
The Magic Kings War

Gods and their Angel servants have been terrorising the mortal race for millennia ..... Until 4000 years ago the Magic King at the time who could no longer watch the tyranny and suffering caused by Angels and Gods. He gathred the armies of every race And challenged the Gods. He died for the sake of freedom. Now the magic kings throne is empty. The world needs a new Magic King. More powerful than the previous Magic King and even more powerful than the Gods .....

Velocity10 · แฟนตาซี
78 Chs

Worshipper Arc. Chapter 9: An exciting test.

Worshipper Arc: Chapter 9. An Exciting test.

It's been three days since the interview. During the three days Valoran noticed that the presence of worshippers spying on him had increased.

Valoran and Artemsia make their way to the academy as per usual.

"Valoran I feel-" Artemsia gets interrupted.

"Me too. The worshippers have become a bigger problem in recent days. My guess would be that the Gods and Angels pressure them on more information about me." Valoran states.

"So what should we do about the others? They can't defend themselves against worshippers as of yet." Artemsia asks with concern for the others.

Valoran thinks for a moment…

"No need to worry on that front Artemsia. Me, You and Demonlise are more than enough to ensure their safety." Valoran reassuring Artemsia.

They arrive at the academy and as always are met with the others waiting for them.

They exchange morning greetings and head inside the academy.

Once inside the class hall they take their seats and await Professor Asparata for the lesson to begin.

Valoran the others notice something however…

Everyone in the class is staring at them, especially toward Valoran and whispering among each other talking about him.

"He's famous now."

"Do you think we will also become famous for the fact that we are his classmates?"

"Do you think we should talk to him?"

"My my. It seems you have Valoran fans." Biatrix says with sarcasm and a grin.

Valoran sighs.

"Sure does…. Perhaps the interview was a little too reachable" Valoran replies.

"Absolutely not. You deserve it. What you did for those children and the academy must be recognized." Merial utters.

"She's right Valoran" Selina joins in.

"Thank you all. But I am not really interested in fame but rather in your safety. The reason days has shown us that the Worshippers have become more and more desperate for more information about me. Please be cautious they will most likely target you as well." Valoran warns them.

"We will be Valoran." Atticus firmly replies.

Valoran grins, that's because he is amazed at how much more confident Atticus has become.

The bell rings and Professor Asparata enters the class hall to begin the academic day.

"Good Morning my students. Let's get started shall we." Professor Asparata is filled with energy as usual.

The lesson consists of Magic offensive attacks and knowledge on magic as a whole.

After the end of the lesson Professor Asparata has one final news to announce.

"Listen Students. You will soon be taking a practical test. You each will be paired up with another first year student from a different class and will be heading to an adventurer guild to take part in a real quest."

The Students are excited to hear that.

"We will be going on a quest!?"

"Yes. Finally I can demonstrate my magic."

"Do you think we get a cut of the reward?"

"My grandfather was an adventurer. I will honour him."

"Sounds interesting. What do you think of Valoran?" Demonlise asks curiously.

Valoran turns his head to face Demonlise.

"It's a reasonable test. It will demonstrate if the students can handle themselves in a situation where teachers are not able to assist you." Valoran replies.

"Do you think we will be alright?" Selina questions with worry.

Valoran proceeds to calm Selina's worry.

"You will be fine. I doubt you will be on a gold or platinum quest, besides you will not be alone, someone from another class will be with you. Valoran says with calm and ease.

"He's right, Selina. Besides Valoran, Artemsia and Demonlise all trained us well, it will be alright." Merial further reassures Selina's troubled thoughts with a calm voice.

"You're right. Thank you for making me feel less anxious." Selina says with sincerity.

"In 2 weeks you will receive information where to meet and what quest you will be participating in." Professor Asparata explains.

Valoran faces all of his friends.

"Listen well." He says with seriousness in his voice.

Merial, Selina, Biatrix and Atticus pay full attention.

"What is it?" Biatrix questions with a hint of concern.

Valoran responds with: "Be careful. This is a great opportunity for the Worshippers to strike, we are isolated from one another."

"Valoran." Selina calls out his name.

"Don't worry about us" Atticus responds with confidence.

"This is exactly what you trained us for." Merial says with sincerity.

"We are stronger because of you." Biatrix says with gratitude.

Valoran hearing the confidence within them is reassured that they can handle if anything should happen to them besides, he can always sense if they are in danger and assist them if needed.

"I am so proud to hear that from all of you. Your growth is beyond impressive in both abilities and maturity." Valoran complimenting them.

