
The Magic Kings War

Gods and their Angel servants have been terrorising the mortal race for millennia ..... Until 4000 years ago the Magic King at the time who could no longer watch the tyranny and suffering caused by Angels and Gods. He gathred the armies of every race And challenged the Gods. He died for the sake of freedom. Now the magic kings throne is empty. The world needs a new Magic King. More powerful than the previous Magic King and even more powerful than the Gods .....

Velocity10 · แฟนตาซี
78 Chs

Magic Duel Arc.Chapter 3:Valoran vs Death God final part

Magic Duel Arc: Chapter 3. Valoran vs A Death God Final Part.

After the deletion beam hit Valoran he vanished.

"HAHAHA. What a fool. Seems like he overestimated himself." - Raizel said.

"... Are you sure that you just underestimate me?... Raizel" - Valoran said, appearing directly behind him.

Raizel then turns around and faces Valoran who is unharmed.

"Impossible. How did you come back? I did not just simply erase you from existence I completely deleted you and your fragment. No type of immortality can withstand that. What are you?" - Raizel says and asks in shock.

Valoran just stands there and smirks at him.

"I am sorry to tell you Raizel deleting me will not be enough to get rid of me" - Valoran says.

"What?" - Raizel asks.

"Enough now. It is now my turn to go on the offensive" - Valoran says.

Valoran creates hundreds of magic circles that surround Raizel.

"What is this?" - Raizel asks.

He then casts blaze (lightning elemental magic) from all these magic circles at the same time.

Hundreds of red and powerful lightning bolts shoot directly toward Raizel.

"AHHHHHH" - Raizel screams in pain.

"How did you wound me? My divine protection can't be breached so easily." - Raizel asks in shock and pain.

"Protection, Resistance and Nullifications do not matter to me. You can have all the divine protection there is. It does not matter, I will destroy it" - Valoran replies.

"Impossible the law states that our powers are absolute and cannot be destroyed" - Raizel says.

"Impossible" does not exist in my vocabulary. I make anything possible. And your laws and other laws that I do not agree with. I will destroy them completely." - Valoran says.

"Now it has been fun but I need to get going now" - Valoran says.

He then lifts up his right arm, opens his hand and a red magic circle appears the size of his hand.

"Prepare to be deleted." - Valoran says.

Raizel then summons hundreds of death spears to stab Valoran with.

"Try to stop this" - Raizel says.

Then hundreds of death spears are directly shot at Valoran at a tremendous speed.

However, Valoran's hell flames vaporize all spears directly on impact.

"No way" - Raizel said.

Valoran then shoots his deletion beam towards Raizel.

Raizel counters this by shooting his deletion beam.

Both beams meet directly in the middle creating a huge explosion.

After the blast, both beams are still aimed at each other.

"I will not be defeated" - Raizel says, putting all his effort into the attack while struggling.

However, Valoran did not struggle whatsoever.

"This is it? I am barely trying. And this is all you got?" - Valoran says.

Valoran then overpowers Raizel's beam and eventually deletes him completely.

"NO. NOOOO. AHHHH!" - Raizel says while being deleted.

"You may have defeated me. Mark my words. I was one of the less powerful ones. Other Gods, much more powerful than I was, will sense my death and come looking for you" - Raizel says to Valoran.

"I will be ready when that happens" - Valoran replies.

With that the supreme deity of death. The death of God Raizel has been defeated.

Valoran then proceeds to absorb the fragment left behind.

He then absorbed the fragment which belonged to Raizel. This granted Valoran all the knowledge and experiences from him, as well as further death and life manipulation abilities and the ability to summon the death spears. Finally, much more power which Valoran can tap into but mainly uses to further suppress and to gain more control of his power.

"Now he is out of my way. I can follow the trail created by Elana's fragment, it's time to finally heal her" - Valoran says.

He then follows the trail which will lead him to the other half of the fragment.

During Valoran following the trail, he encounters many death angels.

These beings, however, pose no threat to Valoran who easily kills them and absorbs all their fragments which grant him more knowledge, experience and power.

He eventually finds Elana's second half of the fragment.

"This must be it. Let's see if it is" - Valoran says.

