
The Magic Kings War

Gods and their Angel servants have been terrorising the mortal race for millennia ..... Until 4000 years ago the Magic King at the time who could no longer watch the tyranny and suffering caused by Angels and Gods. He gathred the armies of every race And challenged the Gods. He died for the sake of freedom. Now the magic kings throne is empty. The world needs a new Magic King. More powerful than the previous Magic King and even more powerful than the Gods .....

Velocity10 · แฟนตาซี
78 Chs

Worshipper Arc. Chapter 24: A wager

Worshipper Arc: Chapter 24. A Wager.

Valoran has just announced to Jillian and her followers that they are not leaving the training ground.

"You dare to defy me?" Jillian expresses in frustration.

"How dare you stand up against Jillian?"

"She's the queen of this academy."

"You better show the respect our beautiful queen deserves."

"Filthy scum, you're just an exchange student."

Her followers stand up for her insulting Valoran for his rudeness.

Jillian waves her beautiful black long hair. "Calm down my loyal subjects, he's just clueless how things are going here" Jillian says with a smirk.

"Listen here, here the weak serve the strong and the strong serve the strongest, those three you try to defend are just trash ruining the academy's reputation." Jillian points to Sara, Elly and Yuka who stand still hanging there heads in shame.

"From what I see you're the weak one." Valoran response to Jillian.

Jilllian and her followers' eyes open wide in shock.




Her followers yell at Valoran with anger and frustration.

Valoran does not respond and smirks at Jillian and her 6 male followers.

"I wipe that smirk clean off your face." One of the male students charges at Valoran with a sword.

"AHHH!!" He screams charging at Valoran.

Sara, Elly and Yuka look concerned at witnessing the student charge at Valoran.

"WHAT THE?!" The student is frozen in place unable to move.

"On your knees." Valoran's voice echoes, instructing him to comply with the order.

Valoran used the spell Trest (mind domination magic) which forces the opponent to compel to do what the spell caster says.

The student immediately drops on his knees with considerate force.

The other 5 followers are in shock seeing how easy Valoran was able to stop the one student in his tracks.

"I see you just rely on magic to win."

"Yeah that's right…who would you be without your tricks?"

"He would be nothing."

The followers of Jillian say toward Valoran.

Valoran smirks and releases the one student who gets back on his feet.

"If you think that I require magic to defeat you then you are mistaken but…I didn't come here to fight spoiled children but to learn and to share some of my knowledge." Valoran counters.

"You really are an interesting one Valoran Silver however I cannot allow you to disrespect me and my loyal followers." Jillian states.

Jillian orders three of her followers to engage Valoran.

"If you claim to be strong enough to defeat us without magic then prove it right here right now." Jillian challenges.

Valoran sighs.

"Alright then but let's make this a bet." Valoran proposes.

"A bet? How interesting. What are your terms?" Jillian curiously questions.

"If I win the challenge then you need to face off against Sara, Elly and Yuka in 2 weeks, if you win then I will permanently transfer here and serve you." Valoran declares.

Sara, Elly and Yuka quickly raise their heads with haste.

"Wait, we can't fight her." Sara says with worry and fear.

"Trust me you three I know what I'm doing." Valoran responses.

"Haha either way I win…If you win all I need to do is to fight those three losers, and if you lose then I will get another subject to serve me." Jillian says with laughter.

"Alright then. Valoran Silver we have a deal." Jilllian agrees.

"Alright boys attack Valoran Silver." Jillian picks three students to charge toward Valoran.

Valoran borrows Yuka's sword for the fight.

Three male students charge at Valoran with swords in hand.

The three students simultaneously slash toward Valoran, each student performing slashes so fast and precise that the eye can't see. Despite these quick strikes Valoran dodges all of them with ease, this is not just due to Valoran's impressive speed but also his equal agility.

"We can't hit him!" One of the students says with frustration.

"Let's use magic then…after all he isn't allowed to." Another student suggests.

"Good point." The third student agrees.

The students stretch out their arms and cast, exert (explosion magic) three explosions erupt with so much force and power that the ground is shaking even a mile away.

These explosions cause a ginormous amount of dust to swirl around which causes a severe reduction in visibility.

The dust settles and the three are in shock to see Valoran unphased.

"He's unphased…" Two students say in disbelief.

"We can't give up, remember we are fighting for Jillian here. The third student states.

"That's right, we can't give up."

"Let's get him." The other two students agree with determination.

They charge toward Valoran more determined than ever with Jillian the other three male followers, Sara, Elly and Yuka watching, as well as a crowd of students and teachers.

Valoran now instead of dogshing the quick strikes blocks them with Yuka's sword with elegance, skill and precision.

"We can't get past his defense." One of the students points out.

"We just have to keep trying!" The other students yell.

"Alright I had my fun for the day." Valoran says, sounding bored.

Valoran strikes his sword once with such force that the three are pushed back quite a distance.

"What kind of strength does he possess?"

"He for sure isn't just talking."

"Come on, don't start getting all weak." The three Students say to each other.

"Where is he?" One of the students says in panic.

"He was just there a second ago." The other students says in confusion.