They all face Professor Asparata who finishes the lesson with: "Any questions?"

The students don't have any questions and are counting down the two weeks until they receive the information for the adventurer practical test.

2 Weeks Later

2 weeks have passed in no time and today is the day that the students receive their information about the practical test.

Students are thrilled for their information and can no longer.

"I can't wait…!"

"Oh boy, same here today we receive all the information on our quest!"

"I will try my best"

"I can't wait to use my skills in magic"

The students share among themselves in excitement and thrill.

Valoran and his group are gathered at their usual seats and also discuss certain topics before Professor Asparata arrives.

"It seems everyone is excited about this" Artemsia opens the conversation.

Demonlise is following up with; "Indeed. They are eager to proof themselves during this test"

"So are we. Right guys?" Selina questions with enthusiasm.

"Of course I am!" Biatrix replies just as enthusiastically.

"Yes, me too!" Merial declares with excitement.

"I am also ready to prove myself to you all and to myself." Atticus speaks filled with confidence.

Valoran is proud to see all his friends in such high spirits and enthusiasm for this test but he has something urgent to tell them.

"I am relieved to see you all in enthusiasm for this test. I truly am however, remember what I told you, stay aware of worshippers they can be anywhere hiding in the shadows." Valoran warns them with caution.

"Don't worry about us Valoran, we will be fine." Merial reassuringly mentions.

Valoran is reassured and at that moment professor Asptata enters the room with envelopes in her hands.

"Good Morning Students!" Professor Asparata greets her Students in her usual energetic way.

The Students kindly greet her back.

"Now then" Professor Asparata speaks.

The Students pay her full attention.

"One of these envelopes has your name on it. The content in these envelopes the location of the guild you will be going to, the guild party you will be joining and finally the quest you will be adventuring to" Professor Asparata explains.

After stating all the relevant information she walks around the class hall and hands out the envelopes.

Valoran and the others also receive their envelopes and open them up.

"I am at the dragon guild." Selina shares.

"Sweet. I am at the crown adventurer guild" Merial replies.

"I am at the crimson adventurer guild" Atticus reveals.

"I am at the shadow guild" Demonlise replies.

"I am at the royal guild" Artemsia also shares.

"What guild did you get, Valoran?" Atticus questions.

The others all face Valoran with curiosity in their eyes.

He opens up his envelope and pulls out the letter inside.

Valoran reveals his information to the others. "I am with the…Silver tooth Guild"

After every Student has gained all the information Professor Asparata has a set of instructions that the Students must follow.

"All right students please listen up, I will be giving you a set of instructions that you must obey.

First: Head to the location of your guild to meet your other Student member from the different class and your guild party.

Second: You will do everything the guild leader tells you.

Finally: You are there to participate and to not play the hero. I know you want to prove yourselves but your safety is important and you will receive the opportunity to do so in the future.

As for grading. Once you have completed the quest the guild leader will give you a score out of 10 in regards to: Following instructions, independence, awareness and magical abilities.

Is everything understood?" Professor Asparata questions to ensure everybody understands.

The Students don't have any questions and can't wait to leave to meet up at the guild's.

"All right everyone get going and good luck" Professor Asparata instructs and wishes them all the best.

Valoran and his class make their way outside and see all other year 1 students from class 1B,1C and 1D leaving the academy to meet up at their assigned guild.

Valoran and the others also split up and wish each other the best of luck.

"Good luck to all of you. Remember to stick with the other Student and don't play the hero. Also make sure to look out for threats regarding Worshippers." Valoran states.

"We will." Atticus replies.

They split up and make their way to the assigned guild.

Valoran arrives at the Silver tooth guild where a shy succubus female student is standing outside.

She sees Valoran and approaches him slowly.

"U-Uhm are you also assigned to this guild?" She asks with her squeaky voice.

Valoran replies with: "Yes I am. I guess you are my partner."

She nods slightly.

"As expected from a succubus, she's shy and lacks any confidence. Society is wrong judging someone based on race" Valoran thinks to himself.

"May I ask your name?" Valoran kindly asks.

"I-I am Tiara." She responds.

"Greetings Tiara. My name is-" Valoran gets interrupted.

"The whole school and the capital knows who you are. You are Valoran Silver, you're very kind, at least that's what I can say currently." Tiara says with her squeaky voice.

"Thank you. Shall we head inside the guild?" Valoran asks with a smile.

Tiara nods and follows Valoran inside the guild.

Valoran upon entering the guild sees a familiar individual…