and so my back and it was all thanks to the goddess of snow, we were thankful so I and my family prayed to her every day yet we were met with another blessing, once we woke up today we saw the inside of the house completely different, the furniture was exquisite some even looked like it was made of crystal, beautiful pink flower decorating the white walls,.....everything was breathtaking

"where are we ?" I couldn't help but ask, logically I wouldn't be able to see such a scene my whole life.

"let's get out to see," says his mother,

after we run outside then looked behind us, we got blinded by the fairy-like house noble yet pure,

"woaaah!!" we heard an exclamation close to us, I turn around and I see Claire our neighbor with her 3 daughters, I then go toward her to ask her.

"aunty, do you know what's happening ?!"

" you don't know? last week I passed alongside the outer houses north of the village, and this is exactly what happened to their houses, I can't believe we also get to have this blessing" she says as she wipes the tears coming out of her eyes.

I also was touched that got unto my knees, clasped my hands, and started praying for the goddess, everyone follows and starts praying in front of their houses.

in the middle of my prayers, I suddenly feel a soft touch of a strand of air inside my body, it didn't feel weird it just felt soothing and tranquilizing. and I didn't give it much thought but what he didn't know was that he just got to feel the spiritual energy.