"I'm here." Valoran replies and knocks out the three students with his hands.

The three students fall on the ground at the exact same time.

Valoran walks up to Jillian. "Well it looks like I won the bet." Valoran with a smirk on his face points out.

"Indeed you did. I will fight these three in 2 weeks from now." Jillian agrees and then walks away waving her hair while doing so.

The crowd of students and teachers also disperses.

Valoran makes his way to Sara, Yuka and Elly.

Valoran returns the sword to Yuki.

"Thank you for letting me borrow this, it's a great sword." Valoran thanks Yuka.

"Uhm….your welcome" Yuka responds by taking back his sword.

"Not to be rude…" Elly with a shy voice.

Valoran faces her.

"Yes?" Valoran questions.

"Have you perhaps lost your mind? We can't fight Jillian, she's one of the best, she will beat us three combined in less than a minute!" Elly expresses with panic.

"We are at the bottom of the school…the ones who have barely what it takes to be here." Sara hangs her head in shame.

"It doesn't matter. I once knew a great man who had far less magic potential and power than you and he became a silver rank adventurer." Valoran talks about his deceased master Reven.

"A silver rank?" Sara asks in shock.

"No way!" Yuka expresses with amazement.

"How?!" Elly questions.

"It's simple really…he didn't let his little magic power stop him…he trained hard and became a great adventurer and mentor." Valoran reveals.

"Do you think we can be just like him?" Yuka asks with inspiration.

"I see nothing stopping you three." Valoran responds.

"Alright then. I will do whatever you say." Yuka now says with confidence.

"We will too." Sara and Elly say with energy.

At that moment the practical lesson is over and the students head back to class.

Valoran, Sara, Yuka and Elly arrive in class and take their seats at the top row.

Professor Inaka arrives and begins the final lecture for the day.

"For this lecture we will look at magic so strong that it can affect the sub-atomic structures of everything, reaching from the smallest grain of sand to a star." Professor Inaka announces.

"Wow… I can't wait to see it."

"Yeah for real this sounds hella strong."

"Sounds difficult tho."

"Nah it's nothing for me."

The students say to each other eagerly waiting to learn this technique.

"As you know taslan (creation magic) involves the creation of anything from nothing. Most of you know this already and can use it quite well however, truly advanced mages have the ability to not just create a cheap copy of a object let's say a sword that breaks easily due to being less dense in molecular structure, but have the ability to perfectly create and sub-atomic structure of a sword made out of steel for example and even manipulate the sub-atomic in such a way to enhance the molecular destiny making the sword much more durable. The only mages being able to use creation magic on this level are the magic nobles." Professor Inaka lectures.


"This sounds incredible."

"Those magic nobles rule."

"I hope I can get a private lesson from them."

"Ha you would be dead before ever meeting one."

Students say with amazement.

"Listen class…there is also the complete opposite of that and it's called subatomic deconstruction, this is as you might have guessed the complete opposite of taslan (creation magic) and the actual topic of this lecture, this skill allows the user to rip subatomic particles apart, let's use the sword from earlier as an example, if someone were to rip the subatomic of this sword apart then the sword itself would fall apart since it's molecular integrity would be destroyed, however in theory this can be taken to such a level that the subatomic particles themselves would be destroyed leaving quite literally nothing behind." Professor Inaka lectures the class.

"Wow this sounds dangerous."

"Yeah I agree dude…imagine holding that kind of power."

"It would be scary to face someone off with that kind of power."

"Hey do you guys think that this Valoran could pull something like this off?" Students begin to question.

Some of the students face Valoran who pays no attention.

"I mean during the magic duel he showed us that he's no beginner."

"I may not like the guy but he is strong."

Students mumble toward each other.

One female student gets up from her seat and begins to walk to Valoran.

"Please sit down, Perla." Professor Inaka kindly instructs.

"No I won't…if this Valoran Silver is as advanced as everyone says then he should prove it right here and now." Perla says with frustration continuing walking up until she reaches Valoran's desk.

She slams her hands on his desk.

"Hey you…Since you came here this morning all I heard was how great you are…how you humiliated us during the games. Now that I see you face to face you're nothing special…if you are really this skilled and gifted in magic then show us." Perla looks out the window and points at something.

"You see that mountain range far off in the distance, how about you use subatomic deconstruction on this mountain range." She says with a smirk crossing her hands and closing her eyes, knowing that Valoran can't possibly do it.

The other students also look out the window.





Students call out in shock.

Perla opens her eyes and looks out the window.

"Wait but how?" Perla asks in confusion.

Everyone then looks toward Valoran who has his eyes closed.

He opens up his eyes.

"Why are you surprised? All I did was what you asked. I erased the mountain range using subatomic deconstruction with a spell called detroze (destruction magic)." Valoran replies with his arms closed.

"No way!" Perla walks closer to the window using her magic eyes to see if Valoran just made the mountain range invisible using magic.

"He didn't conceal it with magic…he really did erase the entire mountain range without even looking or using an incarnation." Perla thinks to herself

"Now then let's continue with the lesson shall we?" Valoran asks Perla with a smirk.