
The Magic Kings War

Gods and their Angel servants have been terrorising the mortal race for millennia ..... Until 4000 years ago the Magic King at the time who could no longer watch the tyranny and suffering caused by Angels and Gods. He gathred the armies of every race And challenged the Gods. He died for the sake of freedom. Now the magic kings throne is empty. The world needs a new Magic King. More powerful than the previous Magic King and even more powerful than the Gods .....

Velocity10 · แฟนตาซี
78 Chs

Worshipper Arc. Chapter 22: Results Day

Worshipper Arc: Chapter 22. Results day.

The next day arrives however this day is special, today is the day the results are being shared to the students.

Valoran, Demonlise, Atticus, Artemsia, Selina, Biatrix and Merial are waiting for Professor Asparata just like the others in the class.

"I'lll get the highest score you see."

"No way…I'll be getting the highest score"

"You probably would be if it wasn't for my outstanding performance during the adventurer exam."

The students mumble to each other eagerly awaiting for the Professor who has the results.

"I sure hope I get a good score." Atticus says with slight worry.

"I'm sure you will." Merial says with a smile trying to cheer up Atticus.

"Thank-you Merial I know you did well…you're so talented" Atticus replies with a smile of his own.

"That's so kind of you." Merial utters.

"Oh boy I sure could use some good results right about now." Biatrix states.

"Well your results thus far haven't been the best but still above average." Selina responds with a giggle.

"Oh be quiet Selina you're just a nerd without your perfect grades in written tests" Biatrix counters with a smirk.

"I'm curious how I did." Artemsia asks herself.

"You're a Goddess, I'm sure you did fine." Demonlise answers.

"That's rich coming from a God." Artemsia responds.

"I'm sure all of you did well." Valoran reassures.

"I'm curious how you performed Valoran." Merial states with curiosity.

"Guess we will find out." Valoran expresses with a smirk.

Moments later Professor Asprata enters the classroom the moment the bell rings.

"Good Morning to you all. Glad to see you are well." Professor Asparata greets her with energy.

"Professor, do you have the results from the adventurer exam?" Students asked with anticipation.

"I sure do." Professor Asprata replies and hangs up a large scroll on the front board, where all the names are displayed and the results they scored." The Students all get up from their seats rushing to the front to find their names.

The results are scored out of 100 points with 1 being the worst and 100 being the best score.

"Yes 65 points!"

"I scored 77 points!"

"Wow, I'm more than happy with my 66 points."

"Wow 81 points. Awesome."

The students share with each other.

Some students however scored below half.

"Only 47 points."

"I only managed 42 points.

"Man…36 points, that's the lowest of the class."

Valoran and the others wait till the other students return to their seats as it is crowded at the moment.

Minutes go by and most students have returned to their seats.

"Alright let's check our scores as well." Valoran gets up followed by the others.

They approach the board and look for their names.

Atticus scored 68 points. "Wow I actually did alright." Atticus says with pride.

"That's awesome Atticus, I knew you could do it." Merial expresses.

"I'm proud of you, Atticus, well done." Valoran compliments.

"Well done indeed." Selina adds on with a smile.

"Thank you Selina and Valoran" Atticus replies with an energetic smile.

Selina scored 77 points.

Biatrix scored 79 points.

"Ha Selina, where's that smug attitude now?" Biatrix says in a smug tone as she scored higher than Selina.

"2 points are minimal but you indeed beat me." Selina confesses.

"Both of you did great." Valoran says with pride.

Demonlise scored 98 points.

"Not bad if Isay so myself." Demonlise expresses with smugness.

"Pfff show off." Biatrix mumbles to herself rolling her eyes.

"Don't get too cocky, I scored the full 100 points." Artemisia replies.

"What?!..." Demonlise says in disbelief.

"Well done Artemsia and Demonlise for those high scores." Valoran compliments.

Now it's only Valoran who hasn't shared his score yet.

"Hmm I guess there must be a mistake Professor" Valoran calls Professor Asparata.

"Nope there is no mistake, that is in fact your score." Professor Asparata grins.

"What's wrong Va-" Demonlise is cut off by looking at Valoran's score.

"How much did he-" Merial and the others are also unable to finish the sentences.

Valoran has scored 110 points which is the highest anyone has ever scored in the History of the academy.

"110 points!!?" The students say in disbelief.

"No way!!" More students say in disbelief.

"Valoran, that's incredible." Selina compliments.

"When we talked to the adventuring Party they insisted that you receive this score." Professor Asparata reveals with pride for Valoran.

"I see. I am truly grateful to them" Valoran says with sincerity.

"Just how good are you?" Merial and Biatrix ask simultaneously.

"Well I surprised myself." Valoran replies and heads for his seat.

Everyone is back in their seats.

