
The Magic Kings War

Gods and their Angel servants have been terrorising the mortal race for millennia ..... Until 4000 years ago the Magic King at the time who could no longer watch the tyranny and suffering caused by Angels and Gods. He gathred the armies of every race And challenged the Gods. He died for the sake of freedom. Now the magic kings throne is empty. The world needs a new Magic King. More powerful than the previous Magic King and even more powerful than the Gods .....

Velocity10 · แฟนตาซี
78 Chs

Mermaid Arc Chapter 6: The Invitation

Mermaid Arc Chapter 6. The Invitation.

"This is a letter of invitation." Valoran reveals to Demonlise.

"From whom?" Demonlise fairly questions.

"It does not say, it tells me to arrive in the centre of the capital at midnight." Valoran knows that the letter has a malicious origin because golden letters are messages from Gods.

"I will go. No matter what happens I must ensure the safety of the citizens. Failing to defy this invitation would most certainly provoke this God to descend here causing destruction." Valoran explains this to Demonlise who also fully understands that what Valoran is saying is the truth.

"I understand my Lord." Demonlise is the loyal right-hand man who supports the decision.

"Demonlise look after our guests a God of sea is after the queen Limeneria. The letter might be a way to lure me away for this God to strike and take them by force." Valoran is not a fool and understands that Gods are schemers and that this tactic is simple but effective.

"Yes, I will protect them at all costs." Demonlise bows his head with pride to receive and carry out such an important duty for his friend and master.

"Thank you." Valoran feels that he is lucky and is filled with gratitude to have such a good friend and subordinate whom he can rely on when in need.

"Should we tell our guests of the potential danger?" Demonlise is showing concern for the Mermaids.

Valoran thinks for a moment, stroking his chin helping him to focus. "I believe that would be a good idea, not telling them would leave them off guard for something to happen." Valoran does not want to worry about the Mermaids, especially Limenria who have endured eons of years of sorrow from the oppression of this sea God.

"I'll tell them once they are out of the Oasis." Valoran wishes not to interrupt the one moment of happiness that Limenria has.

"Very well." Demonlise also thinks that they should be allowed to enjoy that one moment of happiness.

(30 minutes later)

"How do you feel Milady?" Siestine, Velvia and Limenria have finished soaking in the Oasis.

"I have not felt this great in a long time, the constant pain I had to endure has reduced…I'm sure that further soaking in the oasis would get rid of this curse." Limenria for the first time in centuries does not feel agonising pain. She feels blessed to have met Valoran.

"I am glad to hear that Milady." Siestine smiles but her smile quickly fades and turns into sadness because for all this time she has been the queen's right hand she failed to notice the torture she endured.

"Siestine are you alright?" Velvia, who is picking up on Siestine's sad expression wants to make sure that she is okay.

"I'm-I'm fine." Siestine does not want to trouble others with her troubled thoughts.

Limenria has a feeling about why Siestine is being like this but she chooses not to say anything for the moment.

The three make their way inside the throne room where Valoran and Demonlise are waiting for them.

"How was the Oasis?" Valoran is asking the Mermaids if the Oasis was a great help as he promised.

"The Oasis was more effective than I thought. Thank you for allowing us access to it." Limenria is bowing her head.

Siestine and Velvia follow suit and also bow their heads.

"Please raise your heads, there is no need for you to bow your heads." Valoran wants to establish an alliance with the Mermaid.

The mermaids raise their heads.

Valoran walks to a different room and asks the Mermaids to follow him.

"Please come inside."

Valoran, Demonlise and the Mermaids walk inside a room with a long table with many chairs.

"Please take your seats. I have asked for the chefs to prepare a feast." Valoran has no idea what Mermaids eat so he asked the chefs to prepare multiple dishes ranging from meat to vegetarian offerings.

"Please enjoy your meal." Valoran smiles at them caringly. Valoran needs to inform the Mermaids of the situation about the letter.

The Mermaids are excited to see all this food since they haven't eaten anything since they arrived on land.

"Thank you for the kindness." Limenria is once again feeling great gratitude for Valoran, she understands that Valoran despite his power who could easily enforce anything if he desired to, chooses to respect others even the shunt Mermaids. He is someone trustworthy.

The Mermaids eat the dishes that have been prepared for them.

Valoran cannot delay the news further. "I have something to share." Valoran speaks in a serious tone.

The Mermaids swallow the food in their mouths and face him anxiously.

"What is it?" Limenria can tell that Valoran's news is of the utmost importance and that it most likely involves her and the other Mermaids.

Valoran pulls out the letter from his pocket and hands it over to Limeneria.

"A golden letter?" Velvia has never seen one before.

"A message from the Gods." Siestine has seen letters like these before and knows full well that Gods use these letters to communicate.

"It's asking for you to meet someone at the capital centre today at midnight." Limenria is saying with a worried tone since she has a strong hunch about who that could be.

"That's right and I intend on going." Valoran clarifies his intention.

"I see and the reason you are telling us this information is because you believe that could be a trap to lure you away from the castle to get to me when you aren't here to protect us…" Limenria is correct.

"That's correct. Gods are schemers to ensure your safety. I have instructed Demonlise to protect you. You have my word that he is very capable of doing so." Valoran knows that Limenria and the other Mermaids are not even close to the power they possess on land as they have when in the Sea. That's why he needs Demonlise to ensure their safety.

Demonlise stands up and bows his head at the Mermaids. "Rest assured that as long as I am close by no one will harm you."

Limenria and the others are at ease with Demonlise being able to protect them.

"If it is indeed the High God of Water Remion…what will you do?" Limenria questions with curiosity, she is worried for Valoran because he has made himself a target by being her ally and she feels bad because of it.

Valoran knows fully well that it most likely involves Reimon and her but he is not letting his new friend down to face this threat alone.

"If he has hostile intentions I will defend and take appropriate action." Valoran does not want to start an unnecessary fight and cause danger to the citizens if it can be avoided.

"I see, please be safe." Limenria shows deep concern for Valoran but she also knows that he is more than capable of handling himself.

"Please enjoy this feast. I will worry about Reimon." Valoran does want to frighten the Mermaids further and will carry the burden on his shoulders.

The hours pass by and it is now 10 minutes before midnight.

The castle is quiet butlers and maids have been instructed to go home for their safety in case this is an attack on the Mermaids, elite soldiers have been instructed under the command of Demonlise to report and engage in any suspicious activities.

Valoran, Demonlise, Limenria, Sestine and Velvia are all standing inside the throne room which is the safest room in the castle.

"It's almost time, Demonlise you know what to do." Valoran for the last time is making sure that everyone knows what is going on.

"Yes, I will protect the castle and make sure no harm befalls the Mermaids." Demonlise is very committed to this task to help Valoran.

"Very good. The guards have been informed and will also protect you, Queen Limenria." Valoran is reassuring the troubled Mermaids.

"Now it's time for me to take my leave." Valoran casts irum (teleportation magic)

In an instant, he arrives at the centre of the capital which is a huge open space with an enormous water fountain in the middle with benches for people to sit on surrounding it.

There is only a minute left until midnight. The streets are quiet, and the fountain attracts countless people because of its size and beautiful rainbow effect due to the waterfall and the sun during the day is like a ghost town at this hour.

It's so quiet that even breaths can be heard…

Valoran stands near the fountain, the water falling is the only source of noise.

He watches the fountain for a few moments until the clock strikes midnight.

At the exact moment when midnight strikes a bright beam of light illuminates the fountain and a person descends from the sky.

Slowly this person gets closer to the ground Valoran looks at this person, he has long blue hair with ocean blue eyes wearing blue and gold armour.

The person reaches the ground standing opposite Valoran a few feet away.

"I've been wanting to meet with you, Lord of Magic." The person says with a hint of elegance.

Valoran knows who he is most likely.

"I take it you are Reimon." Valoran guesses that this is the Water God who is after Limenria.