Both fragments are being drawn to each other like magnets and eventually become one whole fragment again.

"Great, now I can fix the crack(leak)" - Valoran says.

Valoran then repairs the crack and then opens a portal which leads back to the mortal realm.

Once he arrives Valoran lifts the time stop with a snap of his fingers.

As soon as the spell is lifted.

Everyone and everything goes back to normal.

"Your back?" - Atticus says to Valoran.

"I am." - Valoran replied.

"How did it go?." - Atticus asks in anticipation.

Valoran then shows Elana's whole fragment.

"It worked."-Valoran says with a little smile.

Valoran walks to Elana's bedside and puts her fragment inside her body.

"I will now put the fragment back into her body.

After Valoran placed the fragment inside her body Atticus asks:

"Is it done?"

"All that is left to do is to add a little magic to jump-start her fragment" - Valoran says.

Valoran then places his hand above Elana and adds a little magic power inside her fragment and body.

And then... Elana opens her eyes.

Atticus is amazed at what he sees and could not believe what is happening right in front of him.

"Elana.... Are you truly awake?" - Atticus asks.

She looks over to Atticus.

"Atticus is that you?"

"Yes it is" - Atticus replies.

Atticus began to shed tears of joy and hugged his sister.

"You are finally up. Ohh I can't believe it" - Atticus says in joy.

"I am little brother" - Elana replies.

She then sits up and notices Valoran standing behind Atticus.

"Who are you?" - Elana asks.

"My name is Valoran Silver. I am your brother's classmate."- He replies.

"He healed you. Which I cannot thank him enough for" - Atticus says.

She tries to stand up but her legs are weak because she was in a coma for so long.

"I can't feel my legs." - Elana says.

"That is because you have not used your legs for a long time. Your leg muscles have become weak" - Valoran says.

Valoran then casts Vita (healing magic) and restores Elana's full physical strength.

"I believe now you should be able to stand again" - Valoran says.

Elana then stands up and begins to walk and thanks Valoran for his help.

"Thank you so much for healing me." - Elana says while bowing her head.

"You're welcome. I think you should let your parents know that your sister is awake" - Valoran says to Atticus.

"I better get going, it's getting late and mom will start to worry. I'll see you tomorrow in class" - Valoran says to Atticus.

"Alright. I cannot thank you enough Valoran for what you have done." - Atticus says to Valoran.

With that Valoran casts irum (teleportation magic) and teleports himself home.

He opens the door.

"I am home."

His mother Aelina and Artemsia are preparing dinner.

"How was school today" - Aelina asks with a bright smile.

"It was great" - Valoran replies.

"Artemsia may I speak with you please?" - Valoran asks.

"Sure" - Artemsia replies.

They both leave the house and take a walk outside.

"What do you want to talk about?" - Artemsia asks curiously.

"I killed my first God today and absorbed his fragment" - Valoran says.

"I see. Which god" - Artemesia asks.

"A Death God his name was Raizel" - Valoran replies.

"I met him a couple of times. Not the most polite god" - Artemsia replies.

"However no god has been slain since the war with the titans has ended. They will be looking for you, the Gods I mean" - Artemsia says.

"I know. However, the Gods have a fatal flaw....they underestimate the mortal realm. They would never suspect anyone from this realm being able to kill a god" - Valoran says.

"Nevertheless. They will be more cautious now" - Artemsia says.

In the divine realm.

Many Gods have gathered.

One of the Gods starts to speak. It's the war god Daimos. The most powerful and king of the Gods.


The other Gods are in shock to hear that a God was slain.

"What a god. Dead?" "This cannot be true" - Other Gods are saying to each other.

Back in the mortal realm.

It is the next morning.

Valoran is walking to his seat.

He greets his teammates.

"Hey. Morning" - Valoran says.

"Morning" Aelina, Biatrix and Atticus replied.

"How is your sister doing?" - Valoran asks Atticus.

"Great. She is already home with us. Thanks to you." - Atticus says.

"I am glad to hear that" - Valoran says.

Then Professor Asparata opens the door.

She looks anxious and she looks tired and a little beaten...

"What happened to her?" - Valoran asks himself.