Professor Asparata addresses the whole class.

"First of all. I'm so proud of you all, all of you gave it 100% and it can be seen by these phenomenal results, to the ones that scored a bit lower, please raise your heads, all put in the effort and that is what matters to me…it shows me where I can assist you on." Profesor Asparata explains with reassurance.

The Students who scored below 50 are reassured and don't seem to be disappointed anymore due to the Professor's words.

After the speech and lesson Valoran and his group head to the cafeteria.

"Professor Asparata sure is able to motivate anyone." Atticus expresses.

"She is a great teacher after all." Selina replies.

They arrive at the Cafeteria and begin to eat their lunch.

While eating their lunch someone calls out to Valoran.

"Hello Valoran!"

Valoran turns around to see that it's Tiara.

"Good day to you Tiara, did you see your results?" Valoran asks curiously.

"Yes I scored 80 points. I'm so grateful to you." Tiara bows with sincerity.

"That was all you're doing Tiara." Valoran replies.

"I still wanted to thank you for everything you did for me." Tiara expresses with sincerity.

"You are very welcome." Valoran replies.

"Will you join us for lunch?" Artemsia asks Tiara.

"I would but I just came here to buy some dessert from the cafeteria and head back to the library." Tiara states.

"Glad to see you settled in well in the library." Valoran says with slight joy.

Tiara bows her head and leaves.

"Valoran." Merial calls out.

"What is it?" Valoran response.

"What we talked about yesterday…how can we find out who's the one leading the Worshipper you have been informed about, the one who's got all this influence?" Merial curiously questions.

"For now I will play by the puppeteers' strings, but I have a plan to reveal them soon enough. However, I want all of you to be careful and remember all of you are also targets." Valoran warns.

At that moment Valoran name is being called by the Headmaster through the speakers across the academy.

"Valoran Silver, please come to the Headmaster's office immediately."

"Hmmm" Valoran voices.

"What could the Headmaster want with Valoran?" Artemsia asks.

"Maybe to congratulate you on your score?" Demonlise questions with curiosity.

"I guess I will find out." Valoran gets up from his seat.

"I will see you all later." Valoran departs and heads for the Headmaster's office.

On the way Valoran is being surrounded by rather angry students from the second and third year.

"Hey you! What did you do to get a score of 110 points?"

"He probably cheated."

"No way a first year can be this good."

"Spit it out already."

The students say with anger and frustration originating from the jealousy they harbour that Valoran, a first year student, is out performing them constantly.

Valoran pays them no attention and walks by.

"YOU DARE TO IGNORE US!!" The students yell out.

"I have an important meeting with the Headmaster…I don't have the time to spend on insignificant matters such as this." Valoran replies while walking straight forward with his back turned toward them.

One of the students is so enraged that a magic circle is being created by him.

"Hey stop it."

"Don;t you will get in trouble."

"Leave it be.."

The other students try to calm him down.

"OUT OF MY WAY!" He yells and aims the magic circle at him.

The student cast blaze (lighting elemental magic). Blue lighting is shot toward Valoran.

At an instant blue sparks of lightning engulf Valoran.

"That will teach you a lesson to respect your superiors…what the?" The student calls out in confusion.

The lighting sparks turn crimson red.

Red lighting is shot back at the student.

"AHHH!" The student cries in pain.

The other students stay away from the student due to fear of being attacked by Valoran.

"The next time you attack someone, have the courage to do so while facing him eye to eye." Valoran walks away heading for the Headmasters office.

He arrives at the Headmasters office.

He knocks: Knock,Knock,Knock

"Please enter." The Headmaster calls out behind the door.

Valoran opens the door and steps into the room.

"Good day to you Valoran, thank you for coming so quickly." Headmaster Aldon greets with a smile.

"Why did you summon me Headmaster?" Valoran questions walking up to the Headmaster's desk.

"Straight to the point I see." He says with a smile.

"Alright then I will get straight to it then. Valoran, every year we select a Student for an exchange program we perform with the Halivaara second Academy, this is to share knowledge and build a strong relationship with each other." Headmaster Aldon explains.

"Makes sense." Valoran replies.

"Usually we select the best third year from our academy, however based on your great performance during the magic duels in addition with the 110 points you scored during the adventurer's exam demonstrates that you should be the one being sent to the Halivaara second academy." The Headmaster offers.

Valoran thinks about it, stroking his chin in the process.

"This is a great opportunity for you, you being a first year and yet being chosen demonstrates your maturity and just how advanced you are…this way your graduation could perhaps be sped up as well you see." The Headmaster offers.

Valoran is intrigued by it, since the faster he can graduate with high grades the faster he can try to become the next Magic King by being offered to take a seat on the Magic King's thorne.

"Alright I'll do it." Valoran